Exotic / Titan / Arms / Gauntlets

Do you deserve it?

Exotic Armor Focusing

Exotic Perks

Myrmidon's Reach

Myrmidon's Reach

Gain a second charge of your Shield Throw melee. Your Shield Throw melee now weakens targets and becomes shield-piercing, stunning [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champions.

When you stun a [Shield-Piercing] Barrier Champion with your Shield Throw melee, you regain a melee charge.

Community Research

Grants an additional Shield Throw Melee Ability Charge.

Shield Throw gains Shield-Piercing properties and Weakens targets for ? seconds on hit.

Stunning a Barrier Champion with Shield Throw grants a Melee Ability Charge.
Last Updated 2024-06-27

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Second Chance

Do you deserve it?

A high-pitched whistle echoed off the walls of Bannerfall as the shield soared through the air. It ricocheted off one broken pillar, then another, before Shaxx caught it in midair. He held it firm, its Void Light illuminating his armor.

"So, how is he?" asked the Crucible handler. He threw the shield back the way it came, bouncing it off a tree and then a crate until it landed in Saint-14's deft hands.

"No change," Saint answered with a frustrated sigh. He hurled the shield forward, watching it rebound back to Shaxx, who caught and held it again. "Sometimes, I…"

Saint's voice trembled as he trailed off, and Shaxx lowered the shield to his side. "Yes?"

"Sometimes I wonder if I deserve this," Saint continued. "I keep thinking back to the Eliksni who cowered from me in fear. The monstrous things I did to their people. What if Osiris is being made to pay my debts?"

Slowly, Shaxx lowered the edge of the shield to rest on the ground. "When I was a Warlord," he said, his voice unusually quiet, "I inflicted immeasurable pain and suffering on both Humans and Eliksni. Now I train Guardians for battle—some might even call me a role model."

It was Shaxx's turn to sigh. "But they'd be wrong." He lifted the shield and gave it another toss.

Saint caught the shield one-handed, then let its Light fizzle out. "Are you telling me not to blame myself?"

Shaxx shook his head. "I'm telling you that people don't always get what they deserve in life. Us included."

He formed his Light into a new shield and sent it flying through the air.

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