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Raised: $0.00 Goal: $15,000.00



Classified Item

Bungie has the ability to expose information in the API that, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to be seen. We call these items "classified".

Sometimes classified items eventually are revealed to be real, in-game items. However, they are usually just junk data that made it into the API that isn't intended to be seen.

We include these items in the database solely to provide a complete view of what is in the API files. You should not take the presence of this item as a guarantee of something coming in a future update or attempt to analyze its presence too deeply. Doing so likely will only lead to disappointment.

This item is categorized as classified because:

  • It was marked as a dummy item in the API files.

Take Your Place
Attend the Closing Ceremony.
Crucible Contender
Finish 3 Crucible Contender Cards.
Gambit Contender
Finish 3 Gambit Contender Cards.
Plat? Please.
Earn a Platinum score in a Guardian Games: Competitive playlist activity.
Seasonal Contender
Finish 3 Seasonal Contender Cards.
The Gold Standard
Earn a Gold score in a Guardian Games: Competitive playlist activity.
Throne World Contender
Finish 3 Throne World Contender Cards.
Vanguard Contender
Complete 3 Vanguard playlist Contender Cards.
Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards you...
Elements of Victory
Defeat enemies with elemental abilities or weapons.
Friendly Rivalry
Complete Crucible, Gambit, or Supremacy matches.
In the Cards
Complete Contender and Platinum Cards, which can be obtained from Eva.
Bank Medallions at the podium in the Tower to contribute points towards you...
Worlds Championship Tour
Complete activities on Destinations such as Blind Well, Altars of Sorrow, E...
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