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Exotic / Energy / Pulse Rifle

"What The Witness gave me, I give to you. May it serve you in death, or in finality. It cannot be both." —Rhulk, disciple of the Witness

Source: "Vow of the Disciple" Raid

Exotic Perks

Void Leech

Void Leech

This weapon leeches Void debuffs when damaging targets that are suppressed, weakened, or volatile. Once charged, [Alternate Weapon Action] to swap firing modes. In this mode, damage from this weapon applies the same Void debuffs that were leeched.
Umbral Sustenance

Umbral Sustenance

This weapon's magazine is automatically reloaded when you gain Devour, a Void overshield, or become invisible.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Speed
Reload Time  
Aim Assistance
Inventory Size
Airborne Effectiveness
Rounds Per Minute 390
Magazine 36
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

Related Collectible


Collective Obligation

"What The Witness gave me, I give to you. May it serve you in death, or in finality. It cannot be both." —Rhulk, disciple of the Witness

Heard while scavenging a pile of dead Ghosts within the Throne World Pyramid:

"Oh insatiable you—how many beats on the snare of self-righteousness will it take before you acknowledge all the avenues from which you stall the flow of things as they should be?

"You do not see the collective obligation before you, the duteous burden that has rested on all sentient beings since time's origination—to ferry existence toward inevitable consequence: the final shape.

"Why do you unendingly insist on waylaying the machinations of every being with a worldview differentiated from your own? You lack respect. You lack direction. You seek only what you are guided to seek, and for that, you remain little more than an unrelenting nuisance.

"I was like you once. Wayward. Driven to misguided perfection by the bubble society painted around me. But when I look back, none but one had the answers. None but one shed all the airs of any pretense of what the universe was supposed to be in the eyes of the infinitesimal individual—my Witness.

"Through it, I found incentive. Clarity. Purpose. I sought to shed from myself the layer of barbarism that had pervaded my being for so long. I turned instead to the sophistication of infecting others with self-actualized corruption.

"You see, total eradication may be efficient, but the goal is not to be the last one standing. Rather, it is to remove the obstacles that encumber you and those who remain from reaching your destination.

"Annihilation of your kind was never the goal. But filling you with the right kind of ideological purpose, the kind that serves the finality of shape—well, that's the point of corrupting a beating heart, is it not?"

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Season 16 Icon
It's perfect for Void subclasses in PvE, you basically have infinite volatile rounds and weakening rounds if you have the fragment/elemental well mods equipped. Also if you have any of the void buffs active and get a kill with this gun, you never need to reload it.

It's also good for PvP, low recoil and great aim assist, getting kills with Devour on reloads your gun, but you will probably never gonna get the perk to activate as you need to shoot a lot of debuffed enemies AND it resets if you die.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
it's called the collective obligation because you feel obligated to use it after getting it
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Latest sandbox!

Collective Obligation - We are aiming to make the Exotic perk effects easier to activate and more effective in PvE.
Increased Void Leech timer to 15 seconds in PvE activities.
PVP remains at 10 seconds.
Removed the cooldown.
Added a 20% damage bonus against PvE combatants only while Void Leech is active.
Takes less hits to fully charge Void Leech.
Kills against debuffed targets instantly charge Void Leech.
Void Leech is also instantly charged when your character is affected by Void debuffs.
Does not work if hitting yourself with your own Suppressor Grenade.
Fixed a bug where Umbral Sustenance was activating with non-Void overshields.

Oh, come to papi
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
I know what everyone was thinking about this exotic since day one, it wasn't up to par against most raid exotics given it relied on much effort for just not enough reward. Okay, the season 18 buffs came and changed things around. Obviously it requires buildcrafting and also gameplay effort to make it work but,

-Void leech charging can now double dip on affected enemies, meaning it no longer needs you to proc suppression or weaken (volatile wears off after proccing it) with grenades and making you able to keep the ball rolling if you play with the timer and land the shots just before it runs out on an ad.

-Now that there's no longer a cooldown for void leech and it gives a +20% damage buff on it, there's no reason to not have void leech up all the time, even if you only leeched one buff.

-Charging Void leech now it's even easier since it charges fully after killing a debuffed enemy and it requires less hits if not.

