Legendary / Artifact

A tonic receptacle of Eliksni make, traditionally crafted for high-ranking officials.

Given to you by Eido of House Light in honor of your role as Slayer Baron.


Power Bonus


Slayer Baron Apothecary Satchel

A custom pouch with attached Tonic Capsule for mixing various resources found in the field.

A note is attached:

A gift for the Slayer Baron, in thanks for the burden you carry on behalf of all Eliksni.

May it grant you many-armed protection as you face Fikrul.

There are two great challenges we face: one kinetic, against the Revenant Scorn; one corporeal—my father's curse.

But Slayer Baron tonics may save us from both, as they did the ancient Eliksni during the beast hunts on Riis of old.

According to Crow's report, Fikrul's new breed of Scorn is made from our living flesh. He doesn't even need to kill us to turn us anymore. The transmutation sounds ontological in nature—just like my father's condition.

The original Barons used apothecary mixers such as this one to brew eclectic medicines. We'll leverage similar tonics as combat and utility enhancements in the field.

Before the Whirlwind, there were seven Eliksni scholia that informed tonic creation: Innervation, Conduction, Effervescence, Tenacity, Vigor, Euthermia, and Cognition.

All of which will be useful to us as battlefield treatments, provided I can get your help with fieldwork and experimentation.

Don't worry! I'm certain we can modernize these tonics to affect just your Guardian abilities and not your physiology. Mostly certain. We'll need every advantage we can find.

Fikrul's actions on Europa have made clear that he sees our people as transgressions. No matter the House, whether we are friends of humanity or not. Distress calls from Eliksni enclaves across the system are flooding public frequencies.

I implore you to win this war. Not to fulfill a prophecy, or secure a title for my father. To prevent our extinction.

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