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전설 / 물리 무기 / Scout Rifle

사건의 지평선에서 녹색 불빛이 번쩍입니다.

출처: 2023년 수호자 대회


경량 프레임

경량 프레임

조작성이 탁월합니다. 이 무기를 장착하면 이동 속도가 빨라집니다.


Damage Falloff  
재장전 속도
Reload Time  
조준 지원
소지품 크기
공중 효율
반동 방향
분당 발사 수 200
탄창 15
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
것샷 스트레이트
+ 폭발 탄약
12.49% of Rolls
정밀한 환불
+ 부화
8.4% of Rolls
정밀한 환불
+ 폭발 탄약
7.57% of Rolls
+ 폭발 탄약
6.75% of Rolls
+ 부화
6.28% of Rolls
참선의 순간
+ 폭발 탄약
6.24% of Rolls
+ 살상 탄창
5.77% of Rolls
참선의 순간
+ 살상 탄창
4.24% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 43.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 19.4%
  • 13.6%
  • 13.4%
  • 12.0%
  • 10.8%
  • 9.5%
  • 8.7%
  • 8.4%
  • 3.8%
  • 30.2%
  • 19.8%
  • 16.0%
  • 12.1%
  • 9.4%
  • 8.2%
  • 4.0%
  • 22.1%
  • 22.0%
  • 18.0%
  • 16.2%
  • 10.2%
  • 8.1%
  • 3.0%
  • 40.1%
  • 23.9%
  • 15.6%
  • 6.4%
  • 5.7%
  • 4.7%
  • 3.3%
  • 87.1%
  • 12.8%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 44.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 44.1K+ copies, 28.2K+ (63.9%) were fully masterworked.
재장전 속도
6.8% of Rolls
9.1% of Rolls
36.1% of Rolls
47.8% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 19.2K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
예비 탄창
27.0% of Rolls
상쇄 개머리판
23.1% of Rolls
조준 조정기
19.5% of Rolls
완전 자동 개량
12.3% of Rolls
6.6% of Rolls
이카루스 손잡이
1.5% of Rolls
중화기 탄약 탐지 강화
1.4% of Rolls
빠른 접근 슬링
1.2% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Season 20 Icon
Ladies, gents, and non-binary friends, your new workhorse scout. Night Watch has long since held the crown, and still does as a workhorse. The curated roll you get during the tutorial will still hang. That said, Taraxippos (a.k.a. the Baja Blaster) easily makes a case for itself as an alternative to Night Watch.

Special attention goes to Hatchling, this is the first precision weapon with that perk. For Broodweaver warlocks who value threadlings more than others, this is a perk worthy of chasing. Several other tried and true perks are here, including Explosive Payload, Fourth Times the Charm, Outlaw, Kill Clip, Focused Fury, this is a scout that can roll into any activity and will be reliable any time.

Over on the PvP side of things, the Baja Blaster struggles a bit in the current meta dominated by Immortals and CQC. This still holds its own in the crucible.
The curated roll Eva gives you with the newly buffed Zen Moment and your choice of Kill Clip or Explosive Payload is already fantastic. Keep the momentum rolling, or deal flinch while not taking any flinch at all. Taraxippos can hold lanes pretty dang well.
Quick tangent on Gutshot Straight + Explosive Payload, as Gutshot buffs the explosive damage a bit. This is a rare case where IF AND ONLY IF your aim is on point, the weapon becomes more forgiving to use in the crucible, landing 2 crit/2 body for the optimal TTK. With a minor damage buff like Radiant, this becomes a 3 crit. However your Aim Assist takes a massive hit to make this happen. For most people I would not recommend chasing this roll, but if you can hit your crits, I can consider running for this roll. Otherwise, Eva’s roll will do the job just fine.

Excellent scout, go for it if you enjoyed Night Watch.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Baja Blaster is the best nickname
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
imagine this bothering you
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Ever since I got my personal god roll for this weapon, my life has gotten better. My dad came back, I got the kids back, and won the Lottery. Definitely worth it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Amazing scout.

PVE: Gutshot Straight/Explosive Payload, as noted by several others, has a lot of synergy. Gutshot works by increasing the weapon's damage but reducing its precision multiplier, so because EP converts some of your crit damage to non-crit damage, your crits gain part of the damage bump from Gutshot Straight as well (a little over 15%). On things you either can't crit or you miss your crits on, it's a 38% combined bump. Saucy! Gutshot/Hatchling works the same way, increasing the damage your spawned Threadlings do, so that roll is a must-have if you're into Strand (even if you don't main Warlock, which gets more out of Threadlings than most, you might still enjoy it or you might decide to play more Warlock in the future and regret not having this roll). 4TTC and Outlaw also roll in the third column if you want a tried-and-true reload+damage roll, though I'd be careful about Outlaw/EP since the explosions might eat your reload speed. Focused Fury in column 4 is a good damage option in situations where you're plinking away at a beefy target for a long time (pair it with 4TTC if you anticipate doing that).

All that said, you could also just run a kinetic scout, since those do more damage baseline, and benefit from a reload perk into Explosive Payload and do pretty comparable damage. Run this for the Strand synergies with the better Tangle explosions and whatnot; run something like Hung Jury if you're not on Strand.

PVP: A couple ways to go here. Kill Clip and Cascade Point are the fourth-column standouts for TTK reductions; it takes a lot to push a TTK barrier on this frame, but you're rewarded with 0.6s or 0.54s TTK respectively. Outlaw is good if you're using Kill Clip, otherwise you probably want Zen Moment. Moving Target can be useful, probably not as much as Zen Moment. Encore would be good if it were in the third column, but losing a perk that converts kills into faster TTKs is not worth it. Hatchling sounds fun if you can get it to work, but I wouldn't call it good in the context of PVP. And of course Explosive Payload exists for upping your flinch output. The Gutshot/EP combo removes a headshot from the TTK requirement but makes it harder to hit the three headshots you do still need. Adding Radiant takes that down to 2c2b, weapon surges on top of that create a 3tap opportunity against low-mid resiliences, but by that point you could have just used Kill Clip and saved yourself a lot of trouble.

Stats: IMO, prioritize range and reload in PVE, since there are definitely places where you can hit damage falloff even on a scout. Stability is king in PVP, keeping your gun more accurate after your initial shot and reducing flinch concerns. You probably also want Arrowhead Brake for the recoil direction in PVP. Throw on a counterbalance mod if you use Arrowhead and you get 99 RD.

On the origin traits: overall, Omolon origin trait has more value in PVP since you'll spend more time with many bullets in your mag. Classy Contender has more value in PVE since more things are dying to refresh your class ability (great for proccing Reaper, spawning more Threadlings on Broodweaver, or getting your big suspends on Hunter or Titan). That said, there are situations that might justify switching it up. For Hunters in particular, you can justify using Classy Contender for a build that needs more dodges, since you get Lightweight Frame's bonus to mobility as well as the extra ability energy on kill. And if you like 4TTC on the gun, that will draw out the number of shots that benefit from Omolon Fluid Dynamics, which might be worth it to you in PVE.

The only perks I'd outright avoid are Offhand Strike, No Distractions, and Encore, not because they're bad perks (Offhand Strike is wild on sidearms and fusions in particular), but this just isn't the best gun to take advantage of them. This is not a gun you want to sit in ADS for a full second to take advantage of No Distractions; if you like that perk, get you a Hung Jury with Box Breathing instead, which hits a nasty 0.67s TTK for sitting in ADS anyway. Encore is better for guns that benefit from both the range and stability it provides, such as hand cannons. And while it might be unfair of me to write off Offhand Strike completely, you could also just grab DMT or something and not need a kill to have good hipfire. I'm not a huge fan of Keep Away in column 4 either; it's not terrible, but for this gun I think it's outclassed by other options.

tl;dr look for Gutshot Straight/Explosive Payload, Gutshot Straight/Hatchling, Outlaw/Hatchling, maaaybe 4TTC/Focused Fury for PVE, depending on what you actually want out of the gun. Look for Outlaw/Kill Clip or Zen Moment/Cascade Point for PVP lethality, Zen Moment/Explosive Payload for PVP neutral, or if you like spicy gimmicks Outlaw/Hatchling for the sheer chaos of it. Lots of options here.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
bro wrote a whole essay.. many thanks
tho only critique is that rn scouts arnt hot in pvp sooo perhaps not 5 stars, but who knows next season anything could happen
thanks again :)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I have like 5 good roles....can't decide on what to keep....
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Goated scout rifle. Night Watch has been the go to, but Gutshot Straight and Explosive Payload gives my god rolled Night Watch a run for its money. If you like omolon frame scouts, this is the best one in the game.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Gutshot and explosive work together. That's really cool. I would usually make a very long post about a weapon like this that caught my attention, but I'll spare people's time. I only got this weapon with the key idea in mind being that it has gutshot and explosive payload, and I wanted to know if they synergize. They do! Not only does it do good damage in pvp because of this, but at close range it will actually explode tangles in one shot, which works well with this season's artifact.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
One of my favorite scouts in the game right now. I would recommend gut shot straight and explosive payload in PvE. In PvP I would use outlaw and killclip. The only thing this gun lacks is in range. Even though explosive payload pretty much gives you infinite range I would still try to spec into it since thats all the Baja Blaster really needs.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
This things insane. Im using curated roll and dropping 40 every game in crucible and im not a very good player.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Excellent scout and supremely easy to grind for with Juardian James right now.

I quite like FTTC and Explosive Payload but if you already have a good explosive scout but Outlaw and Kill Clip can also slap.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
My only problem I have with it in PvP is the fact that the scope doesn't highlight targets. It can be a bit annoying to land hits at far distances with this thing when you're trying to hit a very small moving target. Even at 100AA, it's a bit of a chore compared to something like MIDA or a HAKKE weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Multiple great rolls for PvP and PvE on this thing, Hatchling, Zen Moment, 4th times the charm, Kill Clip, Explosive Payload, Outlaw, and Keep Away are all tried and tested perks. That cluster of perks alone would be a good start to look for something special.

A surprising perk combo for me is the normally subpar Gutshot Straight paired with Explosive Payload, which while I personally would skip in PvP, in PvE is... surprisingly really good? As in; while you ADS you passively deal +15.6% damage to crits, and +38% increased damage to bodyshot compared to the base weapon. This is comparable to Frenzy without that 12 second rampup period or 5 second grace period before the perk drops, at the cost of the reload speed and handling boost. The drop of aim assistance from 75 to 38 isnt felt as much in PvE, paired with it's remarkably lower zoom makes it feels comparable to a high impact pulse rifle and not other scout rifles. If you luck into that roll like me give it a try and see what you think.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Hoochie mama, this is a good gun
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Excellent Rifle, Go For It Recommended !!!!!!!!!!!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Dont sleep on Gutshot Straight. It is a 20% damage buff for bodyshots, and the buff also works and synergizes with Explosive Payload. Also increases damage of Hatchling too but only if you zoom in while the Hatchling is damaging them.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
The Taraxippos (aka the Baja Blaster) feels good and does its job well. The Gutshot Straight + Explosive Payload is one of those rare double-damage perk rolls and does as much damage on average in PvE on precision hits as a Taraxippos with Outlaw + Kill Clip with the latter active 64% of the time in PvE. However, the GS + EP roll has no activation condition, has AoE, and does more damage at extreme ranges than the Outlaw + Kill Clip, making it a clear winner in the long-range and crowd-clearing departments that are sought after in a primary weapon. For PvE, GS + EP strongly prefers Arrowhead Brake to land those ranged shots consistently with the loss of aim assist, so getting a perfect roll may prove slightly more difficult than normal. While all masterworks are appreciated on this weapon, Stability or Range are nice for those long-range engagements especially when paired with Arrowhead Brake.

Much like its Kinetic cousin Night Watch, it's a reliable lightweight scout that adapts well to all ranges. Unlike Night Watch, however, it benefits from Strand surges, synergizes with ranged Strand setups, benefits from unraveling rounds when they're available, and regenerates a not-insignificant 5% class ability on kill. All in all, there are many options that you can use on this scout, but Gutshot + Explosive has to be one of my favorites in both PvE and PvP just for how unique it feels.

Other combos of note include:
Outlaw + Kill Clip (PvP)
Gutshot + Hatchling (PvE)
Fourth Time's + Hatchling (PvE)
Zen Moment + Cascade Point (PvP, my favorite for it so far)
Zen Moment + Kill Clip/Explosive Payload (Curated roll and a great one too!)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
imma go bah bah bah
this gun slays
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Funny click click click gun
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago