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Leggenda / Arma energetica / Fusion Rifle

"Ehi, se vedi Cayde, digli che la sua arma è pronta." - Banshee-44

Fonte: Completa l'impresa di Zavala "Domanda Caricata".


Telaio a impatto elevato

Telaio a impatto elevato

Bassa cadenza di fuoco e danni ingenti. Quest'arma è più precisa quando si spara da fermi, ci si muove lentamente e si guarda nel mirino.


Damage Falloff  
Velocità di ricarica
Reload Time  
Mira assistita
Dimensione inventario
Efficacia in volo
Direzione del rinculo
Tempo di carica 960
Caricatore 5
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Domanda Caricata

"Ehi, se vedi Cayde, digli che la sua arma è pronta." - Banshee-44

Banshee guarda fisso il pezzo di carta e lo capovolge.

"Non ho mai detto di essere un'artista," dice Cayde. "Beh, ci mancava pure questo."

Banshee gira il foglio ancora una volta. "Dunque questo è..."

"Il tracciatore laser, sì"

"Mh!" esclama Banshee piegando la testa. "E queste..."

"Strisce da corsa."

"...Su un fucile a fusione."

"Stiamo solo..." Cayde spalanca le braccia al cielo. "Stiamo solo buttando giù un po' di idee, amico! Non dire di no almeno fino a quando non avrai visto il quadro completo."

"Sembra che il problema sia l'immagine."

"Ok, ascolta. I dettagli non sono importanti. Voglio solo una pistola talmente buona da finire una battaglia in un batter d'occhio." Dice sparando ad avversari invisibili. "Tziu, tziu, tziu! Bam! Fine"

Banshee si rilassa. Lui conosce le armi buone.

Cayde afferra la spalla di Banshee. "Allora è un sì?"

"Eh eh"

"Grandioso!" Cayde applaude. "Non per mettere sotto pressione il tuo genio, ma andale-andale, ok? Il punto è che potrei aver fatto una scommessa con un certo gestore del Crogiolo e forse potrei non avere del lumen da parte, dunque... vabbè fallo e ti sarò debitore, ok?"

Banshee punta il dito al foglio ancora una volta. "Ma è...?"

"Sì, un apribottiglie, sì."

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Season 7 Icon
In PVE, this gun is very strong and with a Major Spec can reliably kill most enemies you encounter. It's not a fast charge time, but it makes up for it in damage and range. In PVP, it's not very strong, but if you manage to get a full stack of special ammo and manage to trigger the 'Reservoir Burst' perk, you can cause quite a bit of mayhem with it.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 5 Icon
Shreds in PvE outside of Solar/Void shields in match game. Surprising good in PvP. Slow charge time but great range and impact. If you manage to stack a few special ammo/fusion rifle ammo perks, getting the full mag for Reservoir Burst can OHKO some roaming supers.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 7 Icon
Post-buff, this gun is an absolute monster in PvE. I can't unfortunately recommend it in PvP, though, because it's usually just better to run a sniper or shotgun.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 7 Icon
In PVE, this gun is very good. It was clear out large groups of add when perk is active. I would say to fire it once then switch weapons to get the perk back up. It is really good in gambit too for add clearing. Pvp, it is ok but has a slow charge time. NOT A PVP WEAPON!
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 7 Icon
The explosion radius of the pinnacle perk is very large. Great for grouped up enemy disposal and crowd control. Only draw back is the fact that if you run low on ammo and do not have the magazine completely full (seven rounds with no mods) you lose the pinnacle ability which changes this fusion rifle into a pretty average weapon (as a standard fusion without the pinnacle perk, it has high range and damage, but slow charge time).
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 9 Icon
No doubt is this weapon amazing in PvE. Slap a targeting adjuster on it along with a scatter projectile mod in your helm and this thing will find guardians in PvP. Add a special ammo finder along with a fusion rifle scavenger and two bricks will get you to a full mag in PvP in no time. It can even take out roaming supers without a full mag.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
As someone who just reached 77,777 kills on my Loaded Question (haha funny Bungie number), I think I know what I'm talking about when I say this thing is literally the perfect special weapon. with the exception of maybe crucible, this gun shines in literally every activity in this game, and it's fun to use on top of that. If I could give a 6/5, I would.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
This is by far my favourite FR.

The perk doesn't sound that great but the explosion is actually very large and damaging, and it can chain off multiple enemies, and the damage is absolutely nothing to scoff at, I haven't seen a non exotic FR hit that hard.

I wish it weren't being sunset, but them's the breaks.

It's definitely worth a shot while it's around, though. It's very, very fun.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 7 Icon
Right now it is in a really good place, especially in PvE. Majors go down really quickly. I would recommend being a Titan or Lunafaction Warlock because its perk only activates on a full magazine. Hunters can do it but it is hard to consistently activate the perk without lunifactions/rally.
Reply      Report Posted 6 years ago
Season 10 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago