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Basic / Trait

Temporarily increases reload speed and handling after sprinting or while amplified. This effect is improved when you are amplified.

Community Research

Grants the following after sprinting for 1.5 seconds with the weapon readied:
• 20 Reload Speed
• 0.95x Reload Duration Multiplier
• ? Handling
• 0.95x Handling Animation Duration Multiplier

Sprinting refreshes the buff duration.

Being Amplified removes the sprinting requirement and increases the Reload Speed stat bonus to 60.
Last Updated 2024-07-16
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Season 23 Icon
It's not a coincidence that the 3 guns this can currently roll on all potentially have Voltshot in the fourth column, so in this review I'm treating it as a setup assist for Volt and other reload-activated perks. Here's what that setup looks like:

Sprint for at least 3 seconds > get a kill > reload


Get a kill > MUST sprint for at least 3 seconds (Voltshot's max window to activate is 5 seconds after a kill) > reload

You can see how the latter setup has a somewhat unforgiving margin for error. This isn't really a big deal because the former setup is easy and more straightforward, but situationally, since you're not really focusing on this in the heat of a fight and you do have to stop sprinting sometimes, you may miss both setups, EX: you sprint for 2.9995 seconds, made a kill, started sprinting again, but you've got 14 buffs and you're REALLY not paying attention to this or counting the seconds, and so even though you've spent 95% of this hypothetical situation in a sprint, you miss both setups.

Does that happen a lot? Not really. Is missing it going to break your spree? Nah. But is it worth bearing in mind when you're debating which of your five copies of Sole Survivor to shard? Yes. Proc ease and uptime are what separate okay perks from the truly great ones.

And that brings us to the other thing holding Eddy back: stiff competition. Sole Survivor has Rapid Hit, Outlaw, and Eddy for reload assistance (and two of those mesh seamlessly with how you want to use a sniper rifle anyway). Nation of Beasts has a fantastic origin trait that helps with reloading, and the most popular trait combo even packs 10 more reload into the enhanced versions, but if you REALLY want to craft one with an assistance perk, it has Perpetual Motion and Keep Away, both of which activate much more smoothly, remain active more situationally, and boost other stats like handling and range to boot. Crux IV has Reconstruction and Envious, two of the best and most braindead mag refill perks in the game, neither of which requires you to sprint around in a well during DPS.

It's hard to envision this ever being a good pick for any gun it can roll on.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
If I could give it 0 I would. This perk is 1 step forward and 3 steps backwards.

You need 3 seconds of sprinting to activate this, and as you can't reload or shoot while sprinting. This means to benefit from it you need to stop shooting to sprint, run for 3 seconds, to get a reload speed buff. You're basically just adding 3 seconds to your reload speed.

Sure a reload speed buff after you sprint to cover is great and all, but if you're 3 seconds away from cover to even gain the benefit from the perk you're likely already dead. This should have worked like the exotic AR we got in which it reloads while sprinting. Why couldn't we just get that? Make it half as effective as the exotic AR (would make it amazing on low mag weapons like a Handcannon), and then make it as effective as the exotic AR (base) when amplified.

Or hell just make it so the time we need to be sprinting for is cut in half when Amplified.

This perk needs to get tweaked because currently it baits too many people into thinking it's half decent with or without an Arc subclass and with or without Voltshot synergy.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 25 Icon
Formerly one of worst perks in the game. Now that it activates just from being Amplified, it's actually pretty decent!

Remember that to access Amplified on Prismatic, you need at least one Arc ability or aspect equipped.
Reply      Report Posted 4 months ago
Season 22 Icon
This perk was made to synergize with reload perks like Kill Clip, Voltshot and Desperado. It's great on Combined Action, but isn't as popular on Nation of Beasts due to competition with other perks. Also, the trigger conditions are a bit frustrating. You get a reload speed buff after sprinting. Not during, after. If it were my choice, this perk would just let you reload while sprinting.

As it is now though, it's not useless. I'd like to see it on a fusion rifle. I think that'd be pretty fun to use.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago