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Exotic / Hunter / Chest / Chest Armor

> No one has ever died wearing me.
# It's true. She leaves the unworthy before they fall.

Source: Exotic engrams; extremely rare world drops.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Lucky Raspberry
Added in Season 8

Exotic Perks

Probability Matrix

Probability Matrix

Increases the chaining capabilities of Arcbolt Grenades. Damaging enemies with Jolt lightning strikes and collecting Ionic Traces both grant additional Arcbolt Grenade energy. Arcbolt Grenades stun [Disruption] Overload Champions and delay their health regeneration.
Plasteel Reinforcement Mod

Plasteel Reinforcement Mod

Increased resilience.


Mobility 10
Resilience 10

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Related Collectible


Lucky Raspberry

No one has ever died wearing me. # It's true. She leaves the unworthy before they fall.

"I dunno. Hunter just came in one day with this odd Arc-reacting circuit, asking what it might be good for. All she could tell me was she scored it off some derelict satellite that crashed in the EDZ. So I ran diagnostics on them and it ebbed and flowed with massive Arc fluctuations. No pattern, no match to known solar or extra-solar events. Just random-like. So I hooked one into an old Malina vest we had lying around, and wished her luck. Word's got out, I guess."

—Overheard in the Tower

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