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Légendaire / Arme puissante / Rocket Launcher

La scène est à vous.

Source : Solstice


Armature de précision

Armature de précision

Cette arme tire un petit missile à tête chercheuse. Quand vous visez, le missile se verrouille sur la cible.


Rayon du souffle
Reload Time  
Aide à la visée
Place dans l'inventaire
Efficacité aérienne
Direction du recul
Coups par minute 15
Chargeur 1
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.  
Popularity: Perks  
Popularity: Trait Combo  
Popularity: MW Bonus  

Perk Playground

Curated Roll

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Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more
Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more      Hide Recommendations
Some of this item's random perks have been retired in its current version. Show Retired Perks
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TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

Popular Trait Combos

This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
+ Publicité mensongère
18.22% of Rolls
+ Bipied
13.2% of Rolls
+ Envie assassine
5.35% of Rolls
+ Bombe à sous-munitions
3.95% of Rolls
+ Réverbération
3.86% of Rolls
Pilleur de tombe
+ Publicité mensongère
3.48% of Rolls
Holster de recharge auto
+ Réaction en chaîne
3.33% of Rolls
Holster de recharge auto
+ Envie assassine
3.16% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Based on 53.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.
This weapon can be crafted or enhanced. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.
  • 21.2%
  • 17.5%
  • 15.6%
  • 13.3%
  • 12.9%
  • 11.5%
  • 7.7%
  • 29.7%
  • 23.8%
  • 19.5%
  • 17.7%
  • 9.1%
  • 45.3%
  • 14.4%
  • 11.8%
  • 9.1%
  • 7.4%
  • 6.4%
  • 5.2%
  • 30.4%
  • 19.3%
  • 12.7%
  • 12.6%
  • 11.6%
  • 6.6%
  • 5.8%
  • 0.6%
  • 93.3%
  • 6.6%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 54.1K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:
Of those 54.1K+ copies, 4.2K+ (7.8%) were fully masterworked.
24.2% of Rolls
24.6% of Rolls
Rayon du souffle
25.4% of Rolls
25.6% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 22.6K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:
Sangle d'accès rapide
43.4% of Rolls
Ajustement du ciblage
13.3% of Rolls
12.8% of Rolls
Crosse de contrepoids
8.2% of Rolls
Poignée main libre
7.0% of Rolls
Poignée d'Icare
5.2% of Rolls
3.9% of Rolls
Réglage de radar
1.8% of Rolls

Your Rolls

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

Learn More

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue PVE
Gold PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

Related Collectible


Duologue suprême

La scène est à vous.

Il fallut sept bonnes minutes avant que le Seigneur Shaxx arrête de fixer l'écran devant lui, et de prétendre que ce dernier diffusait une partie en direct de l'Épreuve et non le même enregistrement en boucle. Il finit par laisser échapper un soupir mécontent et croisa les bras.

« Forge. »

« Si vous avez une minute », dit le Seigneur Saladin d'un ton un peu sinistre, « j'aimerais vous parler. »

Shaxx redressa sa tête casquée en direction de Saladin.

Celui-ci lui rendit son regard. « Peu importe qu'on en ait envie ou pas. Nous devons parler, continua Saladin. De la Trouée du crépuscule. »

Shaxx se dressa de toute sa hauteur face à lui, ses bras descendant le long de son corps. Sa poitrine se gonfla alors qu'il prenait une très profonde inspiration.

« Vous avez pris la bonne décision », déclara brièvement Saladin.

Il y eut un petit son étouffé derrière le casque de Shaxx.

« Nous l'avons toujours su. » La grimace de Saladin trahissait son mécontentement. Il embrassa du regard l'horizon de la Cité, feignant un intérêt soudain pour un cratère inondé, en périphérie. « Même si je refusais de l'admettre. »

« Vous avez vu de l'espoir quand je n'y arrivais pas. Je me disais que vous vouliez me défier pour épater la galerie. » Saladin rit amèrement. « J'avais abandonné. Mais vous… vous et votre escouade nous avez fait gagner du temps. Assez de temps pour qu'on change tous. »

Shaxx restait parfaitement immobile. Ils faisaient tous les deux durer le silence.

Puis Saladin finit par soupirer. « Après toutes ces années, après tout ce qui s'est passé… Je me fie à vous. Je voulais simplement que vous le sachiez. »

Le casque de Shaxx bougea très légèrement. « Avant la fin ? »

« Avant ce qui nous attend, quoi que ce soit. »

Shaxx hocha lentement la tête.

« Vous savez, j'avais préparé tout un tas de répliques bien cinglantes pour ce moment. »

Saladin sourit. « Je n'en doute pas. »

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Season 24 Icon
Man oh man, is this the biggest case of "be careful who you call ugly last Solstice", because Duologue is now real worthy of that crown.

First, a quick PvP mention - its a tracking launcher, which gives it a leg up versus its peers, but still a step down from the crazy tracking exotics. Still, pick Impulse Amplifier for SPEED and Cluster Bomb for AOE. Not sure if Bipod works to give you multiple rockets or not, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Now, the real cheese. First, Loader-type perks. Grave Robber is ok, Auto-Loading Holster is classic, and Air Trigger is surprisingly viable, given it grants about 30 Reload Speed just for being in the air (a task as simple as hitting spacebar) and gives a reserves boost to boot. However, Reconstruction is the real show-stealer here, giving you two in the mag and autoloading more. As for other options here, you have Impulse Amplifier for faster homing rockets and reloads, Demo if you just GOTTA have that 20% energy, or Hatchling if you're a crazy threadling lady.

As for the other side... well there's one obvious option that seriously stands out, and thats Bait and Switch. The perk that put Apex Predator at the pinnacle of explosive power, and has now elevated this FREE TO PLAY Rocket Launcher up to the title of "Best Strand Rocket Launcher", even accounting for its frame. Of course, Bait and Switch isn't the only perk here. Bipod is here if you like big mags, Chain Reaction if you want to use this for add clear for some reason (pair it with Demolitionist or Hatchling in that case), Cluster Bomb if you're still living about 20 metas in the past, Reverberation is there (it is a damage buff, but its no BnS) and Deconstruct... exists. Last thing of note is Envious Assassins presence in this column - im not clear how it even works with Reconstruction, but it sounds funny on paper.

Overall, pick Reconstruction/Air Trigger + Bait and Switch, claim the newly crowned greatest Strand Rocket Launcher of All Time (TM), and wield a F2P Raidless Apex Predator with tracking and a smidge less damage. Take the stage together with your rocket-shaped actor comrade, and give them a Duologue to remember.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
> Last thing of note is Envious Assassins presence in this column - im not clear how it even works with Reconstruction, but it sounds funny on paper.

I regret to inform everyone that Reconstruction + Envious Assassin don't have any particular synergy here. (Contrary to what some online tools predict.)

You're limited to 3 rockets in the magazine, the two perks just do their own things to help you get there.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Yep adding another confirmation. Only gives a max of 3 which was a little disappointing. I was hoping to see something like 4 or maybe even 5 in the mag. Would have made it essentially Bipod but without the damage reduction but requires kills with other weapons to proc.

Might hold onto one regardless though as who knows if Bungie might change that interaction and gives it a buff.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Finally a strand rocket that has some of the best perk combinations you can get, but sadly on a very non popular frame. Its precision archetype shoots slower and does less damage per shot than all other non tracking rocket archetypes, quite the double whammy. However, it can still hit some big numbers with the right perk combinations. It's also F2P, which makes it a very appealing option for them.

Interesting combinations include: hatching/demolitionist + clusterbomb/chain reaction, recon/auto loading/air trigger + bipod/bait and switch. It should be noted that recon and bipod (especially when combined) lose a little value here because of the low RPM. There is also a warlock strand dps rotation w/ apoth veil that uses thread of ascent, grave robber + BnS very well (shoutout to Maven on YT).

I personally think precision rocket's niche is that they shine in long distance ad clear that wont miss, but they have naturally low blast radius and need some help. So my rolls to look out for are hatchling/demo + chain (chain damage also counts as strand) or demo + cluster for more all purpose. It's also hard to go wrong with reconstruction.

If you're F2P, or too lazy to farm Kali for Apex Predator (go farm Kali), that needs decent damage options for non crit spot bosses then go air trigger + BnS. I will be holding onto these only until a better strand rocket archetype w/ these perks comes around.

Some damage numbers on Karl for reference (no buffs/unstable essence). Crowning: 64,631 + 18,443 base. 84,021 + 23,976 BnS. -- Apex Predator: 74,836 + 23,492 base. 97,287 + 30,541 BnS. 15,254 base difference, and 19,831 BnS difference. As you can see the gap is very much there, even without accounting for RPM. E: seeing higher explosion damage (20,290/26,377 BnS) from some other peoples tests, not sure why.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
it now has reconstruction and bns
grab one if you want a strand rocket
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
One of the biggest glowups of any weapon this game has seen. So many wonderful combos here, but the one I recently rolled is by far my favorite. Air Trigger and BnS. Air Trigger has no cooldown and increases your reserves. Proc BnS, bunny hop, reload, shoot, rinse and repeat. The reload boost you get from AT is absurd. Or you could go with ol reliable Reconstruction and BnS. Either way this is the best weapon this event has to offer.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Everyone is understandably focused on Recon/BnS, as that is the classic top tier DPS roll for any rocket, but people need to seriously look into Grave Robber nowadays. It no longer requires kills, merely powered melee hits. Sure, that doesn't sound too useful at first compared to Reconstruction, until you take a quick look into Warlock's Strand kit. 3 Charges of Threaded Needle means 3 free reloads of your rocket and Thread of Ascent gives you another free reload for tossing your grenade. Want to get REALLY crazy? Apotheosis Veil. 8s of near-infinite melee and grenade spam after casting your super.

This archetype of Rocket launcher does a bit less damage than Apex Predator, but you can carry one extra rocket over Apex with Triple Reserve mods. Normally that doesn't matter too much, but this specific combo on Strand Warlock can EASILY let you burn through all those rockets far quicker than an Apex can, all while spamming melees and grenades for extra damage. You can potentially somewhat mimic this on Prismatic classes, although Strand Warlock is simply the easiest because you can mix Thread of Ascent in for even more free reloads with no downtime.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Can have bait and switch and reconstruction, so the correct roll is comparable to the God roll crafted apex predator, only with 5% less damage. I think the auto-tracking makes up for the damage loss though, as with Apex Predator, a 5% damage buff means nothing when you can't hit your target. The poor pvp score is just because it is a rocket launcher, which I have never seen used effectively in pvp.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Haven't tried in PVP, but so far one of the best rocket launchers for PVE.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
is deconstruction + reconstruction good?
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I just got a roll; you have to fire the two rockets from Reconstruct (both have to do damage, but not hard w/ a RL's blast zone), then reload asap or do stuff while Recon is reloading for you, then fire one rocket & hit again. All rockets must hit within the span of 6 seconds from the previous one. So that last rocket needs to be rushed out, potentially. All in all, you'd need to use minimum three rockets to get the Deconstruct 40% dmg buff -- luckily Decon loads a spare from reserves for you when it activates -- and that buff only applies to constructs & vehicles (though to activate it you only need to hit any target).
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
<Below minimum vote threshold — click to view>
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
I have this roll, and the max I'm getting right now is just 3 ( I'll keep messing with it to see how it works)
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago
Season 24 Icon
Same results here: 3 is the limit. Both of the perks work, but neither will assist beyond the same cap they would have had individually.
Reply      Report Posted 6 months ago