Q: What are masterwork rolls?
A: Most legendary weapons are capable of being Masterworked. The masterwork system is a way for you to upgrade your favorite weapons to their maximum potential.
Q: What does it take to upgrade a weapon to a masterwork?
A: Upgrading your weapons, in broad terms, takes a small amount of glimmer, legendary shards, and, most importantly, Enhancement Cores.
Depending on what Tier your weapon is at, the requirements to raise it to the next tier increase the closer the weapon is to being fully masterworked (Tier 10).
Q: What benefits do I get for masterworking a weapon?
A: Each tier that you increase your weapon will grant a small buff to a single stat, chosen randomly when the item drops.
Beyond that, at Tier 5 you gain access to a kill tracker. At Tier 10, your multi-kills will generate orbs of light.
Q: So what are these "masterwork roll" stats?
A: These are the possible stats that upgrading your weapon will grant a bonus to. Depending on what tier you are at, you can grant anywhere from 1-10 additional points in any of the stats listed to your weapon.
Q: Any catch with this?
A: The Bungie API currently says that all weapons can potentially roll with all stats as their masterwork stat. This obviously isn't accurate, as Blast Radius isn't applicable to, say, Auto Rifles.
The list you see on this page is trimmed to only show stats that actually appear on the weapon. However, it is possible that Bungie has additional logic behind the scenes that further filters these
possibilities to, for example, prevent certain items from being able to have an Impact masterwork. Until Bungie modifies the API files to 100% accurately display which masterwork stats are possible on
each item, take what you see here with a pinch of salt.
For PvP: Get Disruption Break and pair it with Crimson. Thank me later.
1: Proximity Grenades, FF + MKC. Perfect if you have terrible aim to use Proximity grenades and clear a few adds before hitting a yellow bar. Synergy with FF+MKC is extremly nice.
2: Spike Grenades, Field Prep + MKC. Extra damage with spike is nice. Field Prep is a super fast reload but at the cost of mobility.
PVP A direct hit leaves an opponent one shot. Hit with TruthTeller and switch to another weapon for a quick kill. Takes skill to hit initial shot though so Proximity helps lots.
Pair it with the High-Energy Fire armor mod and/or damage enhancing class abilities (Frontal Assault, Inertia Override, Damage rift). Primary of choice is a good hand cannon (Opening Shot/Rangefinder Dire Promise, Last Word, Thorn; Sturm works surprisingly well, too)
For pvp folk this is your next mountaintop, except this one won't put you on someone's hit list.
One thing I just learned recently is that the truthteller works like the fighting lion. If you hold the trigger down you can control the detonation. That + all the nade mods is absolutely crazy.
Probably my favorite weapon in the game.
Funnily enough, light.gg says this roll is a D.