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Base / Trait

Sparare a una sfera di Potere la raccoglie. Sparare a un pacchetto di munizioni lo raccoglie e ricarica automaticamente tutte le armi equipaggiate dalle riserve.

Community Research

Weapon Hits against Orbs of Power collect them.

If collecting ammo is possible:
Weapon Hits against Ammo Bricks pick them up, trigger Ammo Pickup Effects, and refill all Weapons from reserves.

Does not require direct hits.
Last Updated 2024-07-29
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Season 19 Icon
This is one of those perks that's usually fairly boring or underwhelming, but becomes very powerful with the right combinations. With those right combinations, it earns this four-star rating; without them, it deserves two stars instead. Some notes:
-Dragonfly, Firefly and Explosive Arrowhead/Payload can all activate Shoot to Loot with their explosions' splash damage types. As a quirk of this interaction, ammo pickups that drop from enemies killed by a weapon that has both one of these perks and Shoot to Loot will be instantly collected. This causes Shoot to Loot's practicality to shoot up from "niche" to "omnipresent," as it essentially causes you to instantly be rewarded ammo for killing enemies, rather than having to actually, deliberately hit an ammo brick after it's fallen on the ground.
-As expected, collecting ammo using Shoot to Loot will properly activate Overflow and Lead from Gold. This can lead to some fantastic synergy with the right weapon. Technically, it also activates Sweet Business's Payday, but since Shoot to Loot automatically reloads all weapons on brick collection, this is redundant.
-Sadly, does *not* work with Headstone; crystals created by that perk will not collect ammo bricks when they explode. Very unfortunate lack of synergy - other effects have demonstrated it's possible for the game to tell if a Stasis crystal was created by an ability or not, and what type (melee/grenade/class/super), so this *could* potentially be a thing one day.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
This perk has a range falloff in PvP but not in Pve, if you're too far away in PvP and hit it, it will reload your reserves but NOT give you the ammo brick. In PvE it doesn't matter as long as you hit it.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Works with weapons that have Overflow.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Very useful utility perk, and psuedo reload perk, good for higher end content to collect heavy or special without having to spec into invisibility. Though it can be hard to hit, usually you would have enough time to line up the perfect shot, or if you want to make it easier you can use explosive payload (EP) to make it easier, as it does actually proc the perk, I got that roll on the hand cannon and it makes it very consistent, as EP is already a really good perk in PvE.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Very useful in PvE activities with flying enemies that like to hover over the abyss or some kind of dangerous terrain. Your Ammo Finder drops are saved.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Amazing amazing amazing perk! Recently only started using this in GM's and its a life saver, seriously! No having to do a rambo run just to collect ammo. Takes approx 2 shots (with bow) on console to collect the ammo but once done all weapons are loaded and ready to go. Keeps you in cover and back in the fight. Bungo please please PLEASE bring more weapons out with this perk!!
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Bullet is consumed from the mag when the shot is fired, then the ammo brick is picked up and added to reserves (even if it's a different ammo type), then all weapons are reloaded from reserves (even if it's a different ammo type). This means if your heavy ammo is full and you shoot-to-loot a purple brick with kinetic or special, all your weapons are reloaded and the brick stays there because you can't pick it up - the brick becomes an instant-reload button.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 22 Icon
Came here to note that the new Wild Card origin trait procs StL, but seeing as there's no list here of what other AoE effects can proc it, I'll spout off the ones I know. FOR POSTERITY.

1 - Explosive Payload
2 - Explosive Head
3 - Dragonfly
4 - Firefly
5 - Kinetic Tremors
6 - Wild Card

Hopefully someday Headstone. Maybe here in a few weeks when Stasis gets its promised S23 buffs.

I really wanna say Incandescent but have somehow never gotten that combo so I can test.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 17 Icon
Originally thought it was a poor perk choice, but within it's own niche it's extremely useful.

I wanted to make a 'cyberpunk' style corp sniper on my Hunter and it was hard to get a build that worked well and was able to stay on the side lines effectively. Running a high energy fire + precision charge build with Izenagi's Burden has been a lot of fun, but I was still annoyed by having to jump into combat to collect ammo. Started running Shoot to Loot on my Pointed Inquiry and it's made my sniper dreams come true.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Also worth noting that if you consume the 4 rounds for Izenagi's, then shoot a brick you'll refill your full mag. So you'll get your powerful 'charged' shot, plus 3 followup regular shots, good for a bit of extra DPS and cleanup.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
A very great utility perk that has some nice synergies with some of the top perk picks. Explosive payload/head, dragonfly, firefly, they all can trigger shoot to loot, and on top of that, shoot to loot triggers overflow, and it reloads all of your equipped weapons. There's very little to dislike with this perk.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Having to hit those ammo boxes with no aim assist is practically impossible in the kinds of high pressure situations where this perk would be useful.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
Do not sleep on this perk this season! I recommend an EP/StL scout rifle to make ammo in tight spots not so tricky.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 24 Icon
Shoot to loot with kinetic tremors is nasty
Reply      Report Posted 5 months ago