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Légendaire / Arme cinétique / Hand Cannon

Le prix du pouvoir.

Source : gagnez des rangs dans les programmes de l'Avant-garde, de l'Épreuve ou du Gambit


Armature d'attaque

Armature d'attaque

Les dégâts et le recul sont élevés. Optimisation pour le tir à longue portée.


Damage Falloff  
Reload Time  
Aide à la visée
Place dans l'inventaire
Efficacité aérienne
Direction du recul
Coups par minute 120
Chargeur 8
Selected Perks
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Popularity: MW Bonus  

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Le prix du pouvoir.

« J'ai cru comprendre qu'il était important de passer par le portail… » commença le Corbeau.

« C'est plus qu'important, l'interrompit Osiris. C'est notre meilleure chance d'empêcher la forme finale, telle que le Témoin la conçoit. En outre, c'est aussi une opportunité d'étudier la paracausalité à un niveau auquel nous n'avions jamais accédé. »

« Je comprends, je comprends », répondit le Corbeau.

Le Chasseur supervisait le déchargement du vaisseau de l'Araignée dans le quartier éliksni. Les ouvriers de la Maison de la Lumière amenaient les caisses vers les entrepôts sur d'ingénieux chariots de conception éliksni. Normalement, un simple subalterne aurait pu s'acquitter de cette tâche, mais l'Araignée avait tendance à ne pas suivre les instructions, et le Corbeau se retrouvait donc là. Osiris observait toute cette agitation d'un air détaché.

« J'ai entendu toutes les raisons, continua le Corbeau. Et elles sont logiques. Mais… » Il marqua une pause pour essayer de trouver une façon délicate d'aborder le sujet.

« Savathûn », proposa Osiris, comme avec une prémonition dans la voix.

« Oui », répondit le Corbeau. Il secoua la tête, consterné. « On a travaillé si dur pour se débarrasser d'elle. Et après tout ce qu'on a traversé… ce que VOUS avez traversé, on va quand même… la faire revenir ? »

Sous son masque, les lèvres serrées d'Osiris ne formaient plus qu'une ligne droite. En réalité, la situation l'attristait terriblement, mais il ne voulait pas transmettre les doutes qui le rongeaient au jeune Chasseur.

Quand il parla, sa voix avait retrouvé tout son calme habituel. « Les Gardiens sacrifient plus que leur vie pour défendre l'humanité. Plus que leurs amis. Ou que leurs Spectres. »

« Nous sacrifions notre tranquillité d'esprit. De bien des manières, c'est notre plus grande perte », dit Osiris en pensant à l'inquiétude de Saint. « Mais c'est le prix à payer pour notre savoir. Pour le pouvoir que nous manions. »

« Je sais », soupira le Corbeau en pensant à l'atelier d'Amanda, désormais vide, dans le Hangar. « Je sais ».

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Season 22 Icon
I actually disagree with the other reviews here. I really like this hand cannon which is surprising for me as I usually don’t like 120s at all since for some reason they very rarely have explosive payload. This one does, feels like a kinetic counterpart to the void hand cannon we got in season of the deep. I use explosive payload and enlightened action on mine which just makes it feel really nice all around. Explosive payload is always nice for more range and a slight damage increase, and enlightened action makes the weapon reload and handle faster just be dealing damage with the gun. In short, I think it is a great weapon for PvE! I can’t speak for PvP though as I avoid that and gambit like the plague but it is very easy to use so I would imagine it holds its own in their too.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
For PVP: This hand cannon is being slept on in the review section. It's a 120 so it won't win any TTK awards, but the stats are way better than you think. You should 100% be using enlightend action, explosive payload, and the wild card origin trait. At 3 hits (what's needed for a kill), you have 77 handling and 83 reload. This gun feels incredibly snappy for a 120 as long as you are hitting things. Explosive payload brings the optimal TTK range closer to probably 40 ish meters which is nice. The origin trait drops 3 telesto bolts on kill, which can do up to 40 damage each when someone walks over them. Exact same as a regular telesto bolt. I would say this is currently the best 120 hand cannon for PVP that has explosive payload. Your only other two options are loud lullaby and true prophecy. This is better than those two.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Really surprised me in pvp. Enlightened action felt great to use in pvp making this 120 feel like a 140 in reload speed and handling while keeping that 120 range. The magazine size felt a little restrictive in pve.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Hits hard and I really like the explosive + wildcard vanguard roll.

Very much held back by 8 round magazine. Works better as a swap and ok at range if you have room to reload.

Reload is too much of an issue if you are being swarmed. Worth running as a swap for seasonal champion mod and decent kinetic damage.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
while wild card and the hand cannon buff make this feel nice to use
it really just doesnt stand out at all when theres just generally a lot of better options for pve 120's
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It is a handcannon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, I don't really have anything to say.
It feels good, I guess.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
I love the description of this gun. "the price of power". what power?
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
No, this is the price, not the power.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Is Malediction a must have gun in terms of stats, perks, or archetype? At the moment no but it does have one thing that almost no other handcannons have. That thing is the same weapon model and feel as Bottom Dollar. To me, Bottom Dollar is the best feeling handcannon in the game because it feels and sounds like what you'd expect from a handcannon. Basically the only reason not to use Bottom Dollar over Malediction is that Malediction is in the kinetic slot, and even then there are better options like Fatebringer.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
The gun feels pretty good and easy to shoot with but it lacks stats and has very limited perks. With Discord and Harmony it feels targeted towards players who have a more "swap-heavy" playstyle. Works fine in Crucible, Gambit and PvE but it doesn't really feel different from other hand cannons.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Fun and pretty decent 120 in both PvE and PvP plus it gives me memories of the Mos Morsus III from d1.
Give it a shot!
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It's a kill or be killed situation. You could comfortably take on 1-2 players but not much more without a challenge. That being said, pairing this with something like Brya's Love will give you a nice 3 tap and something that can hit around corners.
This gun is pretty good for one-shotting almost all red-bars but it's only good at taking out a few. Reloading it in the middle of a fight just isnt worth it so I'd wholeheartedly recommend it for hunters primarily with either The Sixth Coyote or The Dragon's Shadow for quick reloading.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
It's definitely one of the handcannon of all time.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
This hand cannon isn't spectacular in the current PvE environment as it competes with a lot of really strong contenders. In PvP really this has no niche at all, it is simply mid.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
Absolutely, without a doubt, one of the hand cannons of all time. Pretty much the same flavor of "meh" as Last Rite from S21.
Reply      Report Posted a year ago
Season 22 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted a year ago