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방산충 운반자

기본 / Origin Trait

빠른 결정타를 기록하면 대상이 폭발하고 방산충 체액 웅덩이가 생성됩니다.

Community Research

Scoring multiple Weapon Kills within 8 seconds of each causes your last-killed target to explode and create a Radiolaria Pool at their location. Stowing the weapon resets the Kill Counter.

Explosion deals up to 67.5 [PVP: ?] damage in a 3? meter radius.

Radiolaria Pool information:
• Deals 15 [PVP: ?] Arc damage every 0.65 seconds
• Lasts for ? seconds (3? damage ticks)
• Inherits the weapon's Combatant Damage Scaling and any weapon damage buffs

Activation Progress based on Enemy Rank :
Minors: 34% | Elites and higher: 100% | Players: ?%
Last Updated 2024-09-28
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