Exotique / Arme énergétique / Shotgun

« La question n'est plus de savoir où viser, mais s'il faut ou non tirer. » – Osiris

Source : archives exotiques à la Tour

Exotic Perks

Chambre de compression

Chambre de compression

Tire des plombs sans viser ou une seule cartouche à lourds dégâts en visée.
Sur des ailes noires

Sur des ailes noires

Les frags aux plombs confèrent une charge de dégâts de précision et rechargent l'amélioration de vitesse. Les tirs de précision avec les cartouches allongent sa durée.


Aide à la visée
Place dans l'inventaire
Efficacité aérienne
Direction du recul 78
Coups par minute 65
Chargeur 6

Perk Playground

  • Rainurage hélicoïdal
    • Rainurage hélicoïdal
  • Chargeur en alliage
    • Chargeur en alliage
  • Sur des ailes noires
    • Sur des ailes noires
  • Crosse d'action
    • Crosse d'action
  • No Masterwork Selected
    • Catalyseur de Dualité
    • Emplacement de catalyseur vide

Curated Roll

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TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).
* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.

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« La question n'est plus de savoir où viser, mais s'il faut ou non tirer. » – Osiris

C'était une chasse au trophée.

L'un des précieux associés du baron Araignée, le titre qu'il réservait à ceux véritablement loyaux à sa cause, avait disparu. L'Araignée suspectait une trahison. Il demanda au Corbeau de se rendre sur le terrain et de ne pas revenir avant d'avoir une réponse, quelque chose que l'Araignée pourrait utiliser pour encourager la loyauté, avait-il dit. Quelque chose qu'il pourrait accrocher à son mur.

Le Corbeau traqua l'associé jusqu'à un recoin inexploré de la Côte enchevêtrée, mais lorsqu'il arriva enfin à la crête, il découvrit ce à quoi il s'attendait.

La piste s'évanouissait devant un cryptolithe qui émergeait du basalte noir. Les murmures de Xivu Arath avaient piégé un autre lèche-bottes de l'Araignée, tout comme le dernier, et les deux précédents. Mais comme le disait si bien l'Araignée, il n'était pas intéressé par les « peut-être ». Il voulait des preuves.

Le Corbeau s'agenouilla dans l'ombre du cryptolithe, l'appât préparé dans ses mains. Il y avait des traces d'Éliksni récentes dans les fins sables bleus, une dizaine d'individus environ. Rien qu'il ne puisse gérer.

Il extirpa un flacon d'éther condensé de sa ceinture et le logea dans l'appât. La concoction se mit à faire des bulles alors qu'elle se mêlait à l'aura de feu du réservoir. De l'humidité perla sur la fine enveloppe métallique de l'appât.

Il plaça le support dans une fissure du sol, ajusta l'évacuation et observa la brume épaisse gorgée de phéromones s'échapper de l'appât.

Il fit signe à Lueur et les deux se déplacèrent vers un poste d'observation rocheux. Il retoucha la compression de son fusil à pompe modifié, le plaça à côté de ses genoux et se prépara à la pire des étapes : écouter le cryptolithe déblatérer son sermon malveillant.

Il sentit la présence de la flèche sur sa peau. Le Corbeau tenta de ne pas fixer le totem grotesque qui se déformait et vrombissait, mais il se sentait profondément mal à l'aise lorsque sa lumière pulsatile était hors de vue, comme s'il était la proie.

Le Corbeau ajusta à nouveau la lunette de son arme et reprit son attente silencieuse. Il sentit le poids du stress sur ses épaules. Des vagues de pression lancinante émanaient de la tour. Ses yeux lui faisaient mal. Il se concentra sur sa respiration.

Lueur s'envola vers un rocher à proximité afin d'analyser une touffe de lichen intéressante, et le Corbeau ferma les yeux, tentant de réprimer la nausée qui s'accumulait dans sa tête. Les murmures étouffés l'entouraient. Il eut l'impression qu'une chose l'avait atteint et lui avait caressé la poitrine, juste au-dessus du cœur. L'odeur du parfum, doux et familier…

« Le Corbeau », appela Lueur.

Le Corbeau ouvrit les yeux d'un coup. « Je les vois. »

Un groupe de Courroucéens éliksni approchait de l'appât. L'un d'eux portait les plumes révélatrices de la Maison de l'Araignée. Leurs mouvements étaient maladroits, mais ils bénéficiaient de la force troublante accordée par la servilité envers Xivu Arath.

« Ils ne sont déjà plus là », lâcha amèrement le Corbeau.

Les Courroucéens approchèrent du cryptolithe. Ils étaient bouleversés et râlaient. Leur fureur s'amplifiait. Ils élevèrent la voix en un discours sévère fait de cliquetis et déchirèrent le sol autour de l'appât avec leur pouvoir mystique.

L'un passa près du perchoir du Corbeau et ce dernier put l'observer : des yeux brouillés, des mâchoires salivantes et une aura de colère tel un brouillard de chaleur. Il se rua vers les autres et ses hurlements de rage rythmiques se joignirent aux leurs.

« Ils psalmodient, murmura Lueur, sa curiosité le poussant à observer furtivement la horde qui croissait. La syntaxe est confuse, mais je pourrais traduire… »

« Non, je t'en prie », coupa le Corbeau.

Il observa dans la lunette de son arme et se mit au travail.

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Season 17 Icon
Tried my best to measure the duration of the buff "on Black wings" and here's what I found just using a stopwatch and video playback. Getting a pellet kill to activate the buff starts a ~7 second countdown to expiration, and any pellet kill afterwards adds the multiplier and resets the countdown. Most importantly, I have also found that getting a precision slug kill also resets this countdown timer to 7 seconds, it doesn't add any time on top of what you already had, and this point is important because the perk description is actually misleading. ANY KILL (precision slug OR pellet) will reset your "on black wings" buff back to 7 seconds or so.

Some websites report on the buff timer and extension inaccurately, stating that a precision slug kill only adds 2-4 seconds or so, but this is false. You can get a 1x buff lasting as long as 13-14 seconds as long as you wait til the last possible second to get a kill (precision slug or pellet).

Pretty fun gun. Bungie should just add a timer to the buff and call it a day.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 12 Icon
it is quite nice in terms of landing headshots through the slug due to the high AA sitting
at 65, just 5 under The Chaperone. The range isn't as far as the Chaperone, roughly around the same as legendary slugs. The reload is slow but since it reloads the magazine in one go, I can tolerate it (although the perk should really make it reload even faster than it does imo) The hipfire has a massive damage drop off from 3m, not worth dedicating effort unless the player is right next to you.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
After the shotgun nerfs slugs are king, and if Chappy is THE king Duality is definitely the queen. It may not have as much range as Chappy, but it makes up for that with more flexibility. If you always hit your crits go with Chappy, go with that, if not Duality is your best pick. Or just use the one that fits with your preferred primary, I dunno.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Actually had a lot of fun with this in PvP. It's never gonna be better than Chappy or Felwinters (currently) but that's because it's a hybrid of a slug and a pellet shotgun. It's very nice to have the versatility of both weapon types in one gun. It's won me some tough fights thanks to being able to hip fire a rusher and follow with a precise slug shot at range.
In PvE the On Black Wings perk when built up can deliver some serious damage to bosses or Majors.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
only shotty that reloads whole mag one go
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 23 Icon
What about Lord of Wolves?
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 12 Icon
I personally use slugs over pellets in the crucible and this gun is legitimately a game-changer for me. Love this thing. Not sure about PVE, but this gun is INCREDIBLE to a skilled hand in PVP. Definitely giving this thing the time it deserves.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Pallet mode is pretty much only ohk when enemy is straight in your face in pvp, but the slug mode is quite great. Pve wise it is a fun weapon to use, but it's just a fun weapon, not really game changing
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
It's a good pvp shotgun. Hip fire for those tense moments, ADS for those cool headshots. Helped me a ton to improve once I put down Felwinters after the nerf, so I will always love it for that.

Pve, it really doesn't serve much purpose. Just use any other shotgun with Vorpal.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
It was a game changer to me. I was really bad at pvp cause I refuse to use meta weapons like the broken Felwinter. But when I started to use duality, I become a better player.

Yes! I got 3 wins in trials playing with randoms from app, I got DIAMOND I in Crucible Control and my K/D start growing.

I feel my hunter skills growing in my veins. Thanks, Duality.

"Dont follow the meta, BE THE META" - Failsafe
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Great shotgun with huge range. Offers lots of flexibility. My new main PVP shotgun.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 13 Icon
I loved Duality before Aztecross's video on it.

This thing SLAPS.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 23 Icon
To those who are considering getting this weapon, or trying it again out of some random will, I've figured some things out with Duality - First off, you aren't necessarily required to build up "On Black Wings" every to x5 every single time you want to use it, its already an incredible shotgun because of its range and pellet spread - it functions very well asjust a slug/buckshot shotgun.

That being said, I would highly recommend grabbing a few stacks of the buff on the way to your main target, since you'll OBLITERATE just about any non boss enemy, while sticking a massive dent in the health of near any boss you can hit in shotgun range for full damage. I personally like to run to a boss, killing two or 3 with buckshot along the way and reloading. With the catalyst, this gives you 8 shots that do incredible damage, higher than any non-Acrius or Fourth Horseman shotgun in the entire game with max stacks if I'm correct. Outside of content that strictly demands you to run the proper loadout, this is possibly one of the best shotguns you could pick.

As for its main competitors, as previously stated, you will often find Acrius and Fourth Horseman to be far more efficient for damaging bosses. Duality can still pull its own weight, however, due to having the ammo economy of a special weapon, with a high enough capacity to do more overall sustained dps than the Fourth Horseman, which is mostly a tool for dealing a ton of damage quickly before switching to your heavy weapon. Use Duality to evaporate anything that isn't a boss in 1-2 shots, chaining slug headshots to rapidly clear orange bar tanks.

Extra note: This shotgun is particularly powerful with a Sunbracers build, since you lose the ability to trigger subclass verbs in favor of raw damage.
Reply      Report Posted 8 months ago
Season 12 Icon
Pretty fun gun to use so far don't know about pvp yet haven't tried
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
I appreciate Bungie going for these hybrid style weapons, and I think this weapon is really good for PVE. But I have played a ton with this in PVP to do the quest and to complete the masterwork, and the Hip Fire on this shotgun just sucks. I will be point blank with people and need to fire two shots which is just unacceptable. Hybrid stuff is great when it's decent at both jobs, not good at the one and subpar on the other.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 23 Icon
How do you feel about its buffs?
Reply      Report Posted 10 months ago
Season 12 Icon
In PvE it's really good, almost close to cloudstrike for DPS (w. Catalyst), I'd use this over cloudstrike whenever I can tbh.
In PvP it's fairly versatile and also very strong, however the handling anchors it's versatility down big time.
Not exactly Energy Chapperone but still one of the best overall performances from an Energy Exotic all around.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
Phenomenal close range damage, great for community event grinding as most mini bosses can be knocked from just a few shots from this beast. PVP it's good if you can get up to enemies, but loses all efficiency with range.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
It's so good inside the new PVP meta
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Best shotgun go bang bang bang
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 13 Icon
Unless you have the supreme skill with shotguns to range farm with chaperone or get solid use of the extra .5 meters of range (after buff that's all it is), I think this is an EXTREMELY underrated shotgun. It does not have the hipfire range of felwinter's, it does not quite have the slug range of chaperone, but it does both VERY well and beats both for utility, hands down.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Jlobster be smoking some hard stuff
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 12 Icon
good gun. Its like a sentinel from apex
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
The Only thing they you

Rip and Tear
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago
Season 12 Icon
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