Earn Rare Emblems and Help a Great Cause!

Raised: $0.00 Goal: $15,000.00


Legendary / Quest Step

Purchase any Armor Synthesis bounty from Ada-1.

Track your quest, bounty, milestone, and exotic catalyst progress on The Director

Let's Go


Bounty purchased:


Part of Quest "Tying It All Together"

1. Tying It All Together

Speak with Ada-1 in the Tower to receive starter materials for Armor Synthesis.

2. Tying It All Together

Use the Synthweave that Ada provided to create an ornament from any piece of Legendary armor you've acquired.

3. Tying It All Together

Return to Ada-1 in the Tower to discuss your progress.

4. Tying It All Together

Purchase any Armor Synthesis bounty from Ada-1.

5. Tying It All Together

Complete any Armor Synthesis bounty and claim its reward.

6. Tying It All Together

Use the Loom to convert your Synthcord into Synthweave.

7. Tying It All Together

Return to Ada-1 in the Tower Armory and report your successful operation of the Loom.

8. Tying It All Together

Acquire 10,000 Glimmer in order to purchase another Armor Synthesis bounty from Ada-1.

9. Tying It All Together

Return to Ada-1 to continue manufacturing Synthweave.
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