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갱생 손아귀

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Exotic Perks

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황혼장 수류탄의 효과 반경이 크게 증가합니다. 황혼장 내의 아군은 서리 방어구를 획득하고, 해당 지역 내의 대상은 공격력이 감소합니다.

Community Research

Increases Duskfield Grenade radius by 25% and spawns a Medium Stasis Crystal in its center.

Enemies inside a Duskfield Grenade's Slowing Field deal 50% [PVP: 20%] decreased damage.

You and allies immediately receive 1 Stack of Frost Armor upon entering the Slowing Field and receive additional Stacks for every 0.5 seconds they stay in the field.

When combined with the Touch of Winter aspect:
• Increases Crystal size from Medium to Large
• Radius increase stacks additively for a total of 75%
Last Updated 2025-02-04

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갱생 손아귀

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"유감스럽게도, 벡스의 공격에 락슈미가 살해당했네…"

아이코라의 말이 요란한 종소리처럼 머리를 울렸다. 에이다-1은 잠시 비틀거리며 뒤꿈치에 체중을 실었다. 그녀는 락슈미-2를 그리 좋아하지 않았다. 오히려 그녀를 참아내야 했다고 하는 편이 더 어울렸을 것이다. 하지만 그녀의 동료 엑소는 아주 흥미로운 새 계획을 함께할 파트너였다. 락슈미가 죽었으니, 이제 요새 프로젝트 역시 죽은 것이나 마찬가지였다.

어떤 공격에도 도시의 지도자들을 보호할 수 있는 벙커는 이제 흐릿한 기억일 뿐이었다. 요새 프로젝트의 규모는 에이다가 관여한 것보다 훨씬 컸다. 사실 그녀는 락슈미의 설득으로 이 일에 관심을 두게 되었다. 처음 락슈미가 벙커의 필요성에 대해 이야기 했을 때, 그것들은 모두 일리가 있는 말이었다. 도시는 지도자들 없이 살아남을 수 없었다. 하지만 에이다는 그 공격을 유발할 자가 락슈미일 것이라고는 전혀 예상하지 못했다.

에이다-1은 이용당했던 것이었다. 그 사실에 분하기도 했지만, 그 애써 준비하던 계획이 또 하나 붕괴되고 말았다는 사실을 받아들이려니 입맛이 무척이나 썼다. 그녀는 위대한 성취를 이룩할 사람이 아니었던가?

손의 서보에서 윙윙거리는 소리가 들렸다. 어느새 자기도 모르게 주먹을 움켜쥐고 있었다. 그럴 생각은 없었지만… 사실 지금의 어떤 것도 그녀의 생각은 아니었다. 매일 살아가는 하루하루가, 그녀가 이룩하는 모든 혁신이, 그저 막을 수 없는 해일에 휩쓸려 사라져 갈 모래성의 모래알 하나에 불과했다.

그녀는 이 행성계와 그 안의 사람들을 지켜내기 위해 오랫동안 애써 왔지만, 지금 남아 있는 결과물은 잘난 물렛가락 하나뿐이었다.

그래도 상관없었다. 그녀는 하루하루를 살아가는 데 집중했고, 이제 지푸라기로 황금도 뽑아낼 수 있게 되었다. 그녀는 그녀가 디자인한 새로운 건틀릿의 어깨 부위 선을 손가락으로 따라갔다. 완성된 모습을 보니 기분이 좋았다. 그게 이 행성계를 구원해 주지는 못하겠지만, 검은 무기고의 본질을 충분히 보여줄 수는 있었다. 가끔은 그녀에게도 그런 것이 필요했다.

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Season 21 Icon
Absolutely do not overlook this thing for Stasis builds. This thing is an absolute game changer. Stack this with 100 Discipline, Whisper of Shards and double Grenade Kickstart and you can have about as much crowd control as with Fr0st-EE5, while also having the benefit of reduced damage taken while in the Duskfield or reduced enemy damage if they are in it. Most of all, THIS STACKS WITH TOUCH OF WINTER (makes the crystal in the center one of those from Glacier Grenade)! I genuinely would not be surprised if this is used for endgame bosses to reduce the damage those deal, if that also counts.

Edit: As of the 3-3-2022 hotfix, the effects of the exotic (reduced damage taken by allies and reduced damage dealt by enemies) now have the same duration as the Duskfield uptime. This means that the resist given to allies now lasts 10 seconds instead of 5. I doubt I am taking these off anytime soon.

Edit 2: With the Season 22 Exotic changes, Renewal Grasps has it's cooldown reverted and being back to normal. It's a massive buff for sure, but it's unfortunately a bit too late. Renewal Grasps's whole strength is giving damage resistance to yourself and letting enemies deal less damage when in a Duskfield. Thing is, Woven Mail and Sever on Strand completely overshadow this without any positional limitations. If you ever feel like you want to play Stasis but still feel remnants of Strand, this'll be your play.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Nah it’s gonna be really strong. And next season will probably have lots of Stasis artifact mods.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Turns out there are no Stasis artifact mods lmao. Still though, the thing will still be powerful, it's mainly that there's a better option with Strand.

Although, those can be combined. Grabbing the Navigator gives a nutty combination.
-Enemy damage reduced due to Sever and them standing inside the Duskfield with Renewals
-Own damage resistance increased due to Woven Mail and yourself standing inside the Duskfield with Renewals

I really wonder what a stupid amount of DR this can be
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 16 Icon
Don't know how long this is gonna be left alone for, but if you have this, build around it. NOW. It's nuts in PvE and PvP. The build I run is as follows: Mods - Ashes to Assets, Double Grenade Kickstart, Melee Damage Resistance, Double Bomber; Stats - Max Discipline; Aspects - Grim Harvest, Touch of Winter; Fragments - Rime, Durance, Chains, Fissures, Shards. There you go. This is truly broken. Duskfield has infinite uptime. Overshield from Rime just adds to survivability. Chains adds to resist. Fissures for even more CC. Yeah, it's good. Pair with your favorite close range weapons in PvP and you win every 1v1. Control team-fights with your Duskfield and shut down any shotgun apes that try to mess with you. Use offensively to dive enemy lines and wreak havoc. Anyone in the Duskfield is a free kill. That's it. Have fun. :)

Edit: Traveler's Chosen. That's all.

Edit 2: Elemental Wells :)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
A literal dogsh1t exotic after the nerf . The cooldown nerf was WAY TOO MUCH . Good job Bungie , this is literally the only exotic build for Stasis Hunter on PvE it got ruined because of a bunch PvP crybabies . Watch Bungo , this gonna be another case of un-used exotic that will rot in the vault because you nerfed it and in a few years , suddenly you will buff it again since nobody bothered using it both in PvE and PvP , just like Xenophage . What was the idea behind the nerf anyway ? Did you guys just went like “yeah let’s make this exotic that is way too strong in PvP , borderline useless , irrelevant and straight up kill this exotic in PvE because why not ?”
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Look how they massacred my boy
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Usless after nerf, put it into vault. Now it need buff for PVE
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Pretty meh for pvp after the nerf, however when pared with something like lament it can literally tank lightblade in pve.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
This exotic is still bad in pvp because of the longer cooldown, but to say it is bad in pve is wrong. We got so many stuff like demolitionist, elemental wells, charged with light, and other mods that have an easier time activating in pve that helps us get our grenade back faster. By no means is this exotic a must use for stasis hunter and their are probably better exotics to use, but if built correctly you can have your grenade up almost all the time and be really tanky.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
It’s back and I will be maining it next season!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Worse than a Purple in PvE since nerf tbh. Allowed for survival/support plays before, now it kills your grenade uptime for some damage reduction.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago