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Exotic / Kinetic / Auto Rifle

Is your Light bright enough to stand in full gaze of the Hive's abyss?

Source: "Crota's End" Raid

Exotic Perks



Precision final blows with this weapon trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion and increase reload speed for a short time. Final blows with Cursed Thrall explosions refill the magazine.


Reloading after a precision final blow or a final blow with a Cursed Thrall explosion increases your rate of fire and improves stability and aim assist.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Speed
Reload Time  
Aim Assistance
Inventory Size
Airborne Effectiveness
Rounds Per Minute 720
Magazine 50
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Is your Light bright enough to stand in full gaze of the Hive's abyss?

Arise for Crota, Son of Oryx, the Hope-Eater!

He who has seized the Sky lair above Ceres,
which peers into other planes,
now vassal to the might of the Worldbreaker!

Within these keyholes
our brood communes with unheard voices.
They who whisper that the
curse of our Thralls
is a blessing granted by the Deep.

Now, in honor of the God-Knight,
we fashion these gluttonous whispers into death.
His Hellmouth becomes home to the profane:
the corpse of the Sky, reborn in the abyss.

— Enkaar, the Anointed

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Season 22 Icon
This weapon has always been my all time favourite exotic in the franchise, even waaaay back in The Dark Below when it was objectively a bad gun I still loved it. The quest was awesome and the gun was extremely unique, the D2 version here is no exception. I got the gun for free thanks to getting a contest clear so I can't talk much on the quest this time around but the gun itself is phenomenal!

On headshots Necrochasm like it's old D1 counterpart will cause a pretty big Cursed Thrall explosion that'll damage enemies as you'd expect but what's different about this now is any enemy killed by the blast will then also explode too and if that explosion kills another enemy, they explode. Basically this has Chain Reaction built in, yes this PRIMARY has Chain Reaction. To top that off any enemy NOT killed by the blast immediately will be poisoned and if they die to that poison proc afterwards they explode like a Cursed Thrall again starting the chain of explosions up (this may be a bug though as in my experience it doesn't happen all the time). Obviously as well since this is a Weapon of Sorrow that poisons, having Necrotic Grip equipped means the poison can chain off of enemies endlessly or until something doesn't die/everything is already dead but as the additional procs from the Grips don't count as Necrochasm kills enemies won't explode on death.

It's next main perk is just a renamed and slightly better Desperado called Desperation, what this does is when you reload after a precision kill or after a Cursed Thrall explosion kill (which will happen automatically thanks to Cursebringer) the gun becomes a 900rpm Auto like it's D1 counterpart, gains 6 stability to hit 100 and also gains some aim assist. It's an absolute monster in PvE and PvP with this perk, trust me if you see someone ramped up in PvP with this, just run.

So yeah if you thought Osteo was awesome you will absolutely adore this weapon, it's really just better than it's ever been and might also be one of the best Primary weapons Destiny has ever seen, although I am a little biased when I say that.
100% worth the grind and the contest clear, thank you Bungie for bringing this beauty back.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I'm very pleased with this exotic. Just a blast!)
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
Necrochasm is returned to us, as the first Raid Exotic quest since Divinity all the way back in Shadowkeep - no RNG drops needed. Well, some needed, though you can fudge a fair few of them. The quest requires you to get a bunch of kills with a white Auto, then secure an item dropped randomly from encounters or guaranteed from most of the Raid triumphs. Either way, its a bit of a slog, but its certainly worth it - and most will likely think it a lot less frustrating than Divinity.

In PvE, this thing shreds. Capable of chaining Cursed Thrall explosions as long as you can score headshot kills, and reloading after either a precision or Cursed Thrall kill kicks its RPM up a notch to 900 and gives it more Stability and Aim Assist to work with, making those headshots easier and faster to land. If the explosions dont kill, they poison targets - since this is, after all, a Weapon of Sorrow. And that means Necrotic Grips synergy baby! (granted Necrotic poison kills dont trigger Cursed Thrall explosions but tis a small price to pay for synergy.) Combine this with the natural benefits offered to Exotic Primaries in PvE, particularly Kinetics, and you've got a recipe for success.

In PvP, while its hardly going to be rocking the meta as a 720, there is no denying it is EXTREMELY consistent. Base 94 stability, 85 recoil direction, and 85 aim assist on a 50 round magazine? Excellent stuff. Getting a precision kill and gaining a significant TTK reduction due to losing no damage but gaining a much faster fire rate? Beautiful. Necrochasm won't set the Crucible on fire by any means, but it'll feel right at home there all the same.

Lastly, the Catalyst. Some have expressed dissapointment that its Outlaw, which doesnt quite gel for some with Necrochasms already great reload stat, but not every Catalyst can be game changing. Plus, the synergy is obvious - faster triggering of Desperation for high speed violence. Whether it gets buffed or not, we will see, but for now its certainly a solid addition. (Besides, what could a catalyst do? This bad boy already has stats out the wazoo and a DPS boost on reload, what more could they give it honestly!)

Edit, several months later: Well, uh... colour me wrong on that Catalyst thing. One For Thrall is a bloody good catalyst, and the Reload buff has been rolled into base Cursebringer. Necrochasm is now a significantly stronger option and arguably one of the best Exotic Autos in the game since Quicksilvers nerf. Definitely worth consideration.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
In the final shape this will be very good, the explosions will still be weak, but with aoe primary exotics getting nerfed this may have a chance to shine. The reworking of the catalyst to make outlaw intrinsic and giving it ofa will help the low damage of 720s.

In PVP its actually fun in 6s in smaller maps but 720s aren't in a good spot rn and the gun only shines when you can get desperation going. 3.5/5 (rounded up to 4)
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 22 Icon
When necrochasm return im so happy to wield it back after D1 but they change how this exotic work by only precision kill that trigger OG perk and i like how thrall explosion chaining like sunshot, but the catalyst is disappointing for me playing alot of hour to get that another 15 essence, its fine to whoever complete at contest but imagine how much hour that normal raider had to collect 35 essence by just giving outlaw perk without giving another stat bonus, i know outlaw is good for pvp but i expect that catalyst will trigger thrall explosion without doing precision kill like trinity ghoul

in PVP yeah just like regular 720RPM auto rifle somehow while desperation perk active make this thing better

After spending alot of day to get necrochasm im not gonna waste my another time to get outlaw perk, if they rework by giving accuracy and stability or range bonus i will take it
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
It's absolutely great, people just underrate it's performance because of how good Osteo Striga is ( Bungie noticed btw, Osteo nerf coming next season ). The explosions on precision kill are massive, and any kills with the explosion cause a chain reaction. People may think that this is just sunshot, but not only do the explosions deal significantly more damage, any enemy hit by the explosion that does not die is hit with a necrotics grips- lite poision effect, and if they die to the poison, they also explode. There is nothing more fun with this weapon than causing a giant chain reaction of explosions near a champion/miniboss and seeing every red bar get eviscerated and the minibosses health get chunked down. Obviously not a PvP focused gun, not by a long shot. I wouldn't bother, it's like trying to go into PvE with last word or Jade Rabbit; sure it'll be able to kill things but it's just not designed to be used in that part of the game.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I Love this weapon. After countless runs and bungos abysmal drop rate, I finally tallied up enough oversoul to get my hands on it. It's safe to say I'm not disappointed at all. The gun is everything id hoped it be. It looks kinda ugly imho, but I love the exotic perc, and I'm a whore for auto rifles. Id still pick Monte Carlo over this weapon in pve, but it's a great choice if you wanna spend the exotic slot on an auto rifle. The desperation perk is also nutty, it procs on precision final blows and changes this weapon to a 900 rpm auto rifle without changing the damage. It's excellent in crucible too. if you can chain precision kills on bunched up enemies, you'll have a great time. Is it worth the 20 oversoul? no, but its a really fun weapon to use and I'm happy its back in the game. 9/10 in PvE and PvP.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Nice gun bungo, but sunshot\trinity\graviton lance exists already. Ah and catalyst is a big joke, it feels like it do nothing, i mean you can just equip one mod for reload speed and it feels better cause of consistency, with it you shouldnt get precision kill for same reload speed. Feels great in pvp and when precision hit procs on kill, it is really asewome to get chain explosions, but why sunshot can do it without neccesary for precision kill and raid exotic have to?
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Real necro catalyst is big disappointing, for now necro catalyst not worth to get for time until bungo rework it again, because getting 15 essence is pain long

No one care about too OP for adclear stuff atleast it fun to use just that like sunshot,trinity and graviton, imagine wiping alot of time at crota, playing alot of hour to do encounter and catalyst and prey for RNG god to get outlaw perk
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 24 Icon
I was going to write a review stating how this weapon was far stronger in Destiny 1, criticizing it for being outperformed by literal world drop exotics and even some legendaries despite being a grindy raid exotic, how it needs precision kills for the perk despite being a bullet hose 720-900 autorifle which is a very bad archetype to use for precision kills especially when considering flinch, and how it's stupid how people complained about this weapon in D1 causing Bungie to make it explode on non-precision kills, only for them to revert it when it got re-released in D2 where people are suddenly okay with it, and how it's okay that a raid exotic is inferior to both Sunshot and Graviton Lance despite it requiring significantly more work put into getting it.

I was going to do that but Datto said that the weapon is fine, and because I am completely incapable of forming my own opinions I now consider this the greatest weapon in the entire game for damage, ADD-clear, stunning, debuffs, and boss DPS. I will now proceed to fill every single weapon slot in my inventory with Necrochasm and I will out-DPS every Still Hunt hunter I find with only this gun. All I have to do is pray to god a Graviton user doesn't appear so they don't clear the room while I whiff my precision kill because the enemy stun animation moved their head out of the way.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 22 Icon
Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Skill issue. The guns as good as your aim with it.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
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Season 22 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Quicksilver is a 720 AR...
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
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