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Raised: $0.00 Goal: $15,000.00


Base / Trait

I colpi di grazia con quest'arma conferiscono cariche di danno bonus. Attaccare bersagli da posizioni sopraelevate conferisce immediatamente il numero massimo di cariche.

Community Research

Scoring a Kill grants 1 [PVP: 2] Stacks of 'High Ground' for 7 seconds. Maximum of 3 Stacks.

Weapon damage increases at 1|2|3 Stacks:
10% [PVP: 5%] | 17.5% [PVP: 10%] | 25% [PVP: 15%]

While you are not airborne:
Damaging targets that are 2 meters [PVP: 5 for Primary weapons] lower in elevation than the ground you stand on immediately grants all 3 Stacks [PVP: Primary weapons only grant 1 Stack] of the buff. The damage increase is applied to the shot triggering the perk as well.

The reference point of enemies' elevation is generally their lowest point.
Last Updated 2025-02-03
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