Legendary / Warlock / Class Item / Warlock Bond

"All endings are beginnings."

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Veteran Legend Bond

"All endings are beginnings."

Tonight, I watched a thousand lanterns fill the night sky. Tonight, I watched the hopes and dreams of humanity burn bright in the dark and challenge the uncertainty of the future. Tonight, I gave birth to a child that will shoulder the same burden of humanity's uncertain future that I have. Tonight a new person came into this world who will share in my family's stories, hear of their ancestors and their triumphs, their failures, and their legends. Tonight, humanity takes a step into a future so unknown we do not even have a word for it. Tonight is a moment that must live forever, no detail forgotten.

Tonight, the war is over. Tonight, a new age dawns. Tonight, I am so very tired. From my bedroom I hear congratulations and cheers. I hear excitement. Everyone I have spoken to is dreaming about the future now, rather than merely surviving the next day. Some of my friends want to venture into the stars, leave the safety of the City and explore. They want to reclaim everything we've lost; all these worlds. But I won't be joining them. My place is here in the City, where my family has lived and died for generations. My friends ask, "Why would you want to stay in the Last City?" But I don't think it's going to stay the Last City.

I think this is the First City of many to come.

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