충격 | 6 | ||||
사거리 | 69 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
안정성 | 80 | ||||
조작성 | 59 | ||||
재장전 속도 | 53 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
조준 지원 | 100 | ||||
소지품 크기 | 49 | ||||
확대/축소 | 16 | ||||
공중 효율 | 13 | ||||
반동 방향 | 96 | ||||
분당 발사 수 | 1000 | ||||
탄창 | 74 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
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Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: Popularity Ranks
The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations
The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.Learn More
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TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
Here's a breakdown of the ammo reserves perks to help you decide which god roll to chase (and how to maximize Target Lock time).
1. Reconstruction - Overflow magazine to +100% capacity. Every 4 (3.6 enhanced) seconds in which you don't shoot Acasia, Acasia gets 10% of its magazine overflowed. Also works for base empty magazine, giving you a looooong auto-loading holster. With a base magazine of 104 using Enhanced Battery, that's 208 energy in the tank for your Target Lock and DPS pleasure.
Literally the easiest thing in the world - just don't use the gun for half a minute to get a phat magazine in preparation to Target Lock.
Refills the magazine from empty, as well
Smallest overflow mag size cap when compared to Rewind Rounds and Envious Assassin.
If your target survives your 208 Target Lock rounds, you can't overcap the buff again without switching to a different weapon - that is, you get one mega magazine, then only regular magazines by manually reloading.
2. Envious Assassin. This perk has the highest potential magazine size, capping all the way up at 260 energy when fully charged. That's a LOT of Target Lock damage in the back half of the mag. This perk doesn't clearly state how it works, so here's a breakdown.
a.) The current magazine of the gun must be less than or equal to its default mag size, or the perk won't proc. Are you overflowed by 2 energy? You need to shoot out that 2 energy to start overflowing more ammo.
b.) Get rapid kills (Or just paced kills with enhanced) - I was consistently able to reach the cap by getting a kill once every 5 seconds before activating the perk to still reach the cap with Enh. EA. Power & Special weapons give +20% to your mag, primary gives you +10%.
c.) ACTIVATE THE PERK. To do this, you need to swap to the weapon within 10 seconds of your last kill! That means if you get 10 kills in a row, but don't switch to Envious Assassin within 10s, your overflowed magazine bonus is gone, and you need to start all over. Once you swap to the gun with an overflowed magazine, you effectively bookmark its current overflowed state. That means you can prep your gun with a multi-kill streak, swap to it to lock in the mega magazine, then just let it stay holstered until your big bad shows up and you dump everything.
Enhanced is INCREDIBLY helpful with Envious Assassin, but it Envious Assassin is still very difficult to reliably activate without putting deliberate effort into making it happen.
The biggest magazine size possible in one continuous burst
Envious Assassin is a huge pain in the butt to activate, maintain, and juggle around.
If you die, you lose your bonus magazine
Once you fire your mega mag, you're limited to only basic 104 energy mags until you hunt down a fresh pack of adds and start your stack again
3.) Rewind Rounds. This perk has a similarly high skill ceiling to Envious Assassin, but its implementation is different. It seems that the reworked version of Rewind Rounds now has an internal timer, and can only activate a certain number of times before the magazine just empties itself without refreshing. Base Rewind Rounds (with initial mag) gives 104 + 61 + 38 = 203 magazine, just for shooting continuously at a target. Enhanced was giving 104 + 70 + 40 = 224, around 10% better than the base version of the perk. When firing continuously without stopping, I was unable to get Rewind Rounds to proc more than twice per magazine, however firing out a magazine, then pausing here and there, allowed me to refresh the magazine up to four times in a row (104 + 70 + 49 + 35 + 25). Continuously, however, no such luck.
Literally just shoot the gun and keep Target Lock activated. If you can do that, you get ammo
Doesn't require any special activation conditions - just hit your target.
This may require further testing, but I was unable to get Rewind Rounds to proc more than twice in a single continuous trigger hold. Someone else in the comments, test this out on a chunky boss that doesn't move, like Oryx or something, and confirm if it's possible to get more ammo.
Enhanced Rewind Rounds is an expensive perk to purchase for a minimal performance increase. Enh isn't a game changer like Envious Assassin.
Oh, and stability goes a long way on keeping your reticle centered, especially with oncoming flinch.
Happy farming.
So, here's the bad news. Rewind Rounds seems to have an internal timer or lockout, only activating twice on a single magazine with the biggest mag I could manage, so the numbers listed in my earlier post are accurate. Rewind does synergize basically perfectly with Target Lock - but that's where the good news ends. See, as a trace rifle, this gun is basically only good against red bar enemies, and with the new difficulty scaling in Destiny, yellows, oranges, and boss enemies are way more chunky, with higher stagger thresholds, AND they do more damage to you while you have to sit there, out in the open, holding the trigger on your target and trying not to die.
Given that, while the very niche, very cool roll of Rewind Rounds + Target Lock exists - there are so many better options for damaging chunky enemies. It doesn't do enough damage to big enemies quick enough to be respectable (compared to a fusion rifle, sniper, shotgun, hell even a glaive at close range), and target lock is poor against red bars.
TL;DR is think about what roll you want this gun to fill. Do you want to destroy endless hordes of minor enemies? Enhanced Recon + Enh. Incandescent. Do you want to chunk down bigger enemies? Use a different weapon archetype. Do you want to use this for boss damage because you remember that one weekend when Prometheus Lens was busted? Look for a Rewind + Target Lock roll, but don't craft it. It's an enormous waste of resources. If you really want to go hard, spam Adept Dejection's from Master Difficulty and enhance those perks, but PLEASE don't craft it from square one for that specific roll, its an enormous pain in the butt to level from square 1.
The only thing that will convince me that I haven't made a terrible mistake with my resources on this roll is if I see Ehroar or Fallout do a meme video on this gun with 3 guardians in a well burning down strike bosses. In my head, I've labeled this gun as "Tormentor Destroyer," but even I have doubts, and any time I see a tormentor anyways, I don't have the time to sit and hold my finger on the trigger while the tormentor is chasing me with his SPECIAL EYES.