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축적 작용

일반 / Enhanced Trait

원소 결정체를 수집하거나 초월 타래를 던지면 피해 증가 초기 시간과 중첩 시간이 더욱 늘어납니다.

원소 결정체에는 불의 요정, 공허 파열, 시공 파편, 이온의 흔적, 초월 타래가 포함됩니다.

Community Research

Elemental Pickup Interactions grant 20% [PVP: 10%] increased damage for 🡅 8 seconds. Can be activated while stowed.

Additional Pickup Interactions extend the duration by 7 seconds up to the maximum of 12 seconds.

Elemental Pickup Interactions:
• Throwing Tangles (or Elemental Orbs)
• Collecting Firesprites, Ionic Traces, Stasis Shards, or Void Breaches

Does not trigger with Stasis Shards generated from Facet of Awakening or Facet of Command.

🡅 Initial buff duration is increased by 1 second.
Last Updated 2023-05-24
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