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탄약 되감기

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이 무기의 탄창이 비면 적중 횟수에 기반하여 예비 탄약으로 탄창을 보충합니다.

Community Research

Upon emptying the Magazine:
Refills 60% of the number of Hits landed (rounded up) into the Magazine from reserves.

Hits are counted from either your last reload or the last time the perk was triggered. Does not require Direct Hits.

Requires firing 28.75% of the Magazine Capacity for the refill to activate.

Cannot load the Magazine beyond its base capacity.

Hits after triggering a refill do not count while the Rewind Rounds buff is active (1? second).

Adaptive Burst Linear Fusion Rifle behavior:
• Each individual bolt in the burst counts as a Hit
• Refill amount is uniquely 14% of the number of Hits rounded up (numbers are subject to change once we get more data points)
Last Updated 2024-07-29
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