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고독한 늑대

일반 / Enhanced Trait

조준 보정, 조준 속도, 공중 효율이 개선됩니다. 주변에 아군이 없는 경우 효과가 증가합니다.

Community Research

Passively grants 🡅 11 Aim Assist, 🡅 12 Airborne Effectiveness, and a 🡅 0.85x ADS Duration Multiplier.

Stat bonuses are doubled and the ADS Duration Multiplier is decreased to 🡅 0.75x while no allies are within 15 meters.

🡅 Aim Assist bonus is increased by 1 (2 with no nearby allies), Airborne Effectiveness bonus is increased by 2 (4 with no nearby allies), and the ADS Duration Multiplier in both cases is decreased by 0.05.
Last Updated 2024-10-13


Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

Slightly improves aim assist, aim down sights speed, and airborne effectiveness. Increases these effects when there are no nearby allies.
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