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Exotic / Power / Machine Gun

It's not over until the vast red artificial intelligence sings.

Source: Season Pass Reward

Exotic Perks

Wrath of the Colossus

Wrath of the Colossus

Heavy slug launcher that charges, then fires full auto while the trigger is held.
Omega Strike

Omega Strike

Land hits with the slug launcher to load missiles,[Alternate Weapon Action] and then fire to launch several missiles in a volley.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Speed
Reload Time  
Aim Assistance
Inventory Size
Airborne Effectiveness
Rounds Per Minute 100
Magazine 70
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Perk Playground

Random Curated
Crafted Enhanced
    • {{perk.Name}}
    • {{mod.Name}}

Curated Roll

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Your Rolls{{RollCountString()}}

Show Tips

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Let's Go

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Grand Overture

It's not over until the vast red artificial intelligence sings.

"So. You're the new guy." Ana Bray cracks a half smile. "Can't be worse than the last Psions that Red and I dealt with." She impatiently taps her heel on her workshop bench as the Psion hurriedly checks linkages and nodes on the neural coupling device around her head.

Words and images skip across Ana's mind like stones. "Remain calm. Even though you are defenseless, I do not possess a starship." A sound resembling laughter follows.

"Funny." Ana chuckles impatiently. "Okay! I've been setting this up for months. Are you done with the safety checks?"

Jinju flies by Ana and runs a scan over the engram. "Be nice."

A digital timepiece drains toward zero while the Psion inundates her mind with questions.

"My Light, Splicer tech, brain tubes. Yeah, I got it," Ana says. "Plug my brain into Red already and let's do this." Her voice quickens with excitement. The Psion finishes linking cables to a Splicer-tech receptacle housing Rasputin's engram and gives Ana an awkward thumb pointing up.

The Psion forms an interlocking image in her mind: a tangle of wires. Slowly, her perspective sifts through them and stops at a radiant center. She hears the words, 'Forgotten vestige, made remembered.'

"That's the plan, Pstan!" Ana exclaims. "Drop me in; I can already hear the Tchaikovsky." She stares down the ticking timer: 3… 2… 1…

Ana blinks. She stands in a vast thicket of thorn and rot. A warmth radiates from deep within the thicket.

Ana blinks. She presses through bramble as barbs draw blood. Her sense of self wavers. She finds her grip on a searing-hot spike, shifting her senses red like an adrenal rush.

Ana blinks. She kneels at the spike and rips it from the ground. A Valkyrie javelin is in her grasp.

Ana blinks. The thorned vines around her recoil and wither in the heat. She feels something within the javelin, faint and weak, but alive.

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