De base / Class Ability

Crée une petite barrière par-dessus laquelle vous pouvez viser et qui augmente la vitesse de rechargement, la stabilité et la portée de votre arme. Attire les tirs ennemis quand vous vous abritez derrière.

Community Research

Only usable while on the ground.

Grants 20% Damage Resistance during the cast animation and keeps you crouched after.

Creates a short, curved, see-through Barricade that blocks all projectiles fired at it.

Lasts 20 seconds, has 500 HP, has 90% Damage Resistance against non-Boss PVE Combatants, and ?% Damage Resistance against Bosses.

Enemies that pass through the Barricade continuously receive ? non-lethal damage every ? seconds. PVE Combatants that pass through the Barricade are temporarily disoriented.

Barricade taunts PVE Combatants that are in front of it and within ? meters.

Grants the following benefits to you and allies while standing behind it:
• 10% increased Damage Falloff Distance
• 50% Flinch Resistance
• 30 Stability
• 100 Reload Speed with a 0.9x Reload Duration Multiplier
• 60% Splash Damage Resistance against PVE Combatants
Last Updated 2023-11-16
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