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レジェンダリー / エネルギーウェポン / Submachine Gun


入手方法: エピソード「亡霊」のシーズンアクティビティ
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Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
毎分発射数 600
マガジン 29
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Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
17.34% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
10.92% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
8.31% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
7.7% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
5.3% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
3.3% of Rolls
+ ショッキング・フィードバック
3.27% of Rolls
+ 標的ロックオン
2.14% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 118.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 17.3%
  • 16.8%
  • 14.8%
  • 13.5%
  • 10.5%
  • 8.0%
  • 7.2%
  • 6.7%
  • 4.7%
  • 23.9%
  • 20.5%
  • 19.5%
  • 11.6%
  • 9.3%
  • 8.0%
  • 6.9%
  • 26.0%
  • 16.1%
  • 14.7%
  • 14.0%
  • 11.1%
  • 8.9%
  • 8.8%
  • 56.1%
  • 9.8%
  • 7.8%
  • 7.8%
  • 6.3%
  • 6.3%
  • 5.6%
  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 120.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 120.1K+ copies, 6.3K+ (5.2%) were fully masterworked.
23.9% of Rolls
24.6% of Rolls
25.5% of Rolls
25.8% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 60.2K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
42.1% of Rolls
17.8% of Rolls
11.2% of Rolls
8.9% of Rolls
6.7% of Rolls
3.5% of Rolls
2.7% of Rolls
1.5% of Rolls

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It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.

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The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
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「ベラスク、光と共にあれ」ナムラスクが彼女の棘のある言葉を無視して言った。「贈り物がある。お前に… あるいはスレイヤー・バロンに」彼は色とりどりのエキスや粉末から作られた染料がぎっしり詰まった、緻密に編まれた籠をエイドに差し出した。「職人から職人への贈り物だ」






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Season 25 Icon
TL;DR - Likely not fully optimized meta in PvE, but Jolting Feedback alone makes it a more attractive pick than previous arc SMGs and gives it utility in higher level content, so it's definitely worth your time. On the other hand, worst-in-class base stats with few PVP-oriented perks in a non-SMG meta make it a poor pick for the Crucible.

If damage perks are your thing, any of Frenzy, Vorpal, Desperate Measures or Rampage are fine picks depending on what feels best to you. I wouldn't recommend Redirection because while double damage sounds hot, it's only for the first four bullets of a burst, which equates to a roughly 15% damage increase over a full 26-bullet base mag. That said, there are plenty of guns with access to those perks, and what makes Noxious special is access to Jolting Feedback. While I've been a long-time Voltshot enjoyer, I've felt that JF is just better in higher end content because it's just easier to proc on higher health enemies because you don't need to be constantly killing ads and reloading to apply jolt. It also functions as intrinsic anti-Overload coverage, so you're not tied to running anti-Overload artifact mods. Because of this, I think NV is worth grabbing to replace your old Subjunctive or IKELOS as a go-to arc SMG.

Since the trigger condition on JF is sustained fire, the Dark Ether Reaper origin trait pairs extremely nicely; just make sure you look for those little ether balls and shoot them consistently. As for your column 1 perk choice, I like Attrition Orbs because of how Orb generation and pickup feeds into most builds beyond super regen, but Pugilist is good if you want to use this thing in a melee-focused build. Thresh and Unrelenting shouldn't be slept on either as JF provides pretty strong AoE ad clear and can rack up a lot of kills on trash mobs in a hurry. If you're a compulsive reloader, Loose Change provides an easy 30% reload speed buff over base (2.3s --> 1.6s) plus handling benefits which helps with DPS against beefy targets, but in practice you're probably using a special weapon or an ability to burn anything bigger than an orange bar.

For your Barrel and Masterwork options, I like handling and reload in PvE so I'm aiming for Fluted Barrel with a Handling or Reload MW, but truthfully none of these options are going to make-or-break the gun if you get one with your desired perk combo. The Mag choice is a bit more nuanced because of the origin trait and whether or not you want Attrition Orbs in column 1; with the base mag of 26, AO will proc after the 19th bullet and DER will let you get 37 bullets in the mag. With both Tactical Mag and Appended Mag, AO will proc on bullet 20, but App Mag will enable DER to get 40 bullets in your mag compared to Tac Mag's 38. In theory, only App Mag will let you get two orbs per magazine with a DER proc, but in practice your AO and DER procs won't line up 1:1 so it's likely best to keep your base mag at 26 to maximize orb frequency. Tactical Mag and Extended Mag should likely be avoided if you're using Attrition Orbs because they reduce the frequency of orb generation while providing minimal benefits for Dark Ether Reaper.

The only major drawback to this gun is it's archetype. Precision frame SMGs are the worst SMG subfamily in terms of damage output and don't bring a lot to the table to make up for that; they tend to have higher zoom values and better recoil patterns, but these don't matter much in PvE. Your old Subjunctive is going to feel snappier and do more bullet damage, so you're going to use NV primarily because of its better perk utility.

Here are the PvE rolls I'm chasing:
Fluted Barrel + Flared Magwell + Attrition Orbs + Jolting Feedback + Handling/Reload MW
Fluted Barrel + Appended Mag + Thresh/Pugilist/Unrelenting + Jolting Feedback + Handling/Reload MW

I don't see much PvP value in this thing. At base, it has worst-in-class Range, Stability, and Handling with above average Aim Assist and AE. If you land a 5/5 roll (which IMO is probably something like: Hammer Forged + Accurized + Heating Up/To The Pain + Target Lock/Frenzy + Range MW) it's likely usable, but it's going to be out-reached by both Shayura's Wrath and Unending Tempest. Both of those guns also have a wider variety of more popular PvP perks that improve both dueling and kill chaining, as well as origin traits that provide more PvP value than the exceedingly rare DER proc. At best, I think this is a very off-meta energy slot option for PvPers who really like the precision frame archetype that don't want to farm Trials for a Shayura. At worst, it's a worst-in-class pick in a very crowded slot that doesn't do anything well enough to justify using it instead of a different archetype or weapon family altogether. If I want to use an arc SMG, I think I'm sticking with my old IKELOS for a quicker base TTK (0.75s vs. 0.8s).
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
thank you for putting the time to make this review !
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Arc SMG. This fills a niche as the only 600rpm one since Jolt got added to the game. Its direct competition are both craftable SMGs from previous Seasons - the 900rpm Subjunctive and the 750rpm Ikelos SMG. Comparing them, this has the hit based Jolting Feedback rather than the kill-based Voltshot. Its worth noting though that this has a terrible mag of 26, and it takes roughly half of it to trigger Feedback - so your mileage may vary.

Loose Change is the obvious synergy for Jolt and buffing its ABYSMAL 19 Reload Speed, but its low mag makes Attrition Orbs attractive as well. Pugilist is also here I guess. If not Jolting Feedback for some deranged reason, Frenzy is what I'd pick - again, because of that awful Reload stat.

As for PvP... don't. It has the worst in Class stats in multiple categories, has a poor perk pool easily outdone by other, more meta SMGs like Shayura's Wrath and Unending Tempest, and is harder to farm to boot. At the same time I'd also argue there are better picks for a Jolting Feedback gun - the Pulse Vantage Point is a solid gun which actually comes with solid perks and a much better reload, as does VS Pyroelectric Propellant the Auto Rifle (which requires LESS hits for Feedback and has the same RPM but with better range and farmability).
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Did someone ask for the real Zhalo Supercell successor? Sure, Riskrunner allows you to have infinite arc chaining ammo, but Noxious Vetiver is much more flexible in what it actually does.

1. Doesn't take up your exotic slot
2. It actually jolts.
3. Isn't reliant on arc environments to trigger
4. Has mag overflow functionality that blanket reloads + overflows all equipped Dark Ether origin weapons (I know everyone is riding the Chill Inhibitor bandwagon, but you can stack Arc Surge mods with Noxious Vetiver and Bitter/Sweet to capitalize on this greatly while using Lost Signal to trigger GL episode mods).

Arc Hunter purists will have a field day with Gifted Conviction constantly giving you massive stacks of damage resistance from Jolting Feedback.
With the new roaming super updates, actually rolling Thresh isn't a complete detriment because you will be getting so many kills with the gun which feeds extra direct super energy into your super meter on kill (meaning you don't need to go pick up orbs in inconvenient places as you would with Attrition Orbs, and if you were running a orb printing build, you really should be runnning Velocity Baton instead) ON TOP OF the super energy from hitting targets ON TOP OF the super energy from the orbs you spawn. This thing becomes the super regenerating monster that Zhalo Supercell was back in the day with Bolts From the Blue multikills... except you get super on each individual kill from Thresh instead of multis. With the roaming super changes, it has made me actually very satisfied to play hunter on anything *not* void for once in the past few weeks. It's a 4.5/5 for me (essentially a 5... can't give half stars)

As for PvP, I honestly don't care much for it because it has the old Gambit Pillager model animations, however, I did get 3 multikills with my Unrelenting + Jolting Feedback roll. Truth be told, you probably should be running the meta (looking at you Graviton Lance) instead of trying to make this thing work. I'll be neutral and give it a 3.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Attrition Orbs and Jolting Feedback is great, but this weapon has a unique combination that I suspect will go under the radar for quite a few people.

If you've played the game for a while, you've probably grown to associate Thresh as "bad". This is not true. The reason players got that association is because Thresh is almost always a 4th column perk, meaning it replaces a possible splash/damage perk. This is the *ONLY* Energy Primary in the game to roll with Thresh in the third column.

Sure Attrition Orbs also gives super energy from the orbs at around 0.8%, but with the enhanced version of Thresh you'll be getting 1.33% on EVERY KILL. Factoring the chip of Jolting Feedback, you will often be killing things in less bullets than Attrition Orbs can proc. That is not to say there's no niche for Attrition Orbs, just that it doesn't outshine Thresh in the aspect of super generation. Considering the recently buffed roaming super gains, this weapon has released at the perfect time. This SMG and something like Raiden Flux make GM's feel extremely easy. Definitely keep an eye out for it
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 26 Icon
Bad stats made up for by two extremely synergistic perks, wonderfully balanced imo.

Jolting Feedback + Attrition Orbs. Slap this on an amplified arc build & you're good! The most arc legendary SMG to ever arc; it prints orbs & jolts everything.

This doesn't have to do with the usability, but it's also one of the more visually unique SMGs in the game, resembling a Mac-10. (Only other gun resembling it is Pillager)
Reply      Report Posted 6 days ago
Season 25 Icon
Welp... I have tried a variety of different Jolting Feedback rolls on this one, and unfortunately, it isn't as exciting as I was hoping it would be.

I tried the thresh + Jolting Feedback, but didn't notice any substantial benefits to having thresh over another perk in that column...

I tried attrition orb, but honestly. The mag size makes this weapon suffer, on top of it's abysmal reload speed.

If you really wanted to make this gun work, go with Loose Change + Jolting, as you will get the reload buff off Loose Change proc.

Disappointed..but Jolting Feedback is a new perk, that will fit much better on different weapon archetypes, so do not sleep on that perk based on the performance of this weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon

There are multiple serious problems with this SMG that so many people just completely ignore all because a couple of Youtubers say its good because Jolting Feedback is in its perk pool.

First, the not-terrible stuff:
- Jolting Feedback is, of course, a powerful perk. It's no wonder why its considered the new top Arc weapon perk. An on-hit requirement is far easier to activate (especially in higher-tiers of content) than on-kill requirements. The fact that the on-hit requirement still counts up between multiple targets is a massive boon for the perk, as well. The perk also acts as free Anti-Overload as well. This is by far the best part of the SMG, no doubt.
- Attrition Orbs is easy to proc, given the poison of a small magazine size also acting as a blessing for the perk.
- (IRRELEVANT NEXT SEASON) The gun's Arc affinity allows it to work with the many Arc-centric artifact perks on offer this season, with Trace Evidence and Retinal Burn being obvious picks for it. With certain Exotic Armour builds (Peacekeepers, Fallen Sunstar w/ Ionic Trace spam) it can really put the gun to work and almost trick you into thinking that you are not using Noxious Vetiver and instead something way better.

Now the stuff that really drive this thing down:
- First, it looks UGLY. The Revenant weapon designs look horrible (imo the worst out of any seasonal weapon series I have ever seen), but this is probably the worst of this season, with the small size of the gun and its sights really making the spikes from the metal protrude in the worst way possible and really obstruct your field of vision.
- Second, its a Precision Frame, arguably the most abysmal and underperforming out of all of the SMG frames. Pitiful stats (with even the most favoured stat of the frame, Range, still being lower at base than even the Antiope-D from Forsaken, a whole 6 years ago), an extremely small magazine size paired with a reload speed so slow you can apply for retirement before its even halfway done, low firerate, and a death-of-a-million-cuts level damage. Even the two main selling points of Precision Frames (high zoom, low recoil) mean little-to-nothing in PvE. You might as well craft Subjunctive or IKELOS for a significantly better weapon frame.
- Third, its an SMG in a golden age of Pulse Rifles. Right now (REVENANT) Pulse Rifles are the most prominent weapon type in PvE content given their strength over range (mid-to-long range) and the options available since their buffs, such as Vantage Point being (at the time of writing this) one of the top 50 used weapons in the game (the ranking includes all content, including higher-end such as Grandmasters). Unfortunately SMGs are the complete opposite - with Scout Rifle level damage over a very short range (a range at which both Sidearms and abilities outperform it anyway), almost no use in high-level content (low damage and magazine size paired with a slow reload time is unforgivable), and a lack of variety with newer releases (there was only one SMG released during Revenant, wit a combined 4 (reprised + new) Pulse Rifles at the same time).
- Fourth, the Arc Auto Rifle from Vesper's Host, released weeks before Noxious, is a direct upgrade in every way - better stats, better damage, better strength over range, an objectively better version of Jolting Feedback (procs (non-Amplified) on the 18th shot of Noxious while it procs on the 15th shot of the Auto despite the same RPM and the significant difference in magazine size), more powerful perks in general (Eddy Current/Attrition Orbs + Jolting Feedback/Onslaught), and looks significantly cleaner and more sleek in my opinion (I can see how the abundance of tubes and the large sight can be a turn off to some). With a better option being present before Noxious was even released, there isn't really a reason to seek it out in particular unless if you don't own the Dungeon pass, but hey at least the Dungeon doesn't require you to pop a specific tonic that requires specific ingredients from specific activities which can then be used at a specific location after crafting multiple of a specific type of tonic in a specific page of tonics in order to focus a specific weapon (which wasn't even guaranteed in the beginning, it merely "increased" the chances of it dropping from kills + completions).
- Fifth, it's not even craftable, making getting your ideal roll harder without justification. Subjunctive and IKELOS are. While the Auto isn't, it makes up for it with the fact it is straight up better than Noxious in every way.

Noxious Vetiver is the most disappointing seasonal SMG released by Bungie yet, with the only redeeming qualities of it not even able to save it from itself. Save yourself the trouble, just craft Subjunctive, IKELOS, or farm Raneiks for the Auto.

TL;DR Precision Frame SMG
Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago
Season 25 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 2 months ago