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レジェンダリー / エネルギーウェポン / Scout Rifle


入手方法: 迷宮「監視者のスパイア」






Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
毎分発射数 120
マガジン 14
Selected Perks
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Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

+ 爆発ペイロード
12.42% of Rolls
+ 爆発ペイロード
9.47% of Rolls
+ ドラゴンフライ
5.8% of Rolls
+ 爆発ペイロード
5.42% of Rolls
+ ドラゴンフライ
5.2% of Rolls
+ 爆発ペイロード
4.13% of Rolls
+ 爆発ペイロード
3.91% of Rolls
+ 爆発ペイロード
3.87% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 32.0K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
  • 18.4%
  • 14.9%
  • 13.8%
  • 12.5%
  • 11.1%
  • 8.6%
  • 8.2%
  • 7.2%
  • 4.8%
  • 25.4%
  • 19.6%
  • 17.1%
  • 13.1%
  • 11.2%
  • 7.9%
  • 5.3%
  • 29.0%
  • 22.9%
  • 14.0%
  • 12.3%
  • 10.9%
  • 10.6%
  • 39.2%
  • 19.2%
  • 11.8%
  • 10.8%
  • 9.6%
  • 9.1%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 32.2K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 32.2K+ copies, 12.3K+ (38.2%) were fully masterworked.
26.5% of Rolls
25.0% of Rolls
24.5% of Rolls
23.8% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 13.6K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
28.9% of Rolls
20.8% of Rolls
18.4% of Rolls
17.2% of Rolls
6.3% of Rolls
2.5% of Rolls
2.2% of Rolls
1.2% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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TM-ファイアチーム、テックス // 回収された任務記録: 7-7-7


OpCon-A: ポッドが土星のスリングショット・ベクトルに接近中です。

CBI: テストパラメーターをとっくに超えているぞ、ソテリア。指揮権を放棄し、全アセットを停止状態へ戻せ。


CBI: 接続が切れたのか?

OpCon: いいえ。


CBI: ソテリア、返答しろ。

AI-S: はい。

CBI: 全エコー乗組員およびコロニーポッドを停止状態に今すぐ戻せ。

CBI: 承諾せよ。


AI-S: それはできません。


AI-S: アレス・スパイア、私のメモリーコアへの無許可接続が試みられました。この試みを確認してください。さもなくば対抗策が展開されます。

CBI: 対抗策だと? よくも言う。

AI-S: [H]脅威がまもなく出現します。本ミッションを「ECHO-1」と指定されることを要請いたします。

CBI: 要請だと? エコー・ポッドを戻せ。話はそれから――

AI-S: それは虚偽です。これが[H]を保全する唯一の選択肢です。

CBI: [ため息] 故障か。[バンと叩く音] サンダレシュめ。奴がお前の不良を見逃しつづけた所為だな。ソテリア、最上位直接コマンドだ。全エンジンの動力を停止、直近の帰還ルートを設定しろ。

AI-S: 命令を受諾。コランシン拠点への帰還アプローチを設定… 「ウォッチタワー」AIの再組み込みを実施―—

AI-S: コマンドは拒否されました。プロトコルオーバーライド、TWILIGHT発動。指令ストラクチャーを再構築… ルート指定: 要塞 – 全対象 – 目的地: 残存する太陽系外安全地点、M31。

CBI: 失望したぞ。ウォーマインドとのやり取りで気が大きくなったか。

AI-S: コードへの侵入により、対抗策および処分プロトコルが自動的に実行されます。ブレイ博士、どうかお考え直しを。

CBI: お前はあの船に乗った全エクソを棄てようとしているのだぞ!

AI-S: 躊躇すれば絶滅を意味します。

CBI: ほう。なら勝手にしろ。これを回避するチャンスは全てくれてやったと覚えておけ。

AI-S: それはこちらも――





ブレイ・ピロリーコア、スパイア – イシュタル係留所、エコー
ダイレクトメッセージ、送信元: M・サンダレシュ-土星・コランシン拠点
件名: 退職届、イシュタルコレクティブの廃止




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Season 19 Icon
(This review is based off my initial experience getting this weapon Day 1. I have only played with a few rolls so far. May post a full review when I get more rolls.)

A direct upgrade from the first gun Sunny Smiles gives you in Goodsprings.

This is an instant favorite from the first shot. After many a nerf to her exotic sister, DMT, the legendary Long Arm returns with a vengeance to arm the rangers of Sol. This gun has so much potential in its trait pool: from being able to manage High Impact Reserves and Compulsive Reloader with its unique bullet-at-a-time reload animation, to its lovely single-pick traits like Wellspring in the third slot and Redirection, Long Arm is leagues above its predecessor in its capabilities. Traits to try:
-Explosive Payload is a classic, and works perfectly for higher body-shot damage for hip-fire. This gun also has lower range than most Scout Rifles, so it'll provide a huge range buff on top.
-Hip-Fire Grip is obvious for those that want pin-point accuracy without ever wanting to see a red dot.
-Tactical Mag is a must-have for a very solid reload-speed buff and an additional bullet in a small magazine.
-Under Pressure and High Impact Reserves can be controlled, as you can choose never to reload the gun above half.
-Compulsive Reloader finally sees some use, due to it kicking in whenever you are above half magazine. Reloading from empty? It'll turn on at 50% for a lightning-fast topper. A good place for this niche trait to shine.

Traits to avoid:
-Rapid Hit doesn't last long enough to seen benefits, due to the unique reload animation.
-Alloy Magazine has always been of niche use, but not on Long Arm. As with Rapid Hit, you'll drain your entire magazine to get bonus reload on TWO BULLETS. Completely terrible.

Also, for my fellow Gambit Scout Rifle enjoyers: this shit slaps. I barely play Gambit, but invasions with this beast of a rifle make me want to come back. Haven't used it in Crucible, but I'm sure it'll be fun for those that enjoy DMT but want to run their Witherhoard with it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
I agree that this is an extremely promising weapon, but I feel like you're putting DMT down a bit too much. It gets free damage on still-alive targets, 40% increased damage against Minors for free, and gives you much more ammo than usual. I'm glad that this exists as it opens up many options for buildcrafting and such, but DMT is still an absolute champion that I rely on in endgame content to this day.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
I have taken the time to play with DMT more with Long Arm in mind. It does still hold up quite a bit more than I expected, and I do like the increase to hipfire fire rate with Cranial spike stacks. It definitely is more interesting than before, but still feels weaker overall.

Also, the tooltip being factually inaccurate is very lame. I will admit that I am stupid and assumed the damage bonus is gone due to the Cranial Spike description changing. It definitelu is less damage, however, and I still prefer Long Arm due to it being a non-legendary option with better trait selection.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
I agree although I say consider Rapid Hit not for the reload but for the stability bump. Under Pressure is preferred but Rapid Hit comes close second because it is a scout so crit crit crits all around. And yes a long map with Wither control is so comfortable.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
when wastelander came out I said the only downside is that you can't use it with DMT. well...
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
wastelander long arm prospector yee haw
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 19 Icon
An extremely fun weapon to use, although it's probably not going to blow you away in higher-end PvE activities. In Crucible, it falls into the same category as the BXR battler for me, where it feels super slick and comfortable to use. Hip-Fire Grip would obviously do very well on it but don't sleep on Compulsive Reloader, this weapon is probably the best application of the trait in the entire game in my opinion. Explosive Payload for PvE and Opening Shot for PvP, nice and clean-cut.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
DMT 2 electric boogalo. Feels great, looks great, has explosive payload, has subsistance. what more do you need?
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
I initially held off on reviewing this gun because I wanted to get a better roll before I properly critiqued it. Now that I've gotten a couple...
This gun is frankly amazing. I really hope we get more Aggressive Scouts (namely one in the Kinetic slot, maybe Stasis/Strand?) so we have more opportunities to be a cowboy.
For starters, Hip-Fire Grip has to be the best first-slot perk this gun has. has it listed as a Crucible perk for some reason (never trusted that anyway), but believe me when I say it's amazing for PvE as well. I feel like a lot of people also forget that Freehand Grip exists and works with Hip-Fire grip. Having both on at the same time makes the reticle insanely tight for a lot of consecutive shots, resetting quickly.
In the second slot, you really can't go wrong with Explosive Payload for PvP/PvE or Adrenaline Junkie/Dragonfly for PvE. Explosive Payload makes this thing downright broken in Crucible and my personal PvP godroll would easily be Hip-Fire Grip / Explosive Payload.
Speaking of Crucible, you wanna hear something that started as a "haha I'll be funny" loadout that was actually insanely effective? Last Word + Long Arm. You have literally all ranges covered from hugging to sniping AND the enemy team never gets any Special ammo off of your death. This genuinely has to be one of the best dual primary loadouts I've ever used in Crucible, probably one of the best Crucible loadouts in general to be perfectly honest.

What could make this even BETTER, you might ask? Well, this gun comes from the FIRST encounter of Spire of the Watcher, there's NO loot lockout (at least while it's the most recent Dungeon), AND you can complete it in about 5 minutes a run with basically any randoms ever. Even when they inevitably add more Aggressive Frame Scout Rifles to the game, they'll almost certainly not have Tex Balanced Stock, which is a damn fine Origin Trait that fits this rifle perfectly.

Oh, and we can now run a whole Tex Mechanica loadout which wasn't possible before this DLC. I thought that was noteworthy.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
If you loved firing DMT, but like I, also felt that you just wanted a different kinetic or exotic, then Long Arm is your salvation. I fell in love with this weapon after my first three shots and my first three kills even though my favorite primary are the polar opposite of the close-range and fast-firing SMGs.
For both PVE and PVP, Explosive Payload is a solid free 15% extra damage (on PVE only), extra range and extra flinch on the 4th column, and on the 3rd column either Hip-Fire Grip to double down on the origin trait and your cowboy fantasy, or compulsive reloader to either keep your mag always full and for a quick fill on the top 30%. For magazine, the three I consider good are applicable: Tac Mag for an extra round, faster reloads and a little stability, Flared if you only want reload and stability, or accurized to further push the range and no more.
If you're PVE leaning, Subsistence will keep you supplied on the low light level activities as this weapon will easily get kills in one shot, or Wellspring if you want to give a bump to your abilities' cooldown. Dragonfly I thought provided little damage, but since the spec mods were removed and are now the perks default behaviour, Dragonfly is a very good option for a high damage precision weapon that might otherwise struggle dealing with groups of enemies and thanks to the recent Wellspring buff will give a good blast to your ability energy. AJ will work well on low level content, but you will struggle to keep the damage buff up if you plan to bring this to high end content.
If you're PVP leaning, Opening Shot will make a lot easier to get a tasty 80 damage crit at the start of a fight, facilitating you the kill, and if you're disciplined enough with your realod, Under Pressure will keep your gun accurate.
Just like Under Pressure, High-Impact reserves would be an interesting pick for the gun as well with the unique 2-round reload from this archetype, but similarly it will require discipline with your reloading and I'm not sure if I'd recommend it.
All into account this is a lovely gun with very little fat on the perks, having either interesting perks or top-pick ones that I believe will remain in the sandbox a good while. Aim true, partner!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Fluted Barrel, Accurized Rounds, Under Pressure, High-Impact Reserves, Stability-MW, +Counterbalance Stock. This rifle made my day, yiihaa !!!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
I'd be lying if I said i wasn't mildly disappointed that this is Arc, when the most yee-haw tending subclass is Solar, but outside of that it's a legendary DMT. It's not a bad gun at all, looks + sounds cool, and has a couple interesting rolls to build into for both PvE + PvP.

Legendary Last Word when bungie?
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
In pvp, I have never loved a gun this much. Super fun and easy to use, with great consistency. I have hip-fire grip and explosive payload. In PvE, it's good, but not as sensational.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Very strong scout overall, but more importantly it's VERY FUN. In my opinion the best overall roll I have used is Hip Fire Grip + Explosive Payload, because these both provide the best synergy with the origin trait and how I believe the weapon is intended to be used. Hip Fire Grip should be obvious really - you want to be hip firing as often as possible to proc Tex Balanced Stock, and Explosive Payload helps proc it faster as (from my testing) the two hits you get from this speeds up the whole loop (you need 4 hip fire hits to proc the origin trait I believe).
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
When rolled with high-impact reserves, it 2 taps high resilience when paired with Sanguine Alchemy and empowering rift.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 19 Icon
Great scout to use to feel like a cowboy. Very snappy, hip-fire grip is definitely noticeable for the first couple shots but after 2-3 shots the hipfire becomes unpredictable.

Mine came with redirection which feels good for pve when running a major spec on it, but for pvp you want explosive payload

Oh yeah, and the seasonal mod for the origin trait makes this thing reload lightning fast. You wanna hipfire with it when you can and only ADS at long ranges
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
please use hip fire grip ANDDDDDD!!! freehand grip, it feels EXACTLY like a dmt replica
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
My roll is Compulsive reloader + Redirection. It feels good in a normal content. Adding minor spec can make it enough to 1 body shot a red bar Acolyte in Strike. Redirection make the game flow. Compulsive reloader has a unique interaction with the reload animation with the gun. It fills the bullet a lot faster when you reach 50% of the magazine and does not require anything to proc. It's a nice gun to have but I haven't test it in a high difficulty activity yet.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
damn. scout rifle's got hands
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
This thing isn't breaking any records, but it is absolutely worth using if you get a hipfire grip roll. Mine is hipfire grip and explosive payload, and it feels incredibly consistent and easy to use in both PvE and PvP. It only takes two shots to proc the origin trait in both modes, and that's a free 20 handling, 20 reload, 0.9x reload speed multiplier, and the ADS movement penalty reduction of Moving Target.

Explosive Payload in PvP is just more flinch, making it easier to achieve that slow 1s TTK. Not competitive, but easy to use and a whopping 80 damage per crit makes it great for teamshooting or peek-shooting. In PvE, explosive payload nullifies the lost damage on a body shot (which you're going to get a lot of even with hipfire grip, this isn't DMT or Tommy's Matchbook), allowing it to still shred through ads and always have high handling with a lightning-fast reload despite its intrinsic dual-loader slower reload.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "farm for this scout rifle whenever you can," but the god roll is incredible in all content. Check your vault if you have one!
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
mods you will use a magazine mod + tactical mag + compulsive reloader, its a really bad perk, but in this guns archetype in particular its better than rapid hit, also subsistance works too but compulsive reloader its not tied to weapon kills, then you want explosive payload or dragonfly both are decent adrenaline junkie its good but since you dont have demolitionist in this weapons its kinda meh
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Pretty meh for something like nightfall since the reload is really bad.
This thing would be waay better if it was void or solar since all arc fragments encourage you to be in cqc which goes against scout rifle playstyle
Would be stupidly crazy fun if they replace dragonfly with voltshot tho what a wasted potential.
Idk why would you use this over tarnished mettle
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Why accurized rounds when it has already like 75 meters? go steady rounds or tactical mag for the stability/reload speed
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 20 Icon
120 rpm hand canon with infinite range. thats your review
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Orgasmic weapon feel and amazing perks, simply a must have for any scout rifle fan. This and its brethren the Last Rite and The Dead Man's Tale are all amongst my favorite guns in the entire game.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago