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エキゾチック / パワーウェポン / Linear Fusion Rifle


入手方法: エキゾチックエングラム(ドロップ率はとても低い)

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チャージ時間 633
マガジン 5
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Season 13 Icon
I've stood but Queenbreaker for years. Even after nerfs and becoming what rick recently reported one of the least used weapons in all of destiny, a giant meme, I still think this thing has been majorly slept on. For reliability, ease of use, how much damage you ACTUALLY deal in most situations. But here we are, another sweeping nerf, and when quickdraw loses its passive handling even someone like me will have to resort this thing to meme-dom. Please give this thing a catalyst Bungie.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 24 Icon
Hey you got your catalyst!
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 26 Icon
Your wish finally came true
Reply      Report Posted 6 days ago
Season 20 Icon
as you might already know, this thing got a buff. it now chains to enemies and the blind is the same effect as blind from the arc subclasses. so... i did some testing.

disclaimer: i am not an expert and did this testing alone so all i'm about to say was NOT done in a controlled environment. take this with a grain of salt.

first - the new. how good is the bounce? well, the damage stays the same between the two scopes (4k, for comparison jolt does 5.3k), but it is always enough to kill every low ranking enemy with the exception of cabal legionaries. the range for each bounce appears to be about the same as a regular arc jolt, although with the bolt having a new point to bounce from with each new target the effective range is much larger than that, but unlike jolt it doesn't target every enemy simultaneously, but just one at a time. the upper limit of such bounces seems to be 10 (this is without counting the initial target that gets hit with the bolt). these chained hits are pretty inconsistent with large groups. the target for each bounce appears to be random, so while i was testing it at the shuro chi encounter of last wish at times the bolt could simply bounce to the edge of the group before it could reach the limit of bounces. one attempt only netted me 2 kills from a single shot despite being fired into a large group of thrall. the average amount of bounces, though, ended up being somewhere inbetween 6 or 7 (again, without counting the initial hit). with smaller groups, however, the chained hits end up targeting every enemy in the group pretty consistently. every enemy hit by the bouncing bolt ends up being blinded (as stated before, it is the same debuff as regular arc blind, so it has the same effect - makes enemies unable to attack and stuns unstoppable champions in PvE and obscures the screen of the combatant in PvP, and lasts the same amount of time - 10 seconds in PvE and 2 in PvP by default). this could prove useful in high-end content.

second - the old. how much damage does it do? well, the total damage of the whole reserves of 21 ammo without any buffs or damage and reload mods, with the marksman scope equipped clocked in at 462,231 in roughly 33 seconds, each shot doing 22,011 precision damage (for comparison: sleeper simulant with the catalyst and in the same environment with it's reserves of 13 ammo does 450,775 in roughly 24 seconds, each shot doing 34,675 precision damage). i believe this is generally more than any legendary linear fusion rifle after the lightfall nerf, although you should keep in mind that as of writing this review (season 20) queenbreaker does not have a catalyst, so there is potential for even higher dps down the line.

it has stayed about the same in PvP environments although i wasn't able to test the chained hits. just don't forget to switch to the short range scope so you can have that 100 aim assist.

conclusion: it's definitely better now. it stuns unstoppables, and there's much more value in it now that it's able to blind groups of enemies as opposed to the single-target nature of it before. the nerf to legendary linear fusion rifles has put this thing up in value as well, and the potential for the future catalyst and future arc artifact mods also makes me excited to maybe see this thing in high-end content somewhere down the line.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 11 Icon
I just like how it looks.....
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Fuck you anarchist. Use it in gambit.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 5 Icon
Great for taking out invaders and invading in Gambit. Mostly one shot kills if hit in upper body. Not that great in Crucible and especially sucks in PvE *shrug*
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Really bad in PVE because there's just so many better power exotics. Doesn't do that much damage and since the enemies are AI you won't really benefit from the blinding bolt. It's good in Crucible though, even though I dislike taking exotic power weapons. Bonkers in Gambit though. One shot body from anywhere on the map and the aim assist is pretty nuts. And if you don't one shot the invader they'll have a tough time while blinded and you'll easy take them out
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 26 Icon
Somehow, Queenbreaker has come from one of the most mediocre and underwhelming exotics in the game to one of the best for damage. The 3 burst LFR mode combined with the charge booster allows it to quickly shred targets and its single fire mode can do very well for add clear due to the blinding chain. For PvP it's a little better now thanks to the chain on the heavy mode and three bursts can be a little more forgiving for cleaning up kills. It's sill a little disappointing the other perks are Hip Fire and Quickdraw, but the gun itself is now good enough where you can succeed with them being complimentary and nothing else.
Reply      Report Posted 16 days ago
Season 24 Icon
After being labeled as the worst exotic this has had some bits reworked and now does damage. Also as a bonus the blinding chain stuns unstoppable's and it was given more ammo reserves.

Which means can run all 3 champ stuns and have fun.

Now got to work out which is the new worst exotic ;)
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 26 Icon
soooo with the lfr buff, particle deconstruction, and the gun just straight up getting a buff, queenbreaker kinda cooks now. never thought id see the day, but here we are
Reply      Report Posted 10 days ago
Season 23 Icon
Season 24 here

This doesn't deserve the heavy slot, pretty much like darci. Queenbreaker has 2 first column mods to choose from: a low damage but halved charge time config, or a high damage but 600 charge time config. The gun does insultingly rock bottom level low damage, and the main gimmick of it rn is blinding on hit and chain arc to nearby targets. To build around the gimmick, you'll wanna choose the low dam config and the hipfire buff mod on the 3rd column, making this nothing but a champion stunner with no dps damage capability. The reserve is tough too, 8 rounds atm...

Use this for fun or desperation against Unstoppables, otherwise it does look good among the other things in that vault of yours
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 4 Icon
The gun is fun to use and really powerful, though its flinch resistance is too much low and it's easy to miss a shot even when the crosshairs is on the enemy
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 4 Icon
Sleeper nerfs and Combat Sight makes this thing better than Sleeper in Gambit. ( 5 ammo, faster firing time. higher aim assistance. etc )

Sucks in PVE tho.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 4 Icon
Not bad at all. Better in PVE but a response to sleeper
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Actually good on ranged bosses that have burst phases and anarchy doesn't work, like the scourge one. You can one phase it with this thing.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Simply put: this gun sucks. Essentially, it’s a linear fusion with higher-than-average stats, and sub-par perks. With what this weapon gives you, it really seems to lean more toward it being a primary or a special “sharpshooter” type weapon. Instead it’s a heavy, and because of that it is almost useless.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I might use it if they decided to put it in the special ammo slot, it's damage is not up there with other heavy damage exotics.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 23 Icon
I used to love Queensbreaker' Bow in D1, it was extremely fun in pvp. I was pretty upset when it was moved to heavy in d2. Now it is simply a forgotten exotic completely outclassed by others. Back then I could understand their reasoning for this change. Linear Fusions were a heavy only weapon since Red War, but Arbalest was introduced and then Lorentz Driver. It now makes absolutely no sense as to why they've kept it in the heavy slot. It practically does the same amount of damage as the fusions mentioned. IMO this a waste of an exotic slot, even for ad clearing.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 10 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 26 Icon
MIDA is literally the lightweight scout frame as an exotic....
Reply      Report Posted 6 days ago