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Legendary / Titan / Class Item / Titan Mark

Devrim Kay fashioned the pattern for these Guardian armor suits.

Source: Complete activities and earn rank-up packages in the EDZ.

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This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Wildwood Mark
Added in Season 8

Related Collectible


Wildwood Mark

Devrim Kay fashioned the pattern for these Guardian armor suits.

Right, well… I'm afraid you won't get far with that attitude. Hawthorne doesn't care about that "Trials of Osiris" rubbish. Gilded armor can't feed hungry refugees. And don't go nattering on with that "Guardian" business either, not where she can hear you. There are no "Guardians" out here. To her, anyone that can pick up a gun and shoot is a "Guardian."

I know you're new here. You've done a lot, seen a lot. And I know Hawthorne can be a bit rough around the edges, eh? But listen to her. What she says is sound: "Look out for each other. Don't do anything stupid. Pitch in where you can." She's not claiming to be one of your Vanguard. She is simply doing what she feels is her duty—defending those under her protection until all are safe and we can rebuild what we've lost.

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