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잃어버린 대의의 수호자

전설 / 물리 무기 / Scout Rifle

옆면에 거칠게 글자가 새겨져 있습니다. "추모하며."

출처: 에피소드: 메아리
These do something now! Give it a try


경량 프레임

경량 프레임

조작성이 탁월합니다. 이 무기를 장착하면 이동 속도가 빨라집니다.


Damage Falloff  
재장전 속도
Reload Time  
조준 지원
소지품 크기
공중 효율
반동 방향
분당 발사 수 200
탄창 15
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
Some of this item's random perks have been retired in its current version. Show Retired Perks
Show Enhanced Perks

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
신속 발사
+ 폭발 탄약
14.75% of Rolls
삼중 사격
+ 폭발 탄약
10.02% of Rolls
삼중 사격
+ 물리 진동
9.74% of Rolls
신속 발사
+ 물리 진동
4.78% of Rolls
모두를 위한 능력치
+ 물리 진동
4.7% of Rolls
삼중 사격
+ 정밀 도구
4.56% of Rolls
+ 물리 진동
4.51% of Rolls
+ 물리 진동
4.3% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 90.2K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 21.7%
  • 15.8%
  • 15.0%
  • 12.3%
  • 10.6%
  • 7.4%
  • 7.3%
  • 5.9%
  • 3.5%
  • 27.6%
  • 20.9%
  • 18.1%
  • 10.4%
  • 10.1%
  • 8.3%
  • 4.3%
  • 29.4%
  • 29.0%
  • 12.4%
  • 12.1%
  • 9.3%
  • 7.4%
  • 34.7%
  • 30.7%
  • 13.0%
  • 9.7%
  • 6.1%
  • 5.4%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 90.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 90.8K+ copies, 6.0K+ (6.7%) were fully masterworked.
26.6% of Rolls
25.4% of Rolls
재장전 속도
24.1% of Rolls
23.8% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 39.4K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
예비 탄창
39.4% of Rolls
상쇄 개머리판
21.1% of Rolls
8.8% of Rolls
완전 자동 개량
6.9% of Rolls
조준 조정기
6.3% of Rolls
중화기 탄약 탐지 강화
4.0% of Rolls
특수 화기 탄약 탐지 강화
2.4% of Rolls
2.1% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

Learn More

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

Related Collectible


잃어버린 대의의 수호자

옆면에 거칠게 글자가 새겨져 있습니다. "추모하며."

내 이름은 세인트-14.

대변자는 우리 아버지였습니다. 수호자들에게는 진정한 아버지가 없습니다. 진정한 가족이 없다는 것이 맞을지도 모르겠군요. 우리는 고스트 외에는 아무도 없는 상태로 태어나고, 어디론가 가기 위한 길을 찾습니다. 저는 운이 좋게도, 가족에게로 가는 길을 찾았습니다. 제가 직접 선택한 가족이죠.

제가 대변자에게 끌린 것은, 그분이 이 도시에 대해 품고 있었던 이상 때문이었습니다. 그분 덕분에 우리는 싸우기 위해 싸우는 것이 아니라, 사람들을 위해 싸우는 것임을 이해했습니다. 그분은 제게 우리가 무기를 내려놓게 되는 날을 상상하라며, 그날을 맞이하는 것이 역사상 최고의 승리일 것이라 가르치셨습니다. 저는 평생 그 날을 위하여 살아 왔습니다.

대변자는 이 도시의 지도자였습니다. 도시가 생길 때에 이곳에 있었으며, 회의를 설립하는 데 힘을 보탰지요. 무엇보다도 그분은 사람들이 알아보고 믿을 수 있는 인물이었습니다. 그분 덕분에, 저도 그리 되기를 소망합니다. 사람들로 하여금 안전하다는, 든든하다는 생각이 들게 하는 낯이 익은 얼굴이 되길.

대변자의 마지막 순간에 우리가 그곳에 있지 않았다는 것은 내게, 그리고 우리 모두에게 고통스러운 사실입니다. 수호자들은 오래 사는 만큼, 죽어 가는 사람들을 많이 보게 됩니다. 우리의 봉사로 인해, 모두가 평화로운 죽음을 맞을 수 있기를 바랄 뿐입니다. 그나마 우리는 대변자가 용감하게 죽었다는 사실은 알고 있습니다. 우리는 그분이 도시와 사람들과 함께, 여행자를 가슴에 품고 죽었다는 것을 압니다. 그분의 마지막 순간이 이 도시의 신념을 되새겨 주는 증거였습니다. 역경에 맞서 용기를 내고, 우리를 해치려는 자를 마주하고도 원칙을 지키는 것.

잃어버린 것은 되찾을 수 없습니다. 대변자의 자리에는 언제까지나 공허가 남을 겁니다. 그 자리를 채우는 것은 불가능합니다.

하지만 저는 언젠가 그분의 일을 계속할 사람을 찾기를 희망합니다.

아버지, 보고 싶을 겁니다. 전 두 번째 기회를 받았고, 당신이 내게서 보았던 그 이상을 실천하기 위해 그 기회를 쓰겠습니다. 당신을 실망시키지 않겠습니다


—대변자의 추도식에서, 최후의 도시 대변자를 위한 세인트-14의 추도사

Add Review

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Season 24 Icon
And here I thought getting the Dawn guns back was a Lost Cause... but here you are again, my friend.

Patron of Lost Causes, like a lot of the Season of the Dawn weapons, is a banger. The classic roll of Rapid Hit Explosive Payload has returned to ruin the days of both the enemies of humanity and that Crucible guy who REALLY hates flinch. But Patron now has many more viable options for its Cause. Stats for All offers a longer lasting buff that is easy to proc using either Explosive Payload or the absurdly strong Kinetic Tremors, which many will opt for as a dual-purpose damage and ad clear perk. Strategist is here for Class ability spammers; To The Pain as an alternate PvP option that works like a semi-permanent Eye of the Storm; Precision Instrument, Focused Fury, and Vorpal Weapon are here for those who want straight damage; and Osmosis is here for those who desire non-Kinetic synergies.

All-in-all, Patron is looking to Cause just as much damage as it did back in the day, backed by a new Origin Trait that can overflow the magazine via Echoes artifact. Grab yourself a roll of this Lightweight scout rifle and go Patronise some Vex.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
One of the best felling Scouts is back.

In Episode 1 Echoes the ENIGMA PROTOCOL activity upon completion, the first 3 weapon rewards from chests comes with double perks (can be enhanced). Not farmable, just 3 per week per acount.

The combo with double perks should be
PVE: rapidhit/tripletap + Explosive/tremors, strategist in the mix can be interesting too
PVP: rapidhit + Precision instrument
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Rapid hit and EP is likely the best option for PvP, you have a laser that can also deal massive flinch.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 24 Icon
It's a good weapon, consistent cadence and damage and great for cleaning
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 26 Icon
Please note that I primarily comment on rolls I've tried. More and more reviews are becoming theoretical, which works with the principle of transference: using experience gleaned from somewhere else for the situation at hand. However, I prefer to review in a vacuum, and only compare to other weapons of the same class to justify ratings.

PvP: TTP + EP -- To The Pain is nearly-always active, boosting the feel of this weapon, while Explosive Payload is persistently nasty, supplementing the weapon's capability of downing the target on a per-shot basis. Cannot go wrong with having EP boosted by a nice support perk like TTP.

PvE: SFA + KT -- Stats For All; and Kin Trem are a unique combo, in that users will not find them on other scouts. Heck, last episode (I know, I am late), it was COMPLETELY unique in that this weapon was the only weapon -- let alone the only kinetic primary -- that had this combo at all according to the current state of the API, which is buggy. In Episode Revenant these perks can be crafted together on Sacred Provenance from the newly-minted deepsight resonant weapon set dropped from Garden of Salvation raid. It's not the combo to end all other combos, but it's good; Kinetic Tremors is my go-to pick here out of the fourth-column perks anyway. Managing vault space is a problem, so players would benefit from pursuing rolls that are both as unique as possible AND nifty in their overall utility performance.

Triple Tap + Precis Ins. makes for a decent monster of a primary, even on lightweights, which were buffed in Act 3 of Episode Revenant, btw.

Editing posts with this website's tool is kind of awful: every now and then it'll replace apostrophes and other symbols with a smorgasbord of more symbols once the "edit" button is clicked, thereby necessitating that editors do more work than they originally intended to do. More users should lodge complaints about that.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Has anyone gotten rapid hit kinetic tremors? That's the roll I want and the game refuses to drop it, aside from that awesome scout, works great on either side of pvp or pve.
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I wasn't going to write a review for this, until I saw it rated at 5 stars. I have multiple rolls with the combinations of rapidhit/tripletap with Explosive/Kinetic Tremors.
The weapon feels alright, but even in low end content I have a lot of more effective weapons. Really struggles with anything shielded.
I would summarise the experience as disappointing. The seasonal artifact doesn't even make much of a different.
Being a lightweight frame , I suppose your movement speed is faster. But if that's what you're chasing, pull out your Mida MultiTool for a way better experience (especially handling and aim assist)
My crafted Imperative is way more useful than this junky scout.
The only unique thing I can find is the osmosis perk, but would you swap Explosive Payload or Kenetic Tremors for that??
Is it just nostalgia that people are into with this?
Maybe this thing is a PVP weapon in disguise?
Anyway I am wishing I had never wasted time chasing this weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago