Earn Rare Emblems and Help a Great Cause!

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Rare / Hunter / Head / Helmet

Complete the Chosen Redux mission, defeat enemies with Void Energy weapons, and complete a Nightfall.

Source: Solstice 2018

Special Perks

Survivalist Hunter Armor

Survivalist Hunter Armor

Improved recovery.

Related Collectible


Solstice Mask (Rekindled)

Hide your true face from the sun, lest you get burned.

"Now is not the time, Cayde." Sword strike. Forty-one Cabal down.

"On the contrary, my horned friend." Throwing knife. Thirty-six. "These red lesions are burning down our house. The stakes have never been higher!" Hand cannon. Thirty-seven. "Let's say… two thousand Glimmer a head."

"Ikora said 'Red Legion,' you fool. And no." Sword strike. Forty-two and forty-three.

"Five thousand."

"I will not wager against you when our home—"


"Wh— What is this? Cayde, what have you done to me? Another trick to win a bet we haven't made?"



"No, you big ox! I can't… ugh. Can't you see that it got me too? Look out!" Sidearm. Thirty-eight.

"The Light is beyond my reach. My Ghost is empty." Sword strike. Forty-four. "This means…"

"They need us. We should split up." Throwing knife. Thirty-nine. "I'll sweep the streets, you take the—"

"Ten thousand." Sword strike. Forty-five. "THESE are the highest stakes." Sword strike. Forty-six. "You want a bet, Hunter? Let's bet. The only prize is our lives. For all time.”

Hand cannon. Firefly! Forty, forty-one, forty-two. "You're on."

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