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무적의 두개골 요새

경이 / 타이탄 / 헬멧 / Helmet

브레인볼트 시그마 악티움 IX 뇌신경 드레드노트(불굴형)

출처: 매우 희귀한 월드 전리품인 경이 엔그램.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
An Insurmountable Skullfort
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

수혈 매트릭스

수혈 매트릭스

전기 근접 공격으로 결정타 기록 시 생명력 재생 효과가 발동하고 근접 에너지를 완전히 회복합니다. 근접 공격 적중 시 전기 근접 공격 에너지가 부여됩니다.

Community Research

Powered Arc Melee Kills refund a Melee Ability Charge and start Health Regeneration.

Melee Hits grant Melee ability energy:
• ?++%: Powered Melee Hits
• ?+%: Melee Hits with Knockout active
• ?%: Unpowered Melee and Glaive Melee Hits

Clarity tooltip editor's note: We're replacing the previous Powered Melee term with Elemental Melee. The former is now exclusively used for perks that require the consumption of a Melee Ability Charge. This note is temporary and will be removed in the future.
Last Updated 2025-02-04

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무적의 두개골 요새

브레인볼트 시그마 악티움 IX 뇌신경 드레드노트(불굴형)

안녕하세요. 실시간 전투 훈련을 원하신다고 들었습니다.

이 물건은 브레인볼트 시그마 악티움 X 뇌신경 드레드노트(불굴형)입니다. 이게 있으면 고객님의 두개골이 강력한 성채가 됩니다. 박치기로 뭐든 부술 수 있죠. 아, 물론 충격으로 척추가 부러지지 않는다는 전제 하에요. 긴장하지 마세요. 빛이 다 해결해 드리니까요. 이제 손으로 눈을 대신할 수 있습니다. 주변을 한 번 둘러보세요. 근접전이 편안하게 느껴지시죠? 이제 빛이 적을 끌어들이면 그들을 편안하게 보내주세요. 케어그레이버 감마 라이샌더 IV 체력 강화제(최전방형)의 효과가 느껴질 겁니다. 적에게는 두개골 요새가 없어요. 적의 두개골이 들판이라고 생각하시고 자유롭게 뛰노세요. 꽃도 따세요. 동전기 충격을 사용하면 됩니다. 향기도 맡아 보시고요. 할 만하죠?

두개골 요새가 있으면 안심이죠.

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Season 23 Icon
I feel like this Exotic would be way more popular if its description were more accurate - "restore melee energy" doesn't mean it just refunds *some* of your melee ability, it means that it fully refunds it. Yes, that's right, this Exotic gives you a FULL REFUND for any of the three Striker melee abilities if you get just a single kill with them. That they also immediately start your shield recharge is just icing on the cake.

Immediately Skullfort will give your poor Striker way more survivability - something they arguably have the least of out of the Titan subclasses - in a Minor-rich environment, but I think the most fun way to use this thing is with Thunderclap. Even an uncharged Thunderclap will disintegrate Minors unless they're an especially large enemy, like an Ogre or Servitor, and of course, you can charge it up to kill even Majors of these enemy types. Remember, ONE kill will instantly refund the ability's energy for immediate reuse; a Skullfort Striker with Thunderclap is possibly one of the strongest forms of add-clear in the game, and arguably is for Titans in low-level content specifically.

And, of course, you generate a lot of Orbs this way. Lots of Orbs means lots of Armor Charge for anything you want, *and* very quick Super charges. Want to Thundercrash, like, a *lot* in Onslaught, Strikes, seasonal activities, maybe more? Use Skullfort and spec into it - you WILL be surprised by how often you get your Super back, and thankful for the sake of game-balance you can't also wear Curiass of the Falling Star alongside it.

In PvP, it's... okay. If you're one of those buttheads who not only really likes tackling people as a Titan in PvP, but is actually really good at knowing when to do it, 1) I love you, you are seen, and 2) it's quite good. Seismic Strike's uptime is elevated several measures, to the chagrin of your enemies I'm sure, *and* you'll heal after the kill.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Probably one of the, if not THE best Titan Exotic one can obtain, refilling your entire Melee Bar with 1 (yes you heard me, ONE!) kill, so bring Code of the Missile and let loose, and since Ballistic Slam also gives super energy on kills, it can serve as a generator, the Health Regen is both extremely generous and welcome, allowing you to carry out said attacks in safety, only downside is if you miss you have to wait it out to recharge, but hey, Monte Carlo exists for a reason after all....
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
May not seem like the most obvious choice, but use it with bottom tree. Your melee ability increases damage by 25% for 15 seconds and reloads your weapon. Combine it with xenophage to slaughter solo content and strikes.
PvP: same thing. Pair it with a shotgun for easy melee kills, get insane pellet kills at slug range or 2 tap with a 120 hc. Only a 20% buff in pvp, but still great.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Skullfort and Seismic Strike give you an always-available panic button for being overwhelmed by ads (provided you can sprint to activate the shoulder charge); anything that doesn't evaporate gets blinded, giving you time to recuperate even if the health restore doesn't proc.

Pair with the Hands-On arc mod (bonus super energy on melee kills) and recharge Thundercrash in 2 minutes with 0 Intellect.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Infinite thunderclap, everyone dies. My go to exotic helm for 99% of my builds.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Thunderclap + Skullfort + Ashes to Asset + Heavy Handed = GOD.
"*insert your name* generated 1 orb of power"
"*insert your name* generated 1 orb of power"
"*insert your name* generated 1 orb of power"
"*insert your name* generated 1 orb of power"
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
This badass Daft punk looking helmet pairs perfectly with thunderclap.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Its a monster with bottom tree
pvp its okay for
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Fantastic exotic even after arc 3.0, this thing got no nerfs and titan even got a brand new melee that is fantastic with this. I never bothered using melees during season of plunder because storm grenades were way too good, but after the nerfs to SG and removal of some key grenade seasonal mods I tried this out and was pleasantly surprised. Now that a lot of the melee memes from arc 2.0 are gone I think it probably performs worse in PVP than it used to, but in PVE it's pretty top-tier if you're running arc.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Middle tree striker. infinite yeet.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Aint nobody usin this for gms
Reply      Report Posted a year ago