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Leggenda / Arma cinetica / Sniper Rifle

Da luoghi lontani, un richiamo richiede attenzione.


Telaio rapido

Telaio rapido

Riserva di munizioni più capiente. Si ricarica più rapidamente quando il caricatore è vuoto.


Damage Falloff  
Velocità di ricarica
Reload Time  
Mira assistita
Dimensione inventario
Efficacia in volo
Direzione del rinculo
Proiettili al minuto 140
Caricatore 5
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Curated Roll

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Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
This item is craftable. Hover over perks below to see the requirements to craft a roll with them.
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
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Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
Triplo colpo
+ Furia concentrata
8.8% of Rolls
Alla larga
+ Tiro d'apertura
8.45% of Rolls
Triplo colpo
+ Carica esplosiva
6.31% of Rolls
+ Carica esplosiva
5.89% of Rolls
Alla larga
+ Lapide
5.67% of Rolls
Bersaglio mobile
+ Tiro d'apertura
5.63% of Rolls
Assassino ambizioso
+ Tiro d'apertura
4.16% of Rolls
+ Lapide
3.5% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 17.6K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
Crafted versions of this weapon below Level 10 are excluded.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 21.3%
  • 18.3%
  • 14.3%
  • 11.9%
  • 9.6%
  • 7.8%
  • 6.1%
  • 6.1%
  • 4.2%
  • 31.4%
  • 23.7%
  • 13.2%
  • 12.1%
  • 6.9%
  • 6.2%
  • 6.1%
  • 23.3%
  • 20.4%
  • 17.6%
  • 12.7%
  • 11.5%
  • 7.3%
  • 6.8%
  • 23.8%
  • 22.9%
  • 16.5%
  • 16.2%
  • 7.4%
  • 7.3%
  • 5.5%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 16.4K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 16.4K+ copies, 1.6K+ (10.2%) were fully masterworked.
Velocità di ricarica
18.6% of Rolls
22.9% of Rolls
27.5% of Rolls
30.7% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 7.8K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Regolatore di mira
29.2% of Rolls
Caricatore di riserva
22.5% of Rolls
Calcio controbilanciatore
16.9% of Rolls
Colpo ad accesso rapido
6.1% of Rolls
5.9% of Rolls
3.7% of Rolls
3.4% of Rolls
Impugnatura di Icaro
1.9% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks

It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.

Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

Related Collectible


Distante Richiamo

Da luoghi lontani, un richiamo richiede attenzione.

Titano piombò nell'oscurità e pochi istanti dopo, giunse il primo Astrosepolcro. Recava i sigilli ardenti di Guerra ed emetteva anima pirica dallo scafo come se questa sgorgasse da una ferita aperta.

Sotto il mare turbinante, una Luce guardiana avvolta nel metallo, ma ancora non vincolata nella promessa, osservava i cieli trasformarsi in inchiostro e i demoni dell'alveare sbarcare dal velivolo invasore.

Proclami disseminati nel mare di metano, parole bramose che bruciavano la cresta di ogni onda con fiamme di giada. L'intento dell'alveare era evidente: distruggere le affermazioni della sorella megera. Alzare gli stendardi di Guerra.

Guidati da un massiccio cavaliere, gli accoliti scesero nelle profondità un tempo infestate dagli abitanti della menzogna, fino al punto in cui il canto dell'inganno riecheggiava in laceranti grida morte da tempo. Marciarono in processione adorante, circondati da una schiera di schiavi che deturpavano le tracce dei possedimenti di Savathûn con famelica gioia.

Gli artigli di un accolito al centro tenevano alto il teschio di una maliarda, recuperato dall'ondata fiammeggiante precedente la conquista di Titano. L'accolito mise delicatamente il teschio su un logoro lenzuolo di carne nemica conquistata, mentre altri vi intagliavano un cerchio di rune intorno.

Gli accoliti si posizionarono sulle rune. Gettarono indietro la testa e ulularono una melodia dissonante che accese il cerchio runico, consumando ognuno di loro in una conflagrazione di anima pirica.

La melodia proseguiva, inondando di frenesia la carne degli schiavi attorno. Questi si proiettarono in avanti, scalciando e artigliando i propri simili in una folle corsa per raggiungere il teschio per primi. Per rivendicarlo.

Ogni volta che la melodia risuonava, un accolito si tramutava in cenere. Ogni volta che la melodia risuonava, le viscere fuoriuscite dagli schiavi si contorcevano in fetidi vortici attorno al cranio.

Cenere e sangue vennero offerti finché non perirono tutti. Il cavaliere fece un passo avanti, brandendo una lama di minaccia letale.

"Invoco Xivu Arath. Invoco la presenza di Guerra. Prendi questa feccia, estromessa da tua sorella. Prendi le sue rivendicazioni come tue."

La turbinante fiamma pirica fu assorbita dalla lama letale del cavaliere, poi conficcata nel cranio della maliarda. Il cerchio runico proiettò un antico regno e il cavaliere percepì occhi attenti che lo scrutavano dalla cima di un lontano terrazzo nero, arroccato su quel regno proiettato. La fragorosa replica lo fece cadere in ginocchio.






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Season 21 Icon

Listen, other snipers are brilliant.
But I *like* this.

I'm weird, I have a soft spot for rapid fire snipers. My most used topslot is Praedyth, and my most used Energy is Father's Sins. While snipers are still not in the best spot in PvE, it just feels good to dump a mag of snipes into a target. I don't know why it's satisfying, it just is. Also, since the recoil reduction and reserve increase, these things can basically act like a primary special weapon, as weird as that might sound.

A Distant Pull is the newest craftable 140, and much like Father's Sins, its got a few selling points: great design, solid perks, and good subclass synergy.

First off, we have some great tried-and-tested perk combos: Triple Tap + Focused Fury, Overflow + Headstone, Keep Away/Moving Target + Opening Shot. No Snapshot might feel awkward, but the perks definitely make up for it. Unsated Hunger, the new Origin Trait, gives this sniper some extra juice by boosting its stats by a good amount, with the caveat of having no abilities charged. It's essentially a reverse Surplus!

The main thing that made me go "oooooooh" though, is the fact this sniper has the legendarily low 35 zoom. 35 zoom is special because while it isn't the stickiest (actually the least sticky zoom by far), it allows you to react on the fly due to the increased FOV instead of being glued to the target, just like Father's Sins. It's definitely a feel sort of thing, but being able to see more when scoped in is always nice.

Along with the reissued Supremacy, it seems that 140 lovers like myself are eating good this season. While agg-frames and adaptives are arguably just better more often than not, my heart goes out to my 140 boys all day every day. PEW PEW PEW
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Base 65 Handling. Extremely snappy and doesn't need Snapshot Sights IMO. My roll is Overflow + Explosive Payload which is great in general PVE. In PVP treat this like a high zoom scout and watch the kills stack up. The Unsated Hunger origin trait seems like it was made for Sniper Rifles (stability, handling, reload speed when all your abilities are on cooldown).

Roll combos that work well:
(PVE) Keep Away + Collective Action
(PVE) Keep Away + Headstone
(PVP) Keep Away + Opening Shot
(PVE) Overflow + Focused Fury
(PVE) Overflow + Explosive Payload
(PVP) Moving Target + Discord
(PVP) Moving Target + Killing Wind
(PVP) Moving Target + Opening Shot
(PVE) Triple Tap + Focused Fury
(PVE) Triple Tap + Collective Action
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
Yes, it doesn't have snapshot, but with handling this high that's not going to be a problem. You want 35 zoom? We got that. You want 100 range and 100 aim assist at the same time? We got that too. You want ammo conservation and extra damage for PvE? We got that! You want subclass synergy? You'll never guess, so I'll tell you - yup, we got that. A Distant Pull will almost certainly be able to do something you want from a sniper, so craft one - maybe even two - and make it your own.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
You could say I'm overrating this given that it's a rapid fire but this thing is nasty in PvP it snags headshots so easily and the 35 zoom is a very rare bonus- it might be the only kinetic slot sniper with 35 zoom not totally sure about that though. As for perks, most people will immediately look away because it doesn't have snapshot but if you actually know snipers, you'll know that even though snap is S tier on snipers it's not always necessary. The changes to sniper ADS speeds mean that snapshot can often be passed on if you can have a high handling speed- which this sniper can achieve.

For the first perk column the best option is probably keep away for the increased accuracy. Moving target could also be very good, I will have to mess with both some more to see which I like more but as of right now I prefer keep away for the accuracy cone help.

In the second perk column there's 2 great options as well. Opening shot (which is what most people will go for due to obvious reasons) and headstone. Opening shot will allow this sniper to feel even more accurate and will get the 1st shot to 100 aim assist with a targeting mod or with the assistance of moving target. Headstone may seem like a stupid choice but in trials and PvP modes where u can revive teammates it can help a lot. The stasis crystal spawned by the perk encases the opponents ghost meaning that the other team must either take the time to shatter the crystal before they can rez or wait for it to thaw out. Either way it greatly restricts teams ability to rez and it's more powerful on a sniper where you're already looking for picks to open the engagement.

Discord could also be kinda fun for the "unlimited" ammo and extra accuracy and ads speed but that's probably more of a goofy roll for quick play rather than an actually competitive roll.

Overall I really like this sniper. The 35 zoom is super nice and it still feels snappy even without snapshot. If you can actually learn how snipe and can get past the mental barrier of it not having snapshot you will enjoy it- and probably many more different rolls on snipers for that matter.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
The gun in my eyes is a bit disappointing. It being a rapid-fire sniper rifle it has of course lower impact damage but combined with low range, stability and perks that shine in either PvP or PvE the gun is not performing as well as it should be. This is particularly present in Crucible as the lower impact and shorter range makes the most optimal fights at mid range at best. In Gambit this makes invading very difficult and even if the gun can do a decent amount of burst against stronger enemies and the boss it doesn't feel enough. In PvE it is alright but with the lack of good perks for higher dps I feel that there are far better options.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 21 Icon
underrated as heck, good consistent sniper. low dmg but still does what you need
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 23 Icon
I guess most of the players aren't considering Discord as a viable perk option? But why?

One kill from any other weapon = 6 seconds of unlimited ammo, if you scoring kills. 7 seconds if enhanced. The only downside is... well, you need to have something to score some kills from a distance, which is possible, or you should come in midrange with sniper, which is not so painful, thanks to 35 zoom, the lowest available.
If your aim is sharp to land final blows, it's a killing machine with almost unlimited ammo, so you can actually use it almost as a primary. And what's more interesting, discord stacking with overflow, so your extra bullets "beyond normal capacity" will be refunded.

So, overflow + discord = never ever reloading in your life with almost unlimited ammo, until you choose the right targets. Situational, I agree, but hey, sounds interesting to try at least, don't you think?
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 25 Icon
Just yes, dear gawd, yes. This is my favorite sniper and it pops vex like waterballoons.
Reply      Report Posted 3 months ago
Season 21 Icon
Maybe I'm not seeing it, but isn't overflow just straight up better than triple tap? It reloads automatically, and you can get 14-16 rounds into one magazine. Triple tap on the other hand requires you to land three headshots in rapid succession to even proc which makes it more situational and I would need to reload after 10-11 shots. The only scenario I can see it boss DPS, but you really just shouldn't use a legendary rapid-fire frame for boss DPS anyway...
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 24 Icon
You get ammo back from triple tap
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago