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ベーシック / Bowstring

• 命中精度が低下する。
• 発射時間が速くなる。
• ハンドリング速度が僅かに上昇する。


Damage Falloff  
チャージ時間 20
発射時間 20
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Season 15 Icon
Elastic String is stupid. If your bow is perfect on everthing but doesnt have elastic string its already basically bad and easily outclassed by the same bow with elastic string. Having the bow equivalent of Barreltypes with a direct influence on the dps of a weapon is actually aggrevating, since having lower draw time means higher dps.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
The Spike Grenades/Impact Casing for Bows, more or less. It's not as essential as they are, but it's about the same, as it gives the fastest charge time possible. When farming for a random roll of a weapon, it only "has" to have Elastic String if you want it to, but when crafting a weapon, you have no excuse not to put it on. While the Accuracy penalty can seem sharp, you can easily get around it with Freehand Grip, an Accuracy masterwork, or an arrow type that increases Accuracy.

Like Spike Grenades, Liquid Coils and Impact Casing, this perk shouldn't exist in its current state. Any weapon with a barrel, magazine, etc. that's automatically better than all the others is bad game design. Like how those two magazines' damage bonuses should be applied to all Grenade Launchers, Fusion Rifles and Rocket Launchers (and then made to do something else other than increase damage/charge time), Elastic String's charge speed should be factored in to the base stats for all Bows, and it should be made to do something else in return (as should all bowstrings that modify charge time). But for now, this is our lot, and like the other three "always-better magazine" examples, we just have to work with it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
This is only true for Precision Frame bows. On Lightweights, you have a choice between Elastic String, Polymer String, and Flexible String, as these three all let you hit the draw time floor (currently 500ms)

Elastic String lets you use any Masterwork whilst still hitting the draw time floor.

Polymer String with a Draw Time Masterwork gives you +15 Accuracy over Elastic String, making Elastic + Accuracy Masterwork an almost always bad choice, though the +5 Handling of Elastic String is technically a positive of that combo.

Flexible String is essentially a less extreme Elastic string with higher Handling - with a Draw Time Masterwork, Flexible String gives the lowest maximum Accuracy of the three, but still has +5 over Elastic String with a non-Accuracy Masterwork. It also has +5 Handling over Elastic String with a non-Handling Masterwork, and +10 Handling over Polymer String. I would say this is, by a significant margin, the weakest of the three, but it is still a viable choice (less so after the recent update 7.3.5 - arrows are a lot harder to land at low Accuracy now)

My personal preferred roll on Lightweights is: Polymer String / Compact Arrow Shaft / Unique Perk 1 / Unique Perk 2 / Draw Time Masterwork. I find this to be just as, if not more, viable - compared to Elastic String with any combination of other perks.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago