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De base / Magazine

La taille du chargeur de cette arme est fortement augmentée, mais le temps de recharge est bien plus lent.
• Augmente fortement la taille du chargeur
• Réduit fortement la vitesse de rechargement
• Augmente l'efficacité aérienne


Reload Time  
Efficacité aérienne
Chargeur 30
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More than 100 items found - list trimmed.
More than 100 items found - list trimmed.
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Season 17 Icon
Great on some weapons, but frustratingly useless on others. For shotguns and sniper rifles, this perk will only increase your magazine by 1, like appended mag and tactical mag. Unlike those perks, extended mag comes with debuffs, making it objectively worse. It's frustrating to get a weapon with this perk that doesn't actually gain a larger magazine.

For weapons that extended mag actually works on, aim for perks like subsistence.
Reply      Report Posted 3 years ago
Season 18 Icon
This is the worst magazine perk. On the majority of weapons, a whopping -20 Reload penalty isn't worth +10 Airborne and +30 Magazine; on all but the highest-capacity weapons, this perk only gives you like five or six more bullets, and 10 more Airborne only affects a handful of Primary weapons in any meaningful way.

However, it does have some merit if the weapon it's on meets two criteria: a large base magazine size, and at least one trait that lets you circumvent the Reload penalty. The Krait is a perfect example - it's a Rapid-Fire Auto Rifle with a large magazine, every copy comes with Veist Stinger, *and* its third column is almost nothing but magazine-refilling or reload-quickening perks, with Overflow being the best of all, since it scales off Extended Mag's capacity increase; combine it with Backup Mag, and one ammo brick later, you're suddenly holding an Auto Rifle with 144 bullets - more than most Machine Guns.
Reply      Report Posted 2 years ago
Season 14 Icon
Put this on a fast firing weapon such as Chroma Rush or just anything you can spray and pray with. Pair with backup mag to have an obscene amount of bullets.
Reply      Report Posted 4 years ago