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Exotique / Arcanistes / Gantelets / Gauntlets

Dans chaque équation, il y a un équilibre. Donc : tu es faible, et nous sommes exaltées. Tu es brisé, et nous n'avons jamais été plus solides.

Concentration d'armure exotique

Exotic Perks

Charge à dispersion

Charge à dispersion

Vous obtenez une charge de grenade à dispersion supplémentaire. Active le suivi pour les projectiles de grenade à dispersion.

Community Research

Grants an extra Scatter Grenade Ability Charge.

Scatter Grenades receive Chaos Accelerant's Tracking Bonus.
Does not stack with Chaos Accelerant's Bonus.
Last Updated 2022-11-12

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Menottes du non-être

Dans chaque équation, il y a un équilibre. Donc : tu es faible, et nous sommes exaltées. Tu es brisé, et nous n'avons jamais été plus solides.

Visage tourné vers le haut, Sjari dérive à travers les tourbillons améthyste.

Elle est concentrée, l'esprit calme, afin de pouvoir rester nichée dans le flux magique qui relie deux lieux, sans en émerger. Sans attirer la Ruche.

Elle sent leur présence autour d'elle, leur présence nauséabonde qui attaque les lignes cosmiques, attendant qu'une poche d'espace potentiel se matérialise.

Elle doit les maintenir là où ils sont. Où que soit cet endroit. Car elle ne sait pas où elle a atterri après l'éruption d'énergie qui l'a projetée hors de sa ligne, et loin de la Cité des rêves. Loin de Mara.

Penser au retour de Mara lui fait ressentir un frisson d'espoir. Elle voit presque apparaître le visage de la Reine dans une brume violette.

L'effet est subtil, mais immédiat. Doucement, la ligne cosmique actuelle change de trajectoire, ramenant Sjari vers sa reine.

Dans un sursaut, elle repousse la vision de Mara hors de son esprit conscient. Elle la remplace par l'immobilité, par la noirceur vacillante des plans désolés, par la terrible incertitude de l'emprisonnement entre deux mondes.

Elle désire, elle implore. Et le courant s'exécute. Il se calme et Sjari peut à nouveau flotter sans but.

Mieux vaut mourir dans ce domaine de désolation qu'attirer la Ruche à la maison.

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Season 15 Icon
Busted in PvP, double Handheld Supernova's is all you need to know really, it's nuts for a good Nova Warp user. As for PvE you can build for infinite nades very easily for either amazing ad-clear, infinite health with devour or just stronger nades that will continuously come back highly recommend going and getting to at least try, you'll love them.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 17 Icon
These are underrated. With void 3.0, these allow you to skip the chaos accelerant and use the other 2 aspects, and up to 4 fragments, not to mention handheld supernova is already amazing, and now you get 2 of them.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
double HHSN goes brrrrrr, and have good use in top and bottom tree, pair it with a demo gun, like a slideshot demo GL, if you are into that.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
I'm pretty sure at the moment it's bugged so it makes your scatter grenades deal less damage. Dont use it now but I think after it gets fixed it's gonna be an animal.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
This thing is insane in PvP. Run it with Devour and you can be super aggressive.

In PvE, it's fun for low - mid tier ad clear.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Can be fun to use in low-mid PvE, though it falls off as a meme exotic for higher level content. Use devour for a grenade spam build or nova warp for HSN spam (Top tree's charge nade DOES NOT boost the damage of the scatter nade). As for PvP, it feels like using contraverse hold with top tree's charge nade is better, the tracking is wayyyyy too inconsistent, and even if the projectiles track, they explode before reaching their target.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
Bumping because the tracking on these got fixed and now the scatter projectiles don’t cancel each other out. Also frees you up to use child of the old gods instead of chaos accelerant.

Is this the best exotic you can use for void? Probably not. But the add clear potential is tremendous if you run it with the void weaken on grenade hit fragment and a couple firestarter mods. If you manage it right you should always have a grenade up to throw on champions or bosses for extra dps

In pvp you can’t have double HHSN anymore so I cba.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 19 Icon
haha double scatter grenades go brrrrr

Because these basically give you Chaos Accelerant without the need to charge, you can use the Child(tm) and get an extra aspect slot in addition to your Healing Rift letting you drain more grenades from your enemies.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 20 Icon
Fun but really bad in practice. I don't touch pvp but I assume that x2 grenades in pvp is alright.

But pve these are quite bad.

They enable tracking for scatter grenade, allowing the use of something other than chaos accelerant, but the projectiles has a tendency to explode early anyways. Even if they don't explode on ground etc they have very little life time and will only track if the enemy is right on top of them. If they move just a little they will miss/time out. +1 stack of something usually isn't great either, in my experience, due to how you use it on cooldown in most end game content.

Finally, the scatter grenade itself deals terrible damage. It is weaker than just shooting the enemy with a gun sometimes. Its good for weakening but other exotics can do that much better. Its also hard to aim at times and the aoe is very small.

Use them if you don't have anything better, but swap if you have something like contraverse hold etc.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Currently bugged so they could be better, but I don't think the Manacles deserve all the bad rap they get. In pvp having double HHSN along with the option of using normal scatters for cleanups makes this a very versatile exotic. In pve, scatters aren't too great but being able to run double Devour is always a good thing.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Tracking doesn't work, and scatter grenades are pretty ass anyways.

Double grenades is good, but Contraverse Hold does the whole grenade spam thing better, esp with the new grenade kickstart mod.

If you're considering using these, just use Contraverse Hold. Until they fix them, these are just a worse version of that.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
In PvP these things are solid, but its biggest weakness is the inconsistency of scatter nades.
It can one-shot guardians if the Nade is perfect, and chip guardians really easily. Its strong for trials and comp, but it's basically Shinobus vow without the regen on nades.
Its not really worth using over other exotics, like Ophidians, because the improved tracking doesn't really matter as much as you would think.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Running middle tree voidlock you always have abilities with dark matter. Plus it gives you two HHSN. Its one of the only exotics to actually boost your dps consistently with no gimmick in both pvp and pve.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
I can only agree with Guinnivere. I wish the tracking was better because in the state it is right now it might as well not exist at all. Sad to see, I had high hopes for this exotic when I read the perk.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
Mediocre in both PvE and PvP, another meh exotic for warlocks.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 15 Icon
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Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 19 Icon
ever considered a polite comment and also one that helps everyone
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago