Esotico / Intrinsic

I bersagli congelati dalla tua super Ira invernale subiscono più danni da Frantumazione. Gli alleati a portata di Impulso glaciale e dell'onda d'urto di Ira invernale ottengono Armatura di gelo e infliggono più danni con le armi da stasi. Conferire questi benefici ai tuoi alleati ti fornisce energia della super.

Community Research

Enemies frozen by Winter's Wrath receive 150% increased Shatter damage.

Upon performing Winter's Wrath's heavy attack:
• Allies within 30 meters receive the maximum Frost Armor Stacks and 4 Stacks of Stasis Weapon Surge for 11 [PVP: 6] seconds
• Refunds ?% Super Energy per ally buffed. (Only works once per ally?)

Grants maximum Frost Armor Stacks to you once Winter's Wrath ends.

On Rift Cast with the Frostpulse Aspect equipped:
• You and allies within ? meters receive 2 Stacks of Stasis Weapon Surge for 11 [PVP: 6] seconds alongside maximum Frost Armor Stacks
• Grants 2% Winter's Wrath Super Energy for each ally that received the above benefits
Last Updated 2024-11-21


Hearts of Ice

Hearts of Ice

Winter's Wrath gives targets increased Shatter damage and buffs allies.
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