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Exotic / Quest Step

Speak with Banshee-44 in the Tower Courtyard.

"Light's nice, but come find me when you need something with a little more kick." —Banshee-44

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Part of Quest "Taming the Storm"

1. Taming the Storm

Speak with Ikora Rey in the Tower Bazaar.

2. Taming the Storm

With an [Arc] Arc subclass equipped, defeat targets affected by Jolt, defeat targets with abilities, and cast your Super. Some Arc abilities will jolt your targets. As the jolted target takes additional damage, it chains lightning to other nearby targets. To make progress, equip abilities, aspects, fragments, or gear with the Jolt keyword. For example, the Spark of Shock Fragment adds a Jolt effect to your Arc grenades.

3. Taming the Storm

Complete the Lost Sector Exodus Garden 2A in the Cosmodrome, and loot the Lost Sector chest.

4. Taming the Storm

Speak with Ikora Rey in the Tower Bazaar.

5. Taming the Storm

Equip your Arc subclass and new Exotic armor. If you no longer have access to your Exotic, it can be reacquired from Collections.

6. Taming the Storm

Complete the strike "The Devils' Lair" in the Cosmodrome with your [Arc] Arc subclass and new Exotic armor equipped.

7. Taming the Storm

Speak with Banshee-44 in the Tower Courtyard.
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