Exotique / Arme cinétique / Submachine Gun

« La victoire n'est pas la déconstruction d'un ennemi, mais le fait de reconstruire un ennemi dans votre lame. » – 9e Compréhension, 7e Tome du malheur

Source : quête exotique « Vox Obscura »
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Nuée hurlante

Nuée hurlante

Tire une salve de projectiles intelligents et toxiques qui traquent l'ennemi ciblé.
Surcharge toxique

Surcharge toxique

Réaliser un frag ou plusieurs tirs de précision déclenche une explosion qui empoisonne les cibles proches.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
Aide à la visée
Place dans l'inventaire
Efficacité aérienne
Direction du recul
Coups par minute 600
Chargeur 29
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Popular Trait Combos

Surcharge toxique
+ Crosse artisanale
45.84% of Rolls
Surcharge toxique
+ Crosse d'action
37.49% of Rolls
Surcharge toxique
+ Crosse composite
9.85% of Rolls
Surcharge toxique
+ Manche ajusté
6.83% of Rolls

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Based on 147.4K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
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  • 11.1%
  • 9.3%
  • 6.6%
  • 4.1%
  • 1.4%
  • 1.4%
  • 35.3%
  • 26.6%
  • 21.2%
  • 10.1%
  • 2.4%
  • 2.3%
  • 1.8%
  • 100.0%
  • 45.8%
  • 37.4%
  • 9.8%
  • 6.8%

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Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Osteo Striga

« La victoire n'est pas la déconstruction d'un ennemi, mais le fait de reconstruire un ennemi dans votre lame. » – 9e Compréhension, 7e Tome du malheur

« Ah, pardonnez-moi. On dirait qu'il n'est jamais rassasié. Quand je suis devenue mère, je ne me doutais pas que ça prendrait autant de temps de le nourrir. Ça ne vous dérange pas ? Merci.

Non, je sais, il ne me ressemble pas beaucoup. Il y a tant d'orphelins, de nos jours. Je l'ai entendu pleurer depuis... Ça me semble si lointain maintenant. En vérité, c'était un coup de chance. Je ne me voyais pas devenir mère, et pourtant... s'occuper ainsi d'une petite vie m'a tant appris.

Je peux ?

Désolée, je ne sais pas pourquoi je vous parle de tout ça. Vous avez l'air de savoir écouter. Et depuis que je suis mère, j'appréhende vraiment mieux les petits liens qu'il y a entre les gens. Avant, je ne pensais qu'à mon travail. D'ailleurs, ça m'a fait perdre beaucoup d'amis.

Oh ! Chuuuut... Là, voilà. C'est bien. Les bébés ont besoin de calcium.

Aujourd'hui, je sais ce qui compte. Je vois la beauté dans les plus petites choses et dans les moments les plus calmes. Je regarde les autres s'ouvrir en le voyant. Et lui s'ouvrir à leur rencontre.

J'avais un autre enfant, vous savez. C'était... avant. Je n'ai pas su le protéger. C'est mieux ainsi. Il... est à l'abri maintenant.

Et puis, ça me permet d'apprécier celui-ci encore plus. Juste nous deux.

J'aime mon petit Striga.

Et il est... toujours affamé.


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Season 16 Icon
Pros: A definite amazing addition to the game, especially for older players like me who do enjoy long grinds up not having to aim all the time. Getting 107 ammo magazines is great as it allows you to prep for champions/bossses if you can stack up the ammo and the poison tick damage is pretty amazing as well. Also its also amazing for Crucible if you are not super good at landing your shots, just look in their general direction and shoot, unless you get your shots first though, be prepared to trade in alot of situations, but even with the small amount ive tried, with necrotic grips and spraying into a group of 3 enemies, you can get some easy triple kills as once the bullets do eventually get there, it kills extremely fast due to it typically targeting headshots. Granted I still think there are better exotic armor pieces to bring into crucible with it.

Cons: Low range even at 100 range makes it so that you will have to get into alot of fights closer than desired, and with plates and other obj where you have to stand still it does suffer somewhat, the main problem i have come in with it though ironically is teamates, as to get the extra ammo, enemies need to die from poison so you typically kill one and switch to a new group of enemies while your poison damage ticks away at the others. This however typically gets interrupted by teamates who will just jump at the chance to kill your enemies dying from the poison making it a less than desirable outcome.

If you can however get your poison to kill things, especially paired with Necrotic Grips it does amazingly well, and holds up well even in harder content as the poison alone will help do alot of damage. I will definitely be rotating this into my playstyle but think overall I still prefer Witherhoard with Transversive steps/Ophidian spathe as you can clear absurd waves with them while using them primarily and still utilize other weapons as well, along with better champion/boss synergy overall in higher end content.

Edit:. New things I have found using Osteo more, if you are on Warlock with necrotic grip the intial poison does not do this, but once it proccs the second explosion of posion to other enemies from necrotic grip, this tends to count as melee kills which paired with the fragment on void where melee kills give grenade energy allows you to get your grenades back even faster. This will most likely get patched in the near future though.

Also it is best to use this like a smg version of witherhoard on champions/bosses where you procc the poison then switch to another gun as if you keep refreshing the poison, the tick damage will keep starting over, a full cycle of tick damage will out damage a witherhoard shot (at least on Carl) so this thing has insane versatility at the cost of locking down areas that witherhoard has. It has now officially become my favorite exotic to run over witherhoard as I have not been able to confirm it, but apparently other players poison damage does not overlap like witherhoard does, and not only that but apparently the poison tick damage is scaling differently than the bullet damage and is not affected by light levels, meaning the harder the content the harder the posion tick damage will hit scaling amazingly. I am not 100% on either of these claims but if this is true it is basically a superior version of witherhoard for bosses where you cannot hit directly and underneath their feet with witherhoard and will also be able to be used in tandem with other players as well, this could potentially become a raid/NF meta weapon for when someone is running a gjalahorn on the team, 5 others could theoretically run this and all run legendary rocket launchers to really dish out some amazing total damage, as shooting 7 quick precision shots with this thing is absurdly easy versus micromanaging witherhoard 2 shots between autoloading . Time will see how it fleshes out though.

I apologize for such a hefty review, but this exotic has so much going for it that it's insane and I have been playing since D1, and while SMGs are my favorite weapon type, have not really ever been a huge meta weapon for PVE, so many have had theoretically amazing kits, but never actually played out in higher end content, this gun though, even if you cannot procc it's overflow magazine in high end content, has so many other things going for it that it is still potentially going to be extremely viable. Having an exotic that can excel in so many forms is truly amazing which is why I really want to give a detailed review on why it can potentially be one of the best that we have ever gotten. (Let's just hope Bungie doesn't destroy it)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
thanks for the essay my guy
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I'm just shocked this is insane WTF
EDIT: I ment the size of this review and how much work it seems like was put into it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Wow, you must really like osteo striga
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 18 Icon
I wish void hunter or void, in general, played more into poison.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Welcome to the bone zone.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Osteoporosis if it was a gun
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This made me laugh out loud, you should know.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
why aim when the worms aim for you?
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
The gods scream no, but my bullets never stop.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
That sounds like a really good flavor text for an exotic
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Yes very true it is a good flavor text
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
without the catalyst : TARATATA TARATATA *realoding*
with the catalyst : TARATATA TARATATA taratata taratata...
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I like Osteo Striga, kinda.
The weapon fires homing projectiles that inflict poison on hit, and enemies that either take several headshots in a short time or die to the poison effect will spread the poison to other enemies a'la Le Monarque. There isn't much to say about its operation, as even by Submachine Gun standards, this weapon is braindead easy to use in most walks of the game - its sustained damage is great, the poison bursts clear crowds, its stats are comfortable to use, and the fact that you craft it means you can adjust those stats however you want by adding the barrel, magazine and stock you want. More Range? Stability? Handling? Have fun. However, there are some important things to note:
• The projectiles have a hard maximum range. Not maximum range as in "the literal Range stat can only affect the projectiles so much", but rather, "the projectiles will only physically travel so far through the air before dissipating harmlessly". They stop right after leaving about mid-long range; in The Enclave's firing range, the projectiles always stop short of the farthest-back target, even if you're standing on the very edge of the platform. Thus, you can't just build for 100 Range and snipe people with this - you MUST be in normal SMG range to hit something.
• The effects that say "poison final bows" very literally mean "the ticking poison effect has to kill the target". If direct damage or a teammate kills them, they won't count.
• The ticking poison effect seems to be much briefer than Thorn's, Le Monarque's, and Witherhoard's, but still does reasonable damage despite it.
• Although the projectiles are homing, they do *not* make sharp turns. Do not over-rely on the homing effect, but rather, think of it as enhanced bullet magnetism.
• The projectiles will generally try to target an enemy's weak point, but aren't perfect at it. Aiming to shrink the accuracy cone helps a lot, as with any other weapon.
• The projectiles spread surprisingly far-out near the end of their lifetimes, making this weapon difficult to hit things with past medium range even with the homing effect.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
To sum it up: fire like a normal smg but mostly ignore range stat, poison is roughly the same dps but ramps up over time at the cost of being briefer, and poison final blows literally mean the poison must kill the target to count (i.e. teammates can't steal kills and you can't kill them with smth else).
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
PvE: Hands down Osteo now holds the crown for ad-clear. Investing into the catalyst makes it even more lethal as kills from the poison effect return 27 rounds to the magazine. The weapon also allows for an overflow of the mag (up to max of 80-108). As rounds are spent below this range, the refill mechanic works again. Running through strikes and regular-level content, there are frequent times where entire activities can be completed with only a handful of reloads. In higher-level content, this works well to get a massive supply of bullets into a major or boss and melt them with poison ticks similar in DPS to Witherhoard.
A big item to keep in mind using Osteo is that the rounds are projectile-based and unlike other SMGs it will take time for enemies to begin taking damage after firing. Taking the time to learn roughly how many shots will kill certain enemies can go a long way in both sustaining a building a full magazine.

PvP: Tracking, tracking, tracking! While incredibly powerful and really only restricted by the limited range Osteo can perform in, this is well Bungie shows a very well-balanced caveat in the tracking system. Rounds track where you aim; meaning if only hip-firing or aiming poorly shots will track to body. Having both a stable aim and leading shots makes this a very powerful close-quarter SMG while still providing the ability to counter it with just a little extra range.

Overall: 10/10 Kinetic Exotic. While some may detest its powerful potential in the close-quarter PvP meta, there are good counter-measures to this installed on the gun that players can easily take advantage of. In PvE, its ability to reap massive ad-clear truly makes it feel like another class above legendaries in the kinetic slot.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Full Bore, Accurized Rounds, Short-Action Stock and then Catalyst perfect build! :)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Just a note, even Hammer-Forged + Accurized goes over max limit on Range, so Full Bore here only serves to reduce your stability. Smallbore + Accurized is pretty nice though.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Thorn and the Needler where already my favorite gimmick guns in their respective games and this just takes them both and combined them
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Every time I feel depressed I remember that if I die, I cannot wield this god given gun. This weapon literally changed my life, as soon as I touched this weapon, I had a wife, two kids and was a CEO of a multibillion dollar company. I worship this gun daily. Also it's good with lion rampants
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I love that the catalyst is subsistence and overflow combined infinitely. Truly excellent.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
PvE: Nothing survives, and in content where you get into its effective range and survive, it still outputs very respectable boss DPS. Don't have the catalyst yet, but it only amplifies what the gun does most effectively (mass add clear)

PvP: Legal aimbot, with the only thing holding it back is damage dropoff.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
2 Bone 2 Furious, 10/10 Vin Diesels
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Osteo Striga :) Osteo Striga :)
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
The default roll with Polygonal + Steady Rounds + Hand-Laid is pretty versatile for general gameplay, not just ad clear, since you get pretty good stability needed for the precision hits to consistently proc the poison bursts even when you are not killing red bars with it. Auto-tracking by itself is not sufficient to secure precision hits. If negative range is a concern, then I would replace Steady Rounds with Flared Magwell for more versatile usage for proccing poison with orange and yellow bars. Yes, the reload is suggested for consistency in case you do not secure the kill and have to reload manually in any high-level content.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
Thorn meets needler (halo), my favorite primary weapon in the game “Osteo”.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This thing is so insanely good in PVE i'm kind of shocked it hasn't gotten the nerf stick from bungie yet. It's basically the thorn, but AoE, on crack, with subsistence, with homing bullets, and its poison damage seems to ignore light level. Poison damage means that it repeatedly stuns champions for free without having to fire at them again.

in PVP the travel time on the bullets makes me lose firefights more often than i'd like. But I'm totally fine with this since having tracking bullets in PVP is kind of absolutely insane. It's not amazing in PVP but that's fine. If it was as good as it was in PVE I feel like nobody would enjoy playing crucible right now.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
If you want to try out or use other exotics, do not start using this gun because you will never stop using it. Since I got this during Season of the Seraph I have used it almost exclusively in most content. I have almost 200 levels on it and about 25,000 kills with it. In PvE, Osteo Striga is absolutely insane for ad clear and is great for everything else, even boss damage (at least in my experience). Even without the catalyst it's good, but with the catalyst Striga is a monster. You can get over 100 rounds in a magazine which is ridiculous. With Kinetic Siphon you will generate tons of orbs as long as red bars are around. Plus, this thing has homing bullets, and even the homing isn't nearly as potent as something like Ticuu's Divination, it still helps you get precision hits to activate poison. Osteo Striga is very good in PvP too, at least in 6v6 games. I have been using this in Iron Banner this season and it has done very well. The catalyst won't be as crazy in PvP as in PvE but it still exists, and the homing shots and poison ticks alone are enough to make this gun very viable in the Crucible.
Only two issues I can find with this gun:
1. Maybe it's just me but I have barely gotten a chance to use anything else like Final Warning, Deterministic Chaos, Verglass Curve, or Vexcalibur because I can't bring myself to give my exotic slot to anything other than Osteo Striga.
2. The bullets travel kind of slowly.
Those are the only two issues but nothing will stop me from using Osteo Striga, at least not anytime soon. I haven't even gotten Necrotic Grips yet, which apparently make this even better, but my build is still doing fine nonetheless. Not sure if it holds up quite as well in stuff like GM Nightfalls but it works for me in the endgame content that I have played. If you can, get this as soon as possible, it's my favorite weapon in this game right now by far.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Fun fact: "Osteo" is related to bones, and "Striga" is another name for a parasitic plant called Witchweed. Fitting is it?

Overall it's excellent in PVE, especially when paired with necrotic grips with the catalyst, able to chain poison kills and amass more ammo than even Tommy's Matchbook, and is also very useful for high-end content due to the poison effect ignoring leveling, dealing the same amount of damage even against over-leveled targets. It's alright in PVP, the tracking bullets hit targets easily, but the delay does make you vulnerable to trades or post-death kills.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
So think of halo needler but in destiny
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Who needs another gun when you have the beauty that is the Osteo Striga? I haven't swapped off of this weapon for more than a single mission at a time since I obtained it, it is the dream gun, my baby, my riskrunner brought into a new light.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 17 Icon
TF2 Medic's Syringe Gun on 5000mg of anabolic steroids.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 21 Icon
I have 27,000 kills with this gun. It’s the only gun I used from WQ release to Lightfall release. For my warlocks out there: Pair it with necrotic grips and weaver’s trance, and you get the mother of all ad-clear guns. Even though there’s no anti-champion mods for SMGs as of S21, I don’t bother switching off this weapon if I’m facing barriers and unstops. Throw a suspend grenade, make sure you have thread of generation equipped, and fire away. It’s a low-to-mid range weapon, so pairing it with a long-range secondary or heavy is recommended. Will get you through any activity at any tier (although due to low range I would advocate for other picks in a GM)

It’s a “fun” gun to use in PvP thanks to heavy bullet magnetism but more often than not there’s better choices out there if you’re in it to win it
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago