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Esotico / Arma cinetica / Scout Rifle


Fonte: Stagione del Profondo.

Exotic Perks

Attrito strisciante

Attrito strisciante

Mettere a segno colpi di precisione rapidamente rallenta i bersagli.
Raccolto in tributo

Raccolto in tributo

Quando Attrito strisciante è attivo, distruggere i cristalli di stasi o eseguire colpi di grazia precisi crea un frammento di stasi. Il frammento di stasi torna a te e ottenere frammenti di stasi ricarica il caricatore.


Damage Falloff  
Velocità di ricarica
Reload Time  
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Dimensione inventario
Efficacia in volo
Direzione del rinculo
Proiettili al minuto 180
Caricatore 15
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Season 22 Icon
Wicked implement is a pretty fun scout rifle to use. I love the idea, it looks beautiful, and it's nice to have a hive themed gun that's entirely of hive design, not a weapon of sorrow, or something simply using the power of darkness that was taken from the hive to empower the weapon, like whisper of the worm or touch of malice. A primary ammo weapon that can slow is a pretty interesting idea, and conceptually, I love wicked implement. The catalyst, particularly with headstone, makes this gun feel pretty good. That being said, I still think there are some issues. Like my review of Final Warning, I'm gonna go over exactly what Wicked Implement does, and its pros and cons

The usage of wicked implement is pretty simple. Chain headshots to proc its exotic trait, which lets you apply slow on every consecutive shot. Killing targets with it active or shattering a stasis crystal will create a stasis shard that tracks to your location and fully reloads the gun, allowing you to pretty effectively snipe minors and never even have to reload. When fighting orange bars that take a little longer to kill, the slow from the perk can freeze them, and then shatter them, dealing more damage to them and everything around them. Like the perk says, it's a gun that lets you win wars of attrition from a distance, and that's fun. Additionally, the trait lasts long enough for you to reload and then continue chaining headshots without it deactivating.

In PVP, it feels pretty underwhelming. Effectively, it's just a 180 scout rifle. If you kill someone with 4 headshots, the last shot procs the perk, and you generate a stasis shard that reloads the gun, which isn't all that useful in PVP content. If you have the catalyst, it also overflows the magazine, which is a little bit more useful, but with it being a scout rifle, you have more than enough rounds in a magazine to end an engagement as is, so it's not particularly necessary. Creeping attrition's slowing effect does not proc on a single guardian in pvp, the only way you could use it is if you activated the perk on one guardian, and then immediately went over to start shooting another guardian in the same sightline, which could let you slow them. Given how niche of a situation that is, the exotic trait doesn't hold up in pvp whatsoever, and the gun is not all that useful for kill chaining.

In PVE, you can slow and freeze majors, dealing with most kinds of champions relatively easily, which is quite useful. With it being a stasis scout rifle, it performs pretty effectively against shields and health alike, regardless of the element of the shield. On Shadebinder, I've noticed that by freezing enemies with wicked implement, I can generate a very large number of stasis shards pretty quickly, which, when combined with the fragment that gives overshield when picking them up, can add a good deal to your survivability, and the stasis shard generation from glacial harvest combined with wicked implement is the reason why my strength stat doesn't need to be all that high on my stasis build

- Stasis scout rifle, works well against shields
- Primary ammo application of slow, allowing you to consistently deal with champions
- Large amounts of stasis shard generation when combined with certain things

- Is very difficult to get
- Severely underperforms in PVP and isn't work your exotic slot in that kind of content
- Creeping attrition takes too many shots to activate
- Maybe this is just a personal complaint, but I think it should have been a 260 scout, considering Veist usually makes rapid fire weapons and the ornament for it is Veist themed
- Isn't all that great against groups unless you can shatter a major in the middle of them. Otherwise, you need to pick off all of them one by one, unlike other exotics where you can more easily eliminate groups by dealing with one member of them in a specific way
- Sometimes it feels like stasis Polaris Lance

Overall, I give this gun a 6/10. It's fun to use, and I would recommend picking it up, but the encounter to do so is pretty difficult. You can deal with it somewhat easily with divinity, thunderlord, and malfeasance/lucky pants for damage, though. I would suggest that creeping attrition starts applying slow on the second or third chained headshot, or increasing the fire rate of the gun to be 260rpm, or both. Wicked implement is fun, it's really cool looking, and I enjoy it, but it will never be meta for anything, I think.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Gun feels crispy with the recent changes.
Headstone being added to the catalyst makes a huge difference.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This is the definition of a workhorse weapon. It doesn't do anything too flashy, but you can rely on it to bring consistency and utility to any activity in the game. In a season with anti barrier scout, it can tackle all champion types by itself, and it's no slouch against barrier champs even without the mod if you can keep the freeze up consistently.

I think Wicked Implement is being criminally slept on in PVE, especially after the release of the catalyst. Give it a try
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 21 Icon
Make it take less shots to slow and give the catalyst headstone then we golden
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Ask and ye shall receive (partly, this is bungie we're talking about)
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
Very solid exotic to take into all levels of content, in GMs its almost a psuedo-Stasis Polaris Lance (Just not as strong because solar is cracked out), it's able to lock down two types of champions with both slow and freeze through crits (Good luck getting those on an overload tho).
It's not worth talking about in crucible, we have hung jury at home
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
In a stasis build this thing completes my build. Looking for something that doesn't require finding ammo yet can slow groups of enemies and more. This thing with headstone overfill and unlimited ammo basically is the all around excellent scout. It's managing swarms with providing me ammo and over shield along with adding statis Chrystal's to raise my defense and lower theirs . Switch between then and tesselation as my exotics really gives a major boost to stasis. There are so many things this procs for me that it really is a utility weapon that not enough people are putting to use. Would of loved to see this in a 260 but then honestly it might be op and frankly I feel like everyone is looking for op weapons. Which then why play the game walk through the content . Honestly if people want to believe it sucks all the better for me. I was basically having a constant overshield while it's replacing my ammo. You can pretty much save slot for stasis for something else because it's already pulling status shards towards you . So much functionality here .
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
Unstops fear me, Overloads fear me, Barriers turn their eyes away from me. As I walk no Champion dare makes a sound in my presence. I am alone on this barren Grandmaster.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 23 Icon
I love it, it's gorgeous. Truly magnificent scout rifle, it's like a stasis polaris lance. Thank you bungie for this, wicked implement feels wicked. Please get this and use it immediately!
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 25 Icon
This is the Stasis gun. It is a workhorse weapon that expands in strength and function with the catalyst. Don't miss your crits.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 23 Icon
It's a stasis Polaris Lance. With the upcoming stasis 3.0 changes, that's all you have to know.
Reply      Report Posted 9 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I will be completely honest. Cryostesia freezes. Verglas Curve freezes. Ager's Scepter freezes (Although I don't think it's supposed to). Salvation's Grip freezes. Winterbite freezes. This weapon freezes SOMETIMES. I mean, as a gun, it kills. It's decent. But to me, it falls under the same problem as DARCI.

It does it's job decently well, but there are PLENTY of better options.

With the catalyst, it's viable.

Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Cue the typical "it's not the best exotic weapon for all content ever in the game, therefore it's useless and should be dismantled from the majority of mid tier players".

Is it great? Not really.

Does it look cool, sound cool, and feel cool to use? Yes.

It's good for lost sectors if you're accurate / safe because it can stop most champions fairly easily and then kill them. But yes, it does leave some to be desired.

But how many people use Cryothesia? Devil's Ruin? Polaris Lance?

Exactly. Quit bashing every exotic that comes out because it's not the new top tier meta. Enjoy it if you enjoy it, skip it if you don't.

TL;DR it's cool, but not the God-tier weapon everyone expects from every exotic.

(For more P.S., who still uses whisper? which was one of the greatest dps weapons of all time? I digress.)
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
Ever since since the Stasis buff and added headstone to the catalyst, this weapon went from one of the worst scout rifle exotics to one of the most fun ones to use. Sure, the amount of precision shots needed to land to slow and freeze the enemy could be a little better, but it's pretty useful for the bulky and bigger enemies as you can freezing them over again if you get it right. It's alright in PVP, it mainly excels in PVE from experience. The design is pretty cool, if you like the Polaris Lance, I would definitely give this weapon a try. Just a tip, for those who don't know, the catalyst is available from the Crucible since the Deep actives aren't here anymore.
Reply      Report Posted 7 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Actually, I got it from vanguard, so it's probably ALL ritual activities
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 24 Icon
This gun is conceptually, amazing. A primary ammo weapon that can slow is such a cool idea, one problem with this one-
If you're a bad shot, it doesn't. And I'm a bad shot. I've never set foot in PvP, but if scout rifles work there like they do in PvE, I don't expect it to be worth using- which I've read it very much isn't. Scouts in general feel really weak to me, unless they're aggressive frames, because they have MAXED OUT IMPACT STATS.
This weapon sounds cool. I want it to be cool. I did the exotic quest to get it and everything, which I regret now because not only is the exotic available in the monument now, but my mid Aurvandil roll does the job better anyway, despite using special ammo and having limited range.
All it needs to be worth the exotic slot (and replacing stasis fusions) is to be better at slowing. Maybe make it so only precision hits slow, but ALL precision hits slow. Or less precision hits to activate creeping attrition. Or straight up chill clip on a primary- it is using up the exotic slot AND kinetic slot, where your chill clip weapons go anyway (unless you're running chill clip/cold steel in your power slot).
Although to be honest, I thing half my issue with it is how weak all scout rifles are. Maybe a buff to the whole archetype would be enough to fix Wicked Implement.
Regardless, either get Ill Omen, or save gunsmith engrams till Banshee is selling Omolon weapons, and roll Aurvandils until you get one with chill clip. Trust me, it's better.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 22 Icon
I really want to like this scout for enemy dense nightfall/GMs like moon and europa heists, but the problem is those are littered with barrier and unstopps, and not running wish ender in that situation is honestly kind of a soft throw. It needs to be a 260 scout, tbh.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 21 Icon
Honestly I think it's functional. It's not the most amazing, blow you away best thing since sliced cheese exotic but it works alright and is pretty good against tanky targets. I would treat it like a watered down Polaris Lance that freezes instead of ignites, since you wanna use them similarly. It hates on Overload/Unstoppable champs by dint of its mechanics, which is nice but not gamebreaking.

I understand why some folks would be cross about it being merely okay considering how big a PITA getting it is, but eh.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
PVE review only-

- Can be useful in high end content, like Lost Sectors. It's effective on all champions by slowing (4 precision shots)/freezing (6 precision shots).
- Can synergize well with stasis class. EX: It can proc Whisper of Rime for Hunters, which gives a small amount of over shield when collecting the stasis shard that returns to you.
- Clean sight.
- Stasis shards refill the magazine (w/o catalyst) & overflows the magazine (with catalyst).

- I feel like the weapon should of been a 260 rpm.
- Catalyst should of been Headstone. If the idea of this weapon is to reward precision shots, Headstone would of synergized well with Tithing Harvest.
- Not too viable in lower end content where enemies are more squishy.
- Doesn't seem it's worth filling up an exotic slot when we already have weapons like Riptide with "Chill Clip".
- Damage output leaves much to be desired.

I feel like this weapon has missed the mark on many things and does well in a few things. I know this weapon is going to get buffed soon, so we'll have to wait and see how it plays after the buff. But, I think if the catalyst isn't changed to Headstone, rpm isn't changed, and the damage output isn't improved, many people will not choose this weapon over weapons like Riptide or Ager's Scepter, and leave Wicked Implement in the vault.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
While certainly functional in PvE for freezing things in high-end content, many other implements already freeze and do it better than Wicked Implement. Chill Clip Fusions, various Stasis abilities (Osmiomancy Gloves in particular), and one select Exotic that I feel has been forgotten about since its release: Verglas Curve.

Compared to Wicked Implement, Verglas requires an extra step to freeze targets (you need to get a kill with the bow to gain Hail Barrage stacks), but once it gets going it is FAR better than this scout. Given that Verglas is a bow, its burst damage far outpaces Wicked's, which pairs perfectly with its role of freezing enemies: instead of chain freezing a target and waiting patiently for it to die, Verglas can simply freeze the target and follow up with an instant kill shot. Additionally, Verglas can also cover a much wider area more quickly than Wicked of you build up enough Hail Barrage stacks, which isn't hard if you find a group of adds to fire into.

For PvP, Wicked isn't even worth mentioning. You will almost never get its exotic perk to proc and it's the worst Scout archetype in the game.

I await this thing's buff with bated breath, because this is just not it.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
I'm surprised how low this gun is rated. I will say that with the Echoes artifact's creeping chill modifier active right now this gun has received a massive power boost, in both pvp and pve. This gun is worth taking a look at, especially now you can grab it for an exotic cipher at the monument to lost lights.

As a scout, it's really effective as a lane gun, but its catalyst provides significantly more utility and I would go as far as saying it's a necessity for both PvP and PvE. (Thankfully the catalyst, despite in-game stating it can only be required from deep dives, is obtainable through ritual activities.) As a bit of a strategy lesson, headstone is amazing crowd control if you're properly holding down doors. Pop someone's head in a door and magically you've created a tripmine; Wait for radar and pop the headstone for a two-shot headshot. And while others have said it's merely an aggressive scout, I think that's selling it short. In testing side by side, the recoil difference between wicked and hung jury is very noticeable. Hung Jury is one of my favorite guns, especially for PvP, but in my opinion (I play on controller FYI) wicked is by far the stickiest in terms of perceived bullet magnetism.

For those looking for advanced prismatic combos, My favorite multi-step PvP combo right now is Khepri's sting with Wicked Implement. When dealing with groups, headstone one of them and use the grapple grenade on the stasis crystal. Almost always they will use the headstone as cover, allowing you to proc the grapple melee on them. The grapple melee in turn procs Khepri, which is a "OHKO" melee on any resilience level. If there's anyone left, the smoke bomb will have them weakened + damaged, allowing wicked to two shot body shot from hip fire. Due to the current creeping chill mod, this will also create stasis bursts on kills, helping combat overshields.

The only reason I'm giving it 4 stars in Crucible is because a god roll Krait with headstone can provide the same utility if less effective at range. But if you're a fan of stasis this should be a mainstay in your primary slot. The reason it beats out krait in PvE for stasis usage is both the overflow trait and one tap headstones, which allows you to begin chaining slow explosions faster and more consistently; This makes the gun incredibly good at building dark transcendence energy and allows you to use more light damage types (can go light melee and grenade)

Definitely very beefed up right now because of mods, but is still incredibly effective at enabling stasis based strategies w/o the mod.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
literally the worst exotic gun in the game
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Currently overtuned in PvP
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I like this weapon for PvP but it's hard to say I'd use it over Ager Scepter. It's very reliable in PvP. I'm not a meta guy I use what feels good to me. I've had constant multi kills once the slow procs kick in. It's great for Iron Banner this season where everyone tries to cap the one flag and you get to actually put the range of a scout to use. I will continue using this one in PvP 4 tap is reliable but I wish the slow proc would happen sooner because the 4th shot they're done for anyways.
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago
Season 22 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted a year ago