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De base / Origin Trait

Cette arme inflige des dégâts bonus aux boucliers des combattants et aux cibles avec des surboucliers. Briser le bouclier d'un combattant le désoriente, briser un bouclier du type d'énergie correspondant désoriente également les combattants proches.

Community Research

Passively increases damage against shielded enemies:
• 34.3% increase against PVE Combatant Elemental Shields and Barrier Champion Shields
• 21.6% increase against PVE Combatant Overshields
• 15.6% increase against Player Overshields

Breaking a PVE Combatant's Shield Disorients them for ? seconds. Other enemies within ? meters are also Disoriented if the weapon matches the Shield's element.
Last Updated 2024-10-23
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