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エキゾチック / パワーウェポン / Machine Gun


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Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
毎分発射数 100
マガジン 70
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Season 20 Icon
All the old reviews of this thing are kinda outdated, since the gun has received huge buffs. As of season 20, Grand Overture has the highest DPS in the game for any single weapon. Not to mention, it also has an extremely high amount of total damage output, since it has 60 shots, each of which loads a missile. Useful for pretty much all kinds of PvE content. You can almost never go wrong with this thing. Additionally, the missiles have built in tracking, so it might be useful for gambit invasions too.

Pick this weapon up from the monument of lost lights as soon as you can. It is 100% worth it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This thing under performs quite a bit. Worst of all is it's ammo economy. If it simply had alot more reserves, it might be worth using, but as it is now, Xenophage has more damage, more AoE, and a little more ammo. I haven't obtained the catalyst yet though, so maybe that will change things. I really hope this becomes worth using, because I think it's a really cool exotic with a unique feel to it, but I just can't find a good use for it at the moment.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Gun got buffed and its actually pretty decent now. Take this to your next Atraks farm
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Do you want an Exotic weapon worthy of the title? Are you tired of a stale DPS meta sandbox that discourages fun factor? Then Grand Overture might be for you. Yes, you could listen to the tryhards. You could pick another run-of-the-mill meta Hand Cannon, SMG or Sniper and build your Guardian around raw broken DPS. Or, you could run Grand Overture and have some fun playing D2 for once.
Yes, I am exaggerating and I am fully willing to admit that it's not an accurate DPS king. But once in a while a weapon comes along that actually does something more than dakka dakka and GO is one such weapon. It helps to think of Grand Overture as a heavy Fusion Rifle and not a Machine Gun. Machine Gun is a relatively safe weapon archetype, while a Fusion Rifle requires some risk/reward and timing. GO is like that, once you practice leading shots it's pretty entertaining to pop ads and load a chonky missile volley for an intense burst of boss damage, no need to reload. Did you know that the missiles, which cost no ammo, stay loaded and ready no matter what you do? Switch weapons if you like, as soon as that volley is ready those missiles will stay there until you switch firing modes and shoot them. If you're a titan, consider using the Actium for a useful synergy.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
The Grand Overture is a guilty pleasure. I didn't even know so many people hated it until I checked the reviews. The main problem is not that there isn't anything massively wrong with it, but the fact that the heavy ammo slot is so extremely contested that there isn't really a reason to ever use it. It fits a very specific niche where you want to use it on things that don't die in one hit but also aren't bosses. It's also kind of slow to swap to so it's not a great champion buster. This is essentially the epitome of guns in destiny that you use once, go "that was neat", and put in your vault to never use again. Giving it an average score in PVE mainly because I was never offended by this gun while using it, I just thought it was very mediocre.

It is very fun to use though in brainless activities, and I find myself running wellsprings with it just to keep myself from going insane from grinding easy content.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
It's usable. But as much as I love the gun, it's not good in its current state. The intended loop is to probably dump 20 shots into a boss then use the missiles for more damage or add clear. Unfortunately the reserves are too low to accomplish really anything. They could be doubled (40 -> 80) and its usage would still be questionable because of how unwieldy it feels (handling, reload, projectile speed & recoil wise). The catalyst doesn't fix anything either since it only adds blinding onto the rockets & rocket kills make the targets explode.

0 use in PvP. If you want an LMG, you use one of the raid ones or Heir.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
The score for PVE is way too low for how this gun is in the current sandbox, some of the best damage if you can set it up
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
deserves a star higher then what its being rated right now
The common complains are that:
-hard recoil
-non hitscan, slow projectile speed
-Little to no AOE
-charge time
-less dmg compared to its counterpart, Xenophage
-Low ammo reserves, poor ammo economy
addressing these in order
-It slightly less recoil than xenophage, alittle bit more tolerable during extended fire. Recommend hip firing at close range and ADS close-mid to medium range.
-can be issue at mid range, best used against larger, less agility like Cabal, Vex, Hive knights/orges, Scorn abominations, Fallen Brigs.
-Interestingly, while it doesnt do splash dmg, bolts can hit multiple, clustered targets and have encountered situations where I whiffed a shot but the combatant still was damaged
-Is an issue compared to other MGs, but its not like other MGs. treat it a fusion rifle, combat foresight and the ability to predict a target’s movement to use successfully
-while GO has less impact then Xeno per shot (around 1/3), it makes up the dmg with the alt-fire
-with hotfix increasing the total ammo from 40 to 60, Grand Overture has twice as much ammo as Xenophage. It also receives more ammo from brick compared to Xeno (around 2x.)
on top of that, the alt-fire doesnt expend ammo to use.
Altogether GO has one of the highest potential total dmg before needing ammo pickup
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
get heavy ammo, magdump into boss, get missiles, dump missiles, repeat
you can also get missiles by shooting immune enemies so that's pretty cool
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Get one. You will love it. Big booms and machine gun, what's not to like?
Absolutely shreds in PVE, the missile load and tracking is a nice bonus on top of the regular heavy shots. Projectiles are a bit slow, so leading shots takes a bit of getting used to.
Love this for Gambit, but a bit of a tricky one in PVP. Assuming really skilled players can clean up with this in the crucible.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This weapon serves only as a trophy for what NOT to use. It’s recoil is ungodly. It’s stability is terribly (the catalyst maximizes it to 100, but you’ll still miss). It’s not a hitscan weapon so you’ll have to make sure the enemy is large and slow. It may one shot in crucible, but good luck hitting your target. Better off using literally any other exotic heavy mg.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
I'll be honest, as of season 17, this gun is quite good but went under da radar for how good the witch queen was. But I guarantee a future where this is a top 3 dps weapon in season 18. Also, I'm coming for ALL OF THOSE GUDDAMN ARC SLOWING PROJECTILE FIRING COLOSSUS'S!!
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Simply, this gun owns. While its default state isn't too impressive (other than its unique firing method some may find fun), the other half of its functionality in its missiles cannot be overlooked.
This gun is ridiculously ammo efficient so long as you are landing your shots and not dying, its total theoretical damage output is LEAGUES above other top total damage exotics like Deathbringer, Whisper, Sleeper, and Anarchy.
A fully loaded volley of x20 missiles does impressive burst damage, rivaled only by maybe Fourth Horseman. This exotic performed perfectly for me in Grandmasters, cleaning out majors from a distance with its default mode, and then executing champions in the blink of an eye with volleys. It's very punishing if you die with that volley loaded, yes, but the risk is worth the reward and makes the game more fun for me honestly.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Honestly really fun to use in PvE. Packs a punch and the volley of missiles going all at once is very satisfying that also does tons of damage. Not to mention that the catalyst makes this gun SO MUCH FUN and better. But is beyond horrendous for PvP, use something else in that case.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
It's ok, decent for burst, don't know why everyone dislikes it so much.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Low ammo reserves + hard recoil + charge time + projectile speed
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
It's ok with the buff to ammo but the parasite is better for burst damage and easier to use.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Honestly I just am not a fan of the feel. The normal fire projectile is slow and the charge-to-full auto feels clunky. The missles are cool but take way too much of it's precious ammo to use and in my own experience they often miss ads. Sure, they could be used for burst damage, but Parasite does way more and is way easier (and ammo efficient) to build stacks with on ads.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
sure, it's pretty fun to use, but it's just eh in terms of performance, and not worth my exotic slot over something like osteo striga
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
One of the worst feeling exotics Ive ever used in Destiny, and its performance doesnt make up for it. Needs a revision, maybe gut the charge time or the travel time. One is fine but having both makes using this thing basically impossible at range (especially with the massive recoil)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Really hoping this gets more love in the form of a soft-rework. It feels absolutely terrible to use. Bullets travel slower than Witherhoard, don't have AoE or pierce, the gun kicks like a mule, and double reserves is only 47 shots. I want to love this gun because the idea of using a Cabal Colossus's machine gun is so great, it just falls so flat right now.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I do like this weapon, I like what it tries to do. Gaining missiles that you can fire for no additional cost is very nice, and they can put in some solid work for taking out adds. But there-in lies the problem, it's not the best choice for bosses. I wouldn't really recommend this for higher tier content, or against bosses or enemies that move fast as the projectiles this gun shoots are very slow. It would be nice if this gun got a rework or a nice buff, I really want to see this thing shine, because it's a blast to use in low-end content.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
It's a gimmick weapon. It's fun to use, but if you're going for efficiency, use something else. It's charge time is relatively short, but it kicks like a mule on PCP, so trying to control it is very much the name of the game. The missile gimmick is interesting, but outside of piddling around in low level content, you're not going to get any use out of it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
After its buff, it has quickly become one of my favorite guns to use. It's typically my go to on caretaker due to how ammo efficient it is as well as having no need for head shots because it can't crit. With the rockets now firing in bursts of five + the catalyst, it's also pretty useful for clearing a group of ads and/or majors. Overall, a fun gun with a cool power fantasy as a Colossus.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Grand overture is one of the best DPS weapons in the current sandbox. Highly adaptable and great for mid-range DPS.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 16 Icon
In PvE usable nearly only for boss damage and maybe champions, at which it is actually not bad, though still quite far behind the top picks like Gjallarhorn, not to look far. For anything else, you start missing half your shots once stuff starts to move, so nope. Really needs a velocity buff. Useful would also be some recoil adjustments, AoE effect and an increase to ammo reserves. While usually it's just one or two fat disadvantages or overall low stats that make a gun bad, here the number of various things that could use at least slight improvements might be the highest among all the exotic weapons.
For PvP the projectile velocity singlehandedly makes it straight up useless.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
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