Before these changes I could only use umbral sustenance on this gun reliably, but now every time I use this exotic I have an uptime of 90% of Void Leech the way these buffs helped the gun.
If you hated the necessary buildcrafting this exotic needs, the effort put into concatenate debuffs on enemies to have a constant Void leech uptime and the need for devour to constantly proc umbral sustenance (own preference, devour doesn't wear off from damage like overshields and reloads the gun every 3-4 seconds), not much of the weapon has changed to remedy that, but overall it's a very solid energy slot exotic for all-purpose PvE.
When it comes to PvP it can be hard to work with this, especially charging Void Leech, wouldn't recommend.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
See Coolguy's video on this weapon. The potential in solo play alone makes it top tier, but team play with multiple Collective Obligations makes it God tier for Void 3.0. You can, at a point, keep passing debuffs around through multiple Obligations, essentially weaponizing the Raid mechanics using our Void abilities as a base. The most well thought out weapon in D2.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Collective is in a genuinely really great place at the moment. Especially with the buff to Pulse Rifles introduced halfway through the season, it's a mainstay in my kit. I primarily am a Gyrfalcon's hunter and use Unforgiven with Witherhoard, which while great, Collective has basically taken over my void builds for the better. Equipping the fragment that makes your grenades apply weaken and tossing on a suppressor grenade grants you a really consistent way to proc weaken, suppress, and volatile. On stronger enemies, you can basically keep your uptime on all three extremely high. I got the recommendation elsewhere, but I equip Deliverance with Chill Clip + Demolitionist in my kinetic slot and I'm effectively able to stop all 3 champions on a consistent basis, deal out a significant amount of damage, and get grenade energy back for more suppresor/weaken grenades. I don't really know meta loadouts and damage numbers, to be honest, but it's simultaneously fun and you're also consistently helping out your team in end-game content. Being able to suppress, weaken, and volatile is a huge help if you're consistently applying it right, and having Demolitionist and Chill Clip for grenade energy and unstoppable champs is such a huge asset. You basically turn into a constant debuffer and if you're timing everything right, you're doing great damage yourself while also maximizing your team's damage. And if you have a teammate who's also running collective, you can leech off each other's debuffs. They don't stack, but uptime on suppress and weaken can be really great for your team. This isn't even mentioning the fact that when the leach is active, you get a 20% damage buff to PvE combatants and the time to charge leech is pretty small now.

I've used it a consistent amount in PvP and it's solid. It's a pulse rifle but there are better options. Being able to apply Weaken and Suppression in PvP with void leech can be really great. In theory it seems really great to be able to activate leech, apply suppression, and shut down a roaming super, but in practice I don't think I've been able to pull it off. But Crucible isn't really my strong suit. There's a decent amount of setup required to pull that off that I feel you might as well just use your abilities, i.e. suppression grenade, hunter melee. But I'm fully willing to admit that Crucible isn't really my strong suit, I just feel there are other exotics I'd resort to first.

Collective is great. The drop rate is ridiculously low and I've done more runs of Vow than I'd hoped, but it's been in basically every void build since I obtained it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
This thing has been underrated since it released and has stayed that way despite multiple significant buffs, and that's a tragedy.

I think the weirdness of it's game play loop turns people away, but you put a bit of effort into making a build for it and collective will not dissapoint you.

For the pvp minded, try it with stylish executioner and gyrfalcons. Add in a suppressor grenade with the weakening fragment (forgetting what it's called rn) and I guarantee you that you will be amazed how easy it is to juggle these debuffs (and get truesight) in pvp. It almost feels illegal.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 18 Icon
Are you a Void Subclass main? You like Void 3.0? You like having devour, overshield and invisible proc? You like volatile rounds? Well I got good news for you, Get Collective Obligation. One of the best 3.0 subclass showcase weapons in my book especially with how good it is after its buff. If you're a Warlock running Voidwalker then you practically have the best weapon for you since you can easily proc all 3 debuts on enemies with your kit. This gun is amazing with its rework, Void Leech lasting for 15 seconds, a 20% Damage Boost while Void Leach is active, zero cooldown so you can easily proc it back to back to back. You can go even further beyond with using some Elemental Well builds to increase this guns damage with Font of Might. This thing is a beast and I'm surprised people sleep on this gun so much, then again people don't use a lot of Void 3.0 now since the other subclasses got their reworks. In PvP it's still a solid adaptive frame pulse. Nice recoil direction, good aim assist stats and still a good pick if you're a Void 3.0 enjoyer.

TL;DR, Gun is good and you should get it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
great weapon in pve, can basically work with anything void related, cooldown was removed and with the 50% bonus to its damage when void leech is active makes it really good for high-end content especially with the debuffing potential
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
I has a good feel, and can reward void players if they set up for it. Good gun
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
First Exotic Pulse rifle in some time and it’s coming in pretty strong.

The weapon by itself is a jack-of-all-trades weapon, having good range, superb stability, great handling, average aim-assist and a fast reload speed to boot; it’s definitely not a slouch in Crucible.

It however, shines outside of Crucible thanks to it’s Exotic perks which allow it to take Void debuffs applied to enemies you’re shooting the weapon at and store them for use during an alternate “Void Leech” firemode. Going invisible, getting an Overshield or proccing Devour reloads the weapon from reserves.

Debuffs such as Weaken, Volatile and Suppress can all be used by the weapon, all at the same time if you really wanted to, basically allowing you to keep a pocket Divinity that weakens targets for more damage, cleans rooms in seconds and keeps Hive Lightbearers from using abilities, mechanically this weapon is phenomenal.

Overall Collective Obligation is a wonderful addition to the sandbox. Unfortunately it’s sharing the same slot as other literal Raid Exotics that both clear rooms and kill bosses even faster, namely Vex Mythoclast and Tarrabah, both of which are literally monsters.

Here’s hoping the Catalyst helps to make the weapon a true one-of-a-kind.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
VERY good weapon. Both for solo and group play. If you play around with wells & volatile rounds you can absolutely clean rooms with this thing, and being able to store volatile/weakening/suppression for later is incredibly useful. Only gripes I have are that the cooldown timer is a bit too long, and the timeframe for shooting the debuffs is too short. You need to shoot and connect three rounds to ready the perk for use as well which could be annoying. Otherwise, incredibly thought out and well made gun. I got it to drop around two days ago and already have 2,000 kills, so I may be a bit biased, but this is definitely my new favorite exotic pulse. Pretty decent in pvp too!
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
ok, so, because i have god-tier luck, i was granted this gun on my second run, and i honestly do not really enjoy it. but hear me out. i have NOT built into this weapon, have not made any builds for it, and, after watching coolguy's video on it, i think that it could absolutely slap in gms if you get a 3-stack with it. honest pet peeve in pve is that it does not deal that much damage w/o any buffs active, and i heard that it slaps in pvp. tl;dr pretty cool and good gun in pve if you can get a 3/6 stack, and ok in pvp
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 20 Icon
As a previous hater who thought this thing was useless and not worth the exotic slot. I was super wrong, Void 3.0 is thriving with the way bungie keeps giving it different aspects that all indirectly make this thing a monster in PVE. Hunter has a kit made for this thing, along with Gyrfalcon's you have infinite volatile rounds, devour with the correct aspects, and invis. Warlock also thrives with this exotic. Not as much as hunter but Nezarec's sin and this with all the abilities you can stack with it just is an continuous stream of volatile, devour, invis, and suppress. I've not tested this weapon on my titan yet as I personally have way too much fun on my warlock and hunter. But something along the lines of Heart of inmost light ability spam would most likely be possible.
The only way I could see this be nerfed is if void 3.0 is nerfed and the ability to be picked up off a target you affected. But with the Midseason buff of season 20 (20%more PVE damage) coming soon I can only imagine how strong it will become
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
If Rhulk has blessed you with this beast of a gun, and you havent tried it out yet, i highly suggest to give it a try. It may not be for everyone, but in right hands and in right build this thing slaps.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
With the upcoming pulse rifle buffs in the final shape, and stylish executioner being on prismatic (or just default void), this exotic will be in a great place during the final shape. The weapon itself synergises incredibly with hunter, having access to gyrfalcons, the weapon's umbral sustenance perk can be refreshed consistently, while also allowing the volatile of gyrfalcons to be leeched and then re-applied to have a permanent cycle of void debuffs and invis.

Now i just need to get the weapon.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 18 Icon
20/10 fucking weapon, holy shit man, I cant believe they added this. There are better weapons in crucible by far but fuck when void leech is active and you know what you're doing you can get an easy wipe
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
It's decent but pretty underwhelming especially for a raid exotic, it is quite fun but asides from that I can't say I recommend using it in PvE or PvP, as it also happens to be in a lackluster archetype. I honestly hope they give it a buff like they did with Vex so that I can feel justified using my exotic slot on it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Very good gun if built with the right aspects and whatnot, perk is sort of hard to pull off but when you do its very worth it, in crucible its very consistent too so tahts a plus
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
Things amazing, I'm convinced this weapon & Gryfalcons were made for each other, infinite invisibility, Devour & most importantly volatile rounds. Can't wait to see whst the future holds for this weapon, maybe some nice skins & hopefully a decent catalyst
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Absolutely cracked in gambit! Clears adds, and with the right void setup it weakens, suppresses and adds volatility effects to envoys and bosses when its really needed
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
really good with void 3.0. the gun received massive buffs and is really strong with the gyrfalcons harburk, you constantly get the dmg buff and invis. One of my favorite guns.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Absolutely nuts for void PvE build crafting
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This weapon weeks like it lacks synergy or symmetry with the 3 classes, however built properly it can be a monster.

Good combos are weaken suppressor grenades on a warlock, allowing easy 3 debuff procks and prompt obliteration of the enemy.

Still yet to truly use on crucible however there is potential.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
The gun feels great, andwhile it lacks synergy without building into void debuffs, it's very easy to do so, making it a non-issue. Having weaken and suppress available on-demand on a primary feels great, on top of Season 16's Volatile Flow for tons of explosions. Feels spectacular on both Warlock and Titan with their access to debuffs. Got it on my first clear under contest and it's never leaving my inventory.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
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