Common / Enhanced Trait

This weapon gains bonus damage while in combat for an extended time, activating faster. Remaining in combat for a slightly reduced duration rewards a larger damage bonus and periodically heals the wielder.

Community Research

Being in Combat for 🡅 11.5 seconds grants a Stack of 'Chaos Reshaped' for 7 seconds. Maintaining the first Stack for 🡅 11.5 seconds grants a second Stack.

Exchanging damage refreshes the buff duration.

For Chaos Reshaped, being in Combat is defined as having either dealt or received damage within the last 5 seconds.

Benefits at Chaos Reshaped x1 and x2:
• x1: grants 20% increased damage
• x2: grants 35% increased damage and grants a periodic burst of healing

Healing burst builds up while the weapon is readied at a rate of 5? HP/s. The burst is released either every 7 seconds for a 35 HP heal or upon stowing the weapon, releasing the built-up health.

🡅 Each Stack is gained 0.5 seconds sooner.
Last Updated 2024-06-27


Chaos Reshaped

Chaos Reshaped

This weapon gains bonus damage while in combat for an extended time. Remaining in combat for even longer rewards a larger damage bonus and periodically heals the wielder.
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