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Base / Trait

Usare le granate riempie parzialmente il caricatore e cambia il tipo di danno di quest'arma per farlo coincidere con quello delle granate finché l'arma non viene riposta.

Community Research

Grenade Ability usage refills 50% of your Magazine (rounded up) from reserves and changes the weapon's element to match your Grenade Ability until stowed.

Magazine Refill cannot be triggered again without stowing the weapon first.

Kinetic weapons lose their Passive Damage Bonus against non-Boss PVE Combatants (10% on Primary, 15% on Special).

Transcendence Grenades count as the element of your equipped Grenade Ability.

Most perks that replace your Grenade Ability with a custom throwable (such as Gunpowder Gamble or The Rock ) do not trigger the perk.
Last Updated 2024-06-27
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Season 18 Icon
its really interesting to see osmosis on a non kinetic weapon, and it could be interesting with strand/stasis to see energy slot weapons rolling with this perk,

although i think it needs a way to buff grenade regen or work like Hardlight/borealis, with a hold reload to swap element
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago