Impatto | 84 | ||||
Gittata | 42 | ||||
• Damage Falloff | |||||
Stabilità | 65 | ||||
Maneggev. | 50 | ||||
Velocità di ricarica | 41 | ||||
• Reload Time | |||||
Mira assistita | 71 | ||||
Dimensione inventario | 54 | ||||
Zoom | 14 | ||||
Efficacia in volo | 18 | ||||
Direzione del rinculo | 89 | ||||
Proiettili al minuto | 140 | ||||
Caricatore | 11 | ||||
Selected Perks | |||||
Popularity: Overall | Select 4 perks to see their popularity. | ||||
Popularity: Perks | |||||
Popularity: Trait Combo | |||||
Popularity: MW Bonus |
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TIP: API Perk Swap
The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.
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Integrazione Epocale
"È un miracolo che siamo ancora qui. Fai in modo che la cosa non cambi." - Osiride
I ricercatori del Collettivo Ishtar non conoscevano limiti. In mezzo a un mare di loro dati, ho trovato gli schemi di un'arma che sfrutta il campo paracausale del Velo per ottenere potenza supplementare. Tuttavia, sembra che il progetto dell'arma sia stato abbandonato quasi subito. Speravo di poter concludere quello che avevano iniziato, perciò condivido i frutti del mio lavoro con te.
Adattare la progettualità dell'Età dell'Oro alle necessità moderne ha comportato notevoli congetture, aggravate dalla mancanza di un prototipo. Mi sono concesso delle libertà con lo schema originale, scegliendo cosa mantenere, cosa scartare e come armonizzare elementi separati da secoli.
I primi pezzi fabbricati si sono incastrati con successo e l'astratto è diventato reale. Ma non era quello che avevo immaginato. Troppo freddo, impersonale e utilitaristico.
Devo confessare che sono stato fortemente tentato di scartare tutto e ricominciare da capo. Eppure, sapevo che se avessi ceduto a quell'impulso così tipico, le ore sarebbero diventate giorni, e i giorni mesi, nello sforzo di raggiungere lo sfuggente limite della perfezione. Invano.
Alla fine, ho chiesto a Saint di suggerirmi gli ultimi ritocchi. Incidere un motivo nell'acciaio è stata un'idea sua. Mi sono fidato. Gli svolazzi estetici non sono nelle mie corde.
Il risultato è quest'arma. Una sintesi di elementi disparati in una forma inattesa. Chissà che cosa vi aggiungerai tu. Sono curioso.
- Osiride
Can I get an F in chat for Zaolis Bane. Ok Guardians listen up. This is the gun you didnt know you wanted until its thrown at you and you immediately put all your other legendary hand cannons on the back burner. This gun is basically we have Sunshot at home, but fucking CRACKED. Incandescent, Stats for All, Accurized, and Small Bore alone is a pretty good roll. What makes this my new go to is the fact that you can run this gun with Harmonic Resonance. Pair it with Conditional Finality, and Koraxis Distress and holy fuck do you have one heck of an ad clearing setup. Not a fan of Conditional Finality's current reload speed? Use this setup and smack that bitch three times back into action.
Proc incandescent once and you can get 3 kills on a group of adds which immediately procs stats for all for a much better feeling reload speed. You also get to keep your exotic slot for something else to take out champions if for some reason you really don't want to run Conditional Finality. Take out red bars with this gun, swap to Conditional Finality for Yellow Bars, and take out a Boss with Koraxis Distress/Conditional Finality is my recommendation.
Might not be a meta pick for GM content. But my god is this a fun weapon. I actually can whole heartedly say that this gun is as fun to use as Forbearance is with Chain Reaction. Yes you can get Zaolis Bane for the same effect with Explosive Payload. However, this gun comes cracked right out of the box and doesnt require you to craft it or do a raid. Plus it looks sick as fuck and has clean sights.
I have not PvPd with this weapon yet but I imagine it is probably pretty good with the similar setup I mentioned. The sights are really clean on this gun so I can imagine in PvP Hand Cannon players might use it, especially with Eye of the Storm and Keep Away. Could have a bit more range for PvP but Im not gonna judge it until I try it out. Currently you are looking at a 29.5 meter range.
I tried out Nanotech Rockets in PvE but it felt sort of meh to me. This gun should not be used to kill Yellow bars so you cant really use the Nanotech Rockets to your advantage. I threw on Targeting Adjuster with a friends suggestion to land more headshots. Honestly though you could go with Minor Spec, Taken Spec, or Counterbalance Stock if you really want the 100 recoil deviation. I personally dont think it needs it. I suppose Nanotech Rockets with Major Spec might make the gun feel better at taking out yellow bars, but this gun is most fun when you are popping off red bars to watch the fodder explode.
I should mention I didn't use any of the artifact perks that improve the origin traits. So maybe there's some hope for Nanotech Rockets. But now that I'm looking at them my goodness what a combo you can do. Unstoppable Hand Cannon, Deeper Origin, Overcharged Armory, and Counter Charge. Pull this out against an unstoppable and shoot a single round to get an armour charge. Admittedly with this season being arc focused, there's probably some more important mods to choose from. But I highly recommend everyone give this a shot.
Oh and did I mention that it looks sick and can use glowing shaders like Photo Finish to change the flames colour? Yeah this gun is the whole package.