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Esotico / Stregoni / Braccia / Gauntlets

"Tu sei mia. Tu sarai mia. Tu e io, uniti per sempre."

Fonte: Engrammi esotici; oggetti ottenibili molto raramente.

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This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Karnstein Armlets
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Carezza vampirica

Carezza vampirica

I colpi di grazia corpo a corpo e con mossa finale conferiscono istantaneamente Cura e forniscono Ristoro per una breve durata.

Community Research

Melee Kills grant Cure x3 and Restoration x1.

Finishers grant Cure x3 and Restoration x2.

Restoration lasts 8 seconds (12 with Ember of Solace) in both cases.
Last Updated 2024-04-12

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Armille di Karnstein

"Tu sei mia. Tu sarai mia. Tu e io, uniti per sempre."

Mentre provi le armille, una voce regale risuona nella tua mente.
"Ascolta! Ho creato questo bracciale per aiutarti nella tua caccia. Tu aiuterai me nella mia?"

"Ricordo una donna conosciuta nella mia prima vita. Ricordo che era il mio amore, mia moglie. E io ero sua, il suo amore e sua moglie. Non ricordo altro eccetto il buco nel mio cuore. Vivo nella speranza che anche lei si sia reincarnata da qualche parte, su questa nuova Terra."

"Ho dotato queste armille di una rete neuromeccanica. Esaminerà qualsiasi mente toccata, fatta di carne o dati, in cerca di indizi sulla mia amata. La rete assorbirà potere per nutrirti. Se qualcuno che tocchi ha visto mia moglie, la rete lo saprà. Se, e solo se, lei è davvero come la ricordo."

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Season 12 Icon
This thing needs more attention in the Warlock skrill meta.

No one talks about this. This thing can save you even in the dumbest of situations. Add this with a healing rift, and it becomes clear that this thing makes you a GOD in your little area. Add this with grenade launchers like Witherhoard--

I forget myself. Just get this thing with good recovery, intellect and strength, and you'll fall in love with the buttery smoothness that is the Warlock class.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 17 Icon
It's Morbin' Time
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
In the wake of the (somewhat) recent change that finally allowed glaive melees to trigger Vampire's Caress, Karnstein has gone up from okay to phenomenal. 8 seconds of uninterruptable healing on top of your glaive's shield makes you virtually unstoppable. Add in Echo of Exchange for increased grenade up-time, Echo of Leeching to share the healing to your teammates, and for you madmen like me, throw on Devour to *really* stack that health-on-melee and grenade-on-melee to downright stupid levels.

Is it particularly viable in end-game content? Probably not, simply because it requires you to get close to your targets. But with all that healing and synergy with Voidwalker, you should be able to all but laugh your way through anything up to Legend. And as a glaive enthusiast, and a Warlock main whose been wishing for an even semi-viable melee-only build since The Taken King, this is the actualization of a dream 7 years in the making.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
These got aligned with modern game mechanics with S23, with the healing being converted from a unique heal specific to this exotic to Cure x3 on melee kill or finisher and 8 seconds of Restoration x1 for melee kills and 8 seconds of Restoration x2 for finishers. That last bit is a significant buff from how they worked before for two reasons. First, that is more healing over time from the finishers. And second, there are ways to extend a restoration effects to keep it going in harder content where you won't be getting the chance for finishers as reliably. The change really puts these on the map for those builds that can extend the duration of restoration effects to keep that Restoration x2 rolling.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 18 Icon
So... i haven't used this until this season (Season 18). IMO, this change to make glaive melee work with some exotics was a fantastic decision. It works on solar, arc, void, and stasis... and it will probably work well with the upcoming strand subclass.

I've been using this whenever I want to play my warlock like a whack-a-mole grenadier. My typical fav is a void tank build where I utilize feed the void (plus either of the other 2 aspects depending on the situation) and i use the fragments echo of exchange + undermining + reprisal for effective grenade spam and super regen. Mods and other weapons are swapped out however I feel like at the time of use. Honestly, just spamming this glaive melee while holding down block takes care of just about any non boss enemy I run into. If I have vampires caress active, as well as a time-dialated well of tenacity active... bye bye bosses and mini bosses

Other super fun builds are solar with healing grenade and well of radiance when playing with a group, or any shadebinder build you want. just freeze and break everything
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
PVE: This is essentially Destiny 2: Ultrakill
I run this with a glaive and it is BUSTED.
I always go for melee add clearing because I use a Judgement of Kelgorath w/ Overflow and Close To Melee
Which means that I get bonus damage for a ranged kill PLUS instant heal PLUS restoration up to x2 PLUS it ignores knockback because of the aggressive lunge tracking P L U S this thing hits ridiculously hard with the right mods, even without surges because you are basically invincible...
Yeah, when it runs out, start praying.

Ok, really. How often are you in Melee Range?
Now if im being honest, i dont think this is that incredible for PvE because by the time you get up close to the guy, you're probably dead. If you're using a ranged melee? Sure go for it. The instant cure is seriously nice, paired with a well or a phoenix dive for the plus restoration, but really the fact you cant finish a guardian does reduce the usability a bit.

- Well of Radiance
- Empowering Rift
- Incinerator Snap
- Touch of Flame
- Heat Rises
- Phoenix Dive
- Solar Grenade OR healing grenade
- Blasphemer, Chaperone, Eyasluna or Traveler's Chosen
- Judgement of Kelgorath w/ Overflow and CtM
- The Other Half w/ Eager Edge and Vorpal
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 17 Icon
Think of this as restoration and wormhusk on each melee kill, that can’t be interrupted by even overload rounds in PvP. Yep pretty good exotic.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
This is my favorite warlock armor exotic in destiny 2. I would actually go far enough to say that, on shadebinder, this is utterly broken. Getting a melee kill of any kind gives you a bump in health and grants you constant uninterruptable health regeneration for like 6 seconds. And it stacks with other health regen effects like rifts. Sit in a rift with this thing and nothing can kill you.

I'm giving the lesbian vampire fingies an easy 5 out of 5 and I hope to god that people continue to not use them.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
Too late sorry man ;-;
It's so incredibly busted that I couldnt resist the temptation to murder things with my hands and get rewarded with HP
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 11 Icon
Best warlock exotic in the game hands down, its like OEM but for melee kills. you melee something, powered or not, and get a kill? you get 75% of your health + constant healing for like 6 seconds. i think you can tank 4 melees before you die with the perk active. massive crutch
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Very underrated exotic, saved me multiple times in clutch situations in competitive crucible.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
in PvP: this + top tree dawn + a blasphemer or other slug shotty with swashbuckler = >:)
but you have to play aggressive, so not great in trials or smth, but can STOMP pubs
not great for PvE, why use this over devour and something to make it more lethal?
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Heal seriously what more can I say
this thing win me many clutches on PvP
and on PvE just ask them rank-files enemy
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This with monte carlo and high strength armour fucks hard
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
"We have Restoration at home..."

Jokes aside the sustain is pretty solid in PVE, and works as a decent Restoration substitute in case you don't want to invest into it as a Solar, or are playing another subclass(although Void and Arc melee are a bit unreliable). Pretty fun to use as Strand since the charged melee and grapple grenade melee are pretty powerful, so it can be procced consistently. Can't vouch for higher level content, but it works pretty well for Heroic and Legend content. No idea about PVP as i'm terrible at it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Big clutch potential in Trials. With the small team sizes, it sometimes devolves into slap-fights, and this gives you a massive survivability edge, especially since it now works with glaives.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Extremely underrated Warlock Exotic. Not many people talk about these, in either PvP or PvE, but they are deceptively strong. On every class and in every type of activity they are an absolute godsend. The sheer survivability they give you just by themselves is insane. 50 health per kill followed by 8 seconds of uninterrupted 30 health per second is just incredible. On Voidwalker you can use Echo of Provision to restore your melee faster and Echo of Leeching for even more healing for you and your teammates, combined with Feed the Void and Child of the Old Gods. On Dawnblade you have Incinerator Snap and Ember of Ashes plus Heat Rises and if you want Touch of Flame Healing Grenades. Stormcaller has Spark of Resistance and Lightning Surge. And finally, Shadebinder has Glacial Harvest with Whispers of Chains, Conduction, Hunger, and Rime. All of these builds with Heavy Handed and either Melee Wellmaker for the Light subclasses or Elemental Shards for Shadebinder and Elemental Charge plus whatever additional mods you like, I use Well of Tenacity, Well of Life, and Well of Ions all with Seeking Wells on the respective Light subclasses and Well of Restoration on Stasis. It's not something you'll generally bring into Master or Grandmaster content but for everything else in the game, this build excels at being a no frills, no fancy tricks, general purpose build for any activity on any subclass that will just keep you alive.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 10 Icon
this is possibly in my mind the most underrated warlock exotic in the game.

imagine a knight going for a melee. instead of dodging and shooting it, you just sit there, punching it until it dies. the knight hit you 5 times, enough to make titans keel over and die. you were at full health the entire time.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago