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Base / Magazine

La ricarica è più rapida quando il caricatore è quasi vuoto.

Community Research

Linearly grants a Reload Duration Multiplier as your magazine drops from 50% capacity to empty.

Reload Duration Multiplier scales from 0.9x at 50% capacity to 0.8x with an empty magazine.
Last Updated 2024-10-15
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Season 19 Icon
Underrated, being another magazine perk with a special function instead of stat boosts (or penalties). 15% faster reload speed from empty doesn't sound like much, but it is, and it helps it stacks with other increases. This perk is very reliable on weapons where you often mag-dump or any reason when using it. It probably helps that the similar Drop Mag still isn't obtainable on new weapons over a year later, so its most direct form of competition is out of the question.
Of course, at the same time, there's a reason why this perk is considered so bad despite not being. No stat boosts often leaves you at the mercy of most weapons' slow reload speeds, and no extra bonuses to range, stability or handling when you *could* be getting them, however small.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
A magazine perk that gives you a benefit after dumping your entire magazine should feel powerful, but the pitiful 15% faster reload animation makes it way too weak to use in almost every situation. With how little perks actually synergize with bottoming out your magazine, like Under Pressure and High Impact reserves, alloy magazine will stay at the bottom unless it either gets more perks to play better with it, or if the perk itself gets to buffed to be much more impactful, like 25 - 30%. Also the worst sin this perk has committed was existing on exotics that never properly synergize or feel good on, as even something like flared magwell would make it feel more consistent. The only exotics nowadays I feel actually can make use of Alloy mag is Hawkmoon and Cloudstrike, only because of Paracausal shot and cloudstrike's newer introduction into the PvE DPS meta due to its catalyst.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 12 Icon
There's almost zero reason to use this perk over any other magazine perk, even extended mag.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
meh drop mag is better than this
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago