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Esotico / Arma distruttiva / Rocket Launcher

"Non cantar loro null'altro che una ninna nanna di morte."

Fonte: Un'impresa o una sfida esotica.

Exotic Perks

Liberazione oscura

Liberazione oscura

Spara proiettili a detonazione remota che rilasciano sfere del vuoto sui combattenti.
[Spara] : spara; rilascia per detonare.
Discesa oscura

Discesa oscura

Più lontano atterra una sfera del vuoto e più potente risulta la sua detonazione.


Area impatto
Velocità di ricarica
Reload Time  
Mira assistita
Dimensione inventario
Efficacia in volo
Direzione del rinculo
Proiettili al minuto 15
Caricatore 1
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Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

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* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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Portatore di Morte

"Non cantar loro null'altro che una ninna nanna di morte."

"Il Canto è antitesi. Il Canto è distruzione. L'incapacità di padroneggiare le armonie della vita ha fatto nascere l'anti-creazione, la cupa frequenza della rovina. Quelle dolci melodie portano con sé molto più della morte: una lacerazione di mente e spirito, una flagellazione del sé fisico fino a non lasciare nulla.

"La bellezza delle note in sequenza. L'imperfetta inflessione della loro tonalità. C'è stata, e sempre ci sarà, arte nella creazione. Così come nell'atto dell'annientamento. Cancellazione e agrodolce senso della fine. È questo il dono più vero del Canto...

"Dopo che gli echi si sono spenti, resta solo silenzio e il magnifico splendore della vacuità.

"E il Canto diventa una fine. E coloro che si uniscono al Coro sono morte. Nient'altro."

- Autore ignoto

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Season 14 Icon
so fucking uderrated in pve..
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 18 Icon
This review was written as of Season 18, Season of Plunder.

Gjallarhorn's edgy, but cool sibling.

Different in operation, but similar in function, Deathbringer is a fantastic choice for ad clear, boss DPS, the Crucible, or Gambit. Marginally more cerebral in use, one should aim above the intended target and release the payload once the missile is overhead, the tracking on the Void orbs will do the rest.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
get the peacebringer ornament and it becomes a more industrial built and techy gjallarhorn
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 8 Icon
Honestly this weapon gets unfairly dumped on a lot despite being an absolutely amazing rocket launcher.
Genuinely a solid rocket launcher with incredible crowd-clearing capabilities - especially in Gambit. Also extremely user-friendly given its ability to shoot over cover; which actually benefits the weapon greatly. Whilst not too good for single target damage, we have Supers and Firing Line for that.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
One of the most overlooked PvP heavies, it shoots quietly and the orbs do their job in finding targets in cover and out of sight. Excellent Gambit invader weapon too, find that the other team is often unaware until it's too late.

PvE it's also quite good at clearing mobs, but for bosses, there are better options.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Real talk, this is a sleeper hit for 6v6. Bring it into Control, fire it above a contested point, and watch the killfeed fly.
It’s okay in PvE, but not worth giving up your exotic slot for imo.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
The catalyst on this turns it into a monster boss shredder - easy to use and it's low risk too considering you don't have to direct impact the boss.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 8 Icon
This is my favorite weapon:
1. Its looks Fcking dope
2. Its one of the best AD clearing weapon
3. Its very good at single target dmg , especally with tractor buff or opressive granade
4. In cruicible, its insaneeee, its just shredding.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 15 Icon
free kills in pvp and pretty good in pve
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 16 Icon
This thing is fantastic... In PVE anything with void burn it's a must heavy imo with Rocket Scavenger. PVP it's filthy too in wide open maps, you want to aim high with it to catch guardians off. But the distance across matters the most with the catalyst to get you that extra damage boost. The K1 Revelation Lost Sector Legend I farmed for 11 times and finally realized to spam the heck out of this to end that giant ogre boss with ease... Stupid underrated weapon. Gally is great but this takes far more skill and time to figure out. The only issue that made it not 5 stars for me in PVP wise is that is very inconsistent. I am assuming since Hunters go invisible all the time that the seekers can't find them because lord knows why...
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 24 Icon
This is the best rocket launcher for gambit due to better damage and slightly more consistent invades than eyes. It is god tier in the mode. Additionally, with volatile and minor build-crafting, it is a viable endgame dps option. Wouldn't bring it into a low man (unless its vog), but it is good for everything else.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 23 Icon
I've never expected this to be soo dang spicy [especially with the peacebringer ornament]

like I thought it was some random rocket launcher that had a makeshift look but I heard it was a clusterbomb launcher and it immediately grabbed my attention, and when I did the quest and got it, it felt kind of underwhelming and clunky

but that all changed when I unlocked the catalyst, which just cranked it to being a very reliable and spicy weapon, it doesn't need to set up like parasite to get the best damage output, it has excellent ammo reserves unlike xenophage, and it has the highest damage output for rocket launcher that even puts sleeper simulant at edge without needing to be pinpoint accurate or landing ricochet shots

like hot dang why didn't get to know about this RL earlier, it's soo dang fun and nutty, and the peacebringer ornament turns it into a spicy industrialized made weapon than something that was made from makeshift parts

I did find it has a bug where if another person is used another death/peacebringer the cluster projectiles would cancel out which is extremely odd and greatly reducing damage output or even shots rendering to hit, I do hope that gets fixed soon, and outside of that it's just an incredible weapon!
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 23 Icon
I think that's intentional to not overload someone's game with too many projectiles.
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 10 Icon
Great for PvE for damage and for Add Clear, but in PvP it’s just a power weapon nova bomb. Need I say more?
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 10 Icon
Arguably the best exotic for 6 vs 6 PvP. Nobody expects it. I've gotten triple kills with one well-placed shot. Even when I miss my target, at least one orb usually manages to kill another player. I wouldn't recommend it for 3 vs 3 PvP, though - it's just too slow.

It's alright in PvE. Useful in a bunch of circumstances. Still, you're probably better off using something else.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 11 Icon
addclear monster if used well, synergizes with nezarecs sin to utilize artifact mods like overload grenades and oppressive darkness, and has its boss dps issue alleviated by mtop or a firing line sniper
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago
Season 8 Icon
Monster in crucible. Can take out multiple targets at once. Only fine in Pve. Better exotics to use.
Reply      Report Posted 5 years ago