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고귀한 행위

기본 / Origin Trait

부활, 치유, 보호막, 하위직업 강화 효과로 아군을 지원하면 충전됩니다. 전투원을 처치하면 충전이 소모됩니다. 충전되어 있는 동안 무기의 조작성, 재장전 속도, 검 충전 속도가 증가합니다.

Community Research

Assisting Allies by Reviving, Healing, Empowering, or granting Subclass Buffs to them grants 10 Stacks of Noble Deeds. Maximum of 10 Stacks.

Can be triggered even while the weapon is stowed.

Kills consume 1 [PVP: 2] Stacks of Noble Deeds.

Grants 30 Handling and 30 Reload Speed while you have active Stacks. Swords receive 20 Charge Rate instead.
Last Updated 2024-07-30
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