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Community Research

Glaive Projectile Kills grant 30% increased Glaive Melee damage for 🡅 11 seconds.

Dealing Projectile or Melee damage extends the buff duration by 5 seconds, up to 🡅 11 seconds.

🡅 Buff Duration is increased by 1 second.
Last Updated 2023-02-07
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Season 19 Icon
it is one of the best glaive perks, the way it works synergises well with most glaive playstyles and and doesn't take much extra thought to use, easily on par with the likes of surrounded and swashbuckler

numbers from my testing;
it grants a 30% damage buff to the glaive melee for 10seconds, after a ranged kill, any melee hits will reset the duration of the perk, where as ranged attacks only add about +4 seconds

it aslo stacks with radiant upping the damage buff to 2.4x, and with it being a solar glaive its rather easy to maintain radiant with ember of empyrean

all stuff was tested int he EDZ lost sectors, widows walk and atrium with a consistent 1586 power level if you want the raw numbers i have written them down but this review is long as hell
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